Chapter 25 - Construction Specifications Flashcards
What do technical specifications describe?
the quality of materials and workmanship
general requirements for the execution of the work
Project Manual includes
all contract and non-contract document for a project EXCEPT the drawings and agreement
Project Manual has four sections:
- bidding requirements (if needed)2. parts of the contract itself (agreements between owner and contract, bond forms, and the like)3. conditions of the contract4. technical specs
There are two broad categories of specs
Prescriptive (closed)| Performance (open)
_____ tell exactly what product or material the contractor must use by brand name
Prescriptive specs
____ tell what results the final construction assembly must achieve, but they give the contractor some choice in how they will be achieved
If a project is bid, should the specs be open or closed?
open - so the contractor can find the lowest price within the context of the spec requirements
There are two types of Prescriptive specs
proprietary and base-bid
There are three types of Preformance specs
Reference standard
Pure Performance
most restrictive specs that call out a specific manufacturer’s product. give the interior designer complete control. easier to write and generally shorter. don’t allow for competitive bidding
proprietary (this is a type of prescriptive spec)
A __________, calls out a proprietary material or product but alls the substitution of other products that the contractor thinks are equal to the one stated. Risky bc contractor may substitute something that’s less expensive and thinks is equal but is not
base-bid (this is a type of prescriptive spec)
Two variations of a base-bid spec?
- specs list several manufacturers of a product. contractor can bid on any. good for public work. burden is on designer. 2. approved equal language. proposed substitution must be approved by the designer.
A __________ is a type of performance (open) spec that gives detailed written requirements for the material or product and the workmanship required for its fabrication and installation. it does not mention trade names. it’s difficult because all pertinent requirements must be written
descriptive spec
A _________ is a variation of the descriptive spec type that describes a material, product, or process based on requirements (reference standards) set by an accepted authority or test method
generally these are easier to write and are shorterchances for errors are reduced and liability is minimized
reference standard specification
A ___________ is a statement setting criteria and results required of the item being specified often used when the specifier wants to encourage new ways of achieving a particular result these are difficult to write and rarely used for interior construction
pure performance spec
_____ are prewritten specifications that cover nearly all types of products, methods of installation, and other variables that relate to a specific product or construction activity
master specs
____ specs are similar to master specs but they’re less complete
guide specs
three ways to produce master specs
- commercial products that a design office can buy
- offices can have their own spec writer
- use a spec consultant
The organization of the technical sections of specs has been standardized through the general adoption of the _______ developed by _____
MasterFormat system by CSI (Construction Specs Institute)
MasterFormat uses a six digit numbering system for individual spec section
first two numbers- division number (01, 02, etc.)
second two numbers- level-two hierarchy
third three numbers- level three in hierarchy
Division 00
Procurement and Contracting Requirementsdocuments for bidding and contracts , instructions to bidders, bid forms, supplementary conditions, bonds, addenda, modifications
Division 01
General Requirements
summary of work
how pricing will be handled
alternates submitted procedures
temp facilities at the job site
Division 02
Existing Conditions
Division 03
Division 04
Division 05
Division 06
Wood, Plastics, Composites
Division 07
Thermal and Moisture Protection
Division 08
Division 09
Division 10
Specialties (visual display boards, toilet partitions, louvers, grills, wall and corner guards, access flooring, pre-built fireplaces, flagpoles, signage, lockers, awnings, demountable partitions, storage shelving, toilet and bath accessories
Division 11
Equipment (library equipment, security equip, musical equip, vending machines, loading dock equip, athletic equip, detention equip, etc. )
Division 12
Furnishings (includes art, window treatments, multiple seating, interior plants) MANUFACTURED CASEWORK (no custom casework though)
Division 13
Special Construction| clean rooms, sauanas, planetariums, seismic control, radiatino protection
Division 14
Conveying Equipment| elevators, escalators, dumb-waiters, moving walks
Division 21
Fire Suppression
Division 22
Division 23
Division 25
Integrated Automation| energy monitoring and control, environmental control, lighting control
Division 26
Division 27
Division 28
Electronic Safety and Security| security systems, intrusion detection, video surveillance
There are three levels of division within each spec section
Part 1 - General Part 2 - ProductsPart 3 - Execution
What’s in Part 1 General of a spec?
general requirements, scope, submittals required, quality assurance requirements, project conditions, delivery/storage/handling of materials
What’s in Part 2 Products of a spec?
details the specs for the materials and products themselves including manufacturer (if applicable) standards and test methods the materials must conform to
What’s in Part 3 Execution of a spec?
how the product/material needs to installed, applied, or otherwise put into placeexamination and preparation required before installationhow QC should be maintained in the fieldrequirements for the adjusting, cleaning, and protection of finished work
There are two main areas of a project’s specs where sustainability issues are addressed:
The first is Division 01. There should be a separate spec section that applies to all the other spec sections and sets the goals and the general direction of the project for sustainability and environmental quality. Then each applicable section can also mention sustainability where pertinent to the product/material.