Chapter 22 - Cultural Conflict, Bubble, and Bust, 1919-1932 Flashcards
A. Mitchell Palmer
Attorney General who led the Palmer Raids
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Italian aliens who were arrested during the Red Scare for murder
Henry Ford
industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company
Leo Frank
Jewish factory supervisor who was wrongly accused of raping and murdering a thirteen-year-old girl and lynched (marking the rise of anti-Semitism)
Zora Neale Hurston
author during the Harlem Renaissance who captured the spiritual strength of ordinary black men and women
Louis Armstrong
popular jazz musician who helped to develop the improvised solo that became so common in jazz music
Marcus Garvey
leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association
Adolph Zukor
film mogul and founder of Paramount Pictures
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital
voided a minimum wage for women working in D.C.
welfare capitalism
a system of labor relations that stressed management’s responsibility for employees’ well-being
Red Scare
anticommunist hysteria that swept the U.S. after WWI
Palmer Raids
a series of raids led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on radical organizations that peaked in January 1920 (federal agents arrested six thousand citizens and aliens)
Sheppard-Towner Federal Maternity and Infancy Act
Sheppard-Towner provided federal funds for medical clinics, prenatal education programs, and visiting nurses
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
founded in 1919; organization of women who denounced imperialism, stressed the human suffering caused by militarism, and proposed social justice measures
associated state
system of voluntary business cooperation with government
Teapot Dome
nickname for scandal in which Interior Secretary Albert Fall accepted $300,000 in bribes for leasing oil reserves on public land in Teapot Dome, Wyoming
dollar diplomacy
policy emphasizing the connection between America’s economic and political interests overseas
the ban on the manufacture and sale of alcohol that went into effect with the Eighteenth Amendment
American Civil Liberties Union
protected free speech rights during the Red Scare and challenged anti-evolution education laws
Scopes trial
trial in which a high school biology teacher was convicted for teaching the theory of evolution to his biology class (later overturned by the Supreme Court)
National Origins Act (1924)
used backdated census data to establish that in the future, annual immigration from each country could not exceed 2% of that nationality’s percentage of the U.S. population as it had stood in 1890
Ku Klux Klan
white supremacist group that was popular during Reconstruction and resurfaced in the 1920s
Harlem Renaissance
flourishing of African American artists, writers, intellectuals, and social leaders in the 1920s; centered in the neighborhoods of Harlem, New York City
unique musical form that developed in New Orleans and other parts of the South before WWI
Universal Negro Improvement Association
organization that arose in the 1920s to mobilize African American workers and champion black separatism
belief that all people of African descent had a common destiny and should cooperate in political action
Lost Generation
term referring to young artists and writers who had suffered through WWI and felt alienated from America’s mass-culture society in the 1920s
consumer credit
new forms of borrowing, such as auto loans and installment plans, that flourished in the 1920s but helped trigger the Great Depression
emerged in the 1920s as the world’s movie capital
a young woman of the 1920s who defied conventional standards of conduct by wearing short skirts and makeup, spending money on fashion, and dancing to jazz
soft power
the exercise of popular culture influence