Ch. 35 Population Dynamics Flashcards
Population Dynamics
Changes in population size results from various forces that control and regulate populations over time
A group of interacting individuals belonging to one species and living in the same geographic area
Population Density
of individuals of a species per Area/Volume
Dispersion Pattern
Manner in which individuals in a population are spaced within their area
Clumped (Dispersion)
Individuals aggregated in patches
- results from unequal distribution of resources)
Uniform (Dispersion)
Individuals are evenly distributed
- results from interactions among individuals of a population
Random (Dispersion)
Unpredictable dispersion
- rare due to environment and social interaction
- used for testings other dispersion
Exponential Growth Model
A mathematical description of idealized, unregulated, population growth
Intrinsic rate of increase
An organism inherent capacity to reproduce
Population Limiting Factors
Environment factors that restrict population growth
Logistics Growth Model
A mathematical description of idealized population growth that is restricted by limiting factors
Carrying capacity
In a population, the # of individuals an environment can sustain
Density - dependent Factors
A population limiting factor whose effects depend on population density
- affect more individuals as # goes up
- laboratory population, natural population
Density - independent Factor
A population limiting factor whose occurrence/effects are not affected by population density
- abiotic factors
- affects same number no matter the population size
Life Tables
A listing of survivals and deaths in a population in a particular time period and predictions of how long, on average, an individual of a given age will live
Life History
A series of events from birth thru reproduction to death
Opportunistic Life History
Usually small-bodied species that reproduce young and with many. Exponential population. Unpredictable environment w/ density independent.
Equilibrial Life History
Large-bodied species mature later and produce few offspring but give care. Stable population size w/ near carrying capacity by density - density factors
How is the growth of humans affected?
Agricultural sciences replacing hunter/gatherer society results in more birth and less death. Technology allow us to continue to grow and raise the carrying capacity.
Future: Level off smoothly w/ capacity, sharp decline, or increase and mass death
Age Structure
Proportion of individuals in different age groups
Geographic shift
A change in the population’s geographic range relative to a change in some environmental factor