Chapter 26: The Urinary System Flashcards
urine leaving the kidneys travels along the following sequential pathway to the exterior:
ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
which organ or structure does not belong to the urinary system?
seen in section, the kidney is divided into…
an outer cortex and an inner medulla
the basic functional unit in the kidney is the…
the three concentric layers of connective tissue that protect and anchor the kidneys are the…
fibrous capsule, perinephritic fat capsule, and renal fascia
blood supply to the proximal and distal convoluted tubules of the nephron is provided by the…
peritubular capillaries
in a nephron, the long tubular passageway through which the filtrate passes includes the…
proximal and distal convoluted tubules and nephron loop
the primary sites of regulating water, sodium, and potassium ion loss in the nephron are the…
nephron loop and collecting duct
the primary site for secretion of substances into the filtrate is the…
distal convoluted tubule
the initial factor that determines if urine production occurs is…
the three processes involved in urine formation are…
filtration, reabsorption, and secretion
the filtration of plasma that generates approximately 180 liters/day of filtrate occurs in the…
renal corpuscle
approximately 60-70 percent of the water is reabsorbed in the…
proximal convoluted tubule
the portion of the renal tubule that is under aldosterone stimulation is the…
distal convoluted tubule
the proximal convoluted tubule and the distal convoluted tubule are seperated by the U-shaped tube called the…
nephron loop
the location and orientation of the carrier proteins determine whether a particular substance is reabsorbed or secreted in…
- active transport
- cotransport
- countertransport
dilation of the afferent arteriole, contraction of mesengial cells, and constriction of the efferent arteriole causes…
elevation of glomerular blood pressure
the glomerular filtration rate is regulated by…
- autoregulation
- hormonal regulation
- autonomic regulation
the pressure that tends to draw water out of the filtrate and into the plasma, opposing filtration, is the…
blood colloid osmotic pressure
the three primary waste products found in a representative urine sample are…
ions, metabolites, and nitrogenous
the average pH for normal urine is about…
the mechanisms responsible for the reabsorption of organic molecules from the tubular fluid are…
cotransport and facilitated diffusion
countertransport resembles cotransport in all respects except…
the two transported ions move in opposite directions
the primary site of nutrient reabsorption in the nephron is the…
proximal convoluted tubule
in countercurrent multiplication, the countercurrent refers to the fact that an exchange occurs between…
fluids moving in opposite directions
the result of the countercurrent multiplication mechanism is…
increased solute concentration in the descending limb of the nephron loop
when anitdiuretic hormone levels rise, the distal convoluted tubule becomes…
more permeable to water; water reabsorption increases
the result of the effect of aldosterone along the DCT, the collecting tubule and the collecting duct is…
increased conservation of sodium ions and water
the openings of the urethra and the two ureters mark an area on the internal surface of the urinary bladder called the…
when urine leaves the kidney, it travels to the urinary bladder via the…
the expanded, funnel-shaped upper end of the ureter in the kidney is the…
renal pelvis
contraction of the muscular bladder forces the urine out of the body through the…
during the micturition reflex, increased afferent fiber activity in the pelvic nerves facilitates…
parasympathetic motor neurons in the sacral spinal cord
urine reaches the urinary bladder by the…
peristaltic contractions of the ureters
in males, enlargement of the prostate gland compresses the urethra and restricts the flow of urine, causing…
urinary retention
along with the urinary system, the other systems of the body that affect the composition of body fluids are the…
integumentary, respiratory, and digestive
the system that monitors distention of the urinary bladder and controls urination is the….
nervous system
the vital functions preformed by the nephrons in the kidneys are…
- production of filtrate
- reabsorption of organic substrates
- reabsorption of water and ions
the renal corpuscle consists of the…
glomerular capsule and the glomerulus
the filtration process within the renal corpuscle involves passage across three physical barriers, the…
capillary endothelium, dense layer, visceral epithelium
the thin segments in the nephron loop are…
freely permeable to water, but relatively impermeable to ions and other solutes
the thick segments in the nephron loop contains…
transport mechanisms that pump material out of the filtrate
the collecting system in the kidney is responsible for…
making final adjustments to the sodium ion concentration and volume of urine
blood arrives at the renal corpuscle by the way of an…
afferent arteriole
sympathetic innervation into the kidney is responsible for…
- altering the GFR by changing the regional pattern of blood circulation
- stimulation of renin release
- altering the GFR by changing the regional pattern of blood circulation
when plasma glucose concentrations are higher than the renal threshold, glucose concentrations in the filtrate exceed the tubular maximum and…
glucose appears in the urine
the outward pressure forcing water and solute molecules across the glomerulus wall is the __________ pressure.
glomerular hydrostatic
the opposing forces of the filtration pressure at the glomerulus are the…
net hydrostatic pressure and colloid osmotic pressure
the amount of filtrate produced in the kidneys each minute is the…
glomerular filtration rate
inadequate ADH secretion results in the inability to reclaim the water entering the filtrate, causing…
under normal circumstances, virtually all the glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients are reabsorbed before the filtrate leaves the…
proximal convoluted tubule
aldosterone stimulates ion pumps along the distal convoluted tubule, the collecting tubule, and the collecting duct, causing an…
reduction in the number of sodium ions lost in the urine
the high osmotic concentrations found in the kidney medulla are primarily due to…
the presence of sodium ions,chloride ions, and urea
the substances that influence the glomerular filtration rate by regulating blood pressure and volume are…
renin, ANP, and ADH
angiotensin II is a potent hormone that…
- causes constriction of the efferent arteriole at the nephron
- triggers the release of ADH in the CNS
- stimulates secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex and epinephrine by the adrenal medulla
sympathetic innervation of the afferent arterioles causes a…
decrease in GFR and decrease of filtrate production
during periods of strenuous exercise, sympathetic activation causes the blood flow to…
increase to the skin and skeletal muscles, but decrease to the kidneys