CFD Search and Rescue Flashcards
search - strategic level
IC; determines the overall direction and goals of the incident
search - tactical level
Identifies the objectives that the tactical level officer must achieve to meet the strategic goals
search - task level
Describes the specific tasks needed to meet tactical-level requirements and assigns these tasks to operational units, companies, teams and individuals
The purpose of a size-up is to consider the following variables
o Facts of the situation
o Understand the probabilities
o Developing situational awareness
o Make a decision
o Formulate an action plan (IAP)
The facts of the situation include
o Evaluating the initial call
o Determining operational priorities
o Evaluating the structure
o Structure contents
Prioritizing the Search Location
- Last known victim location
- Area of highest risk
- Area of highest probability
- Exploratory
Vent, enter, isolate and search
The FIRST priority of the firefighter entering the compartment is to ISOLATE the room by closing the door
Priority for Multi-story structures
1st Priority - start with the survivable areas nearest the fire, then systematically search outward, clearing the rest of the floor. If the fire has burned through and extended to the floor above or below, multiple Search Teams may be required.
2nd Priority - the floor directly above the fire floor.
3rd Priority - higher-level floors.
Last/lower Priority - the floors below the fire and any extension
Search considerations are influenced by
Heat and fire conditions in the compartment
Conditions of the compartment
Smoke conditions
Role of the Search Officer (RED Helmet) During Search
The primary responsibility of the Office leading the Search is to coordinate and control the progression of the search while monitoring and maintaining the safety and integrity of the team
Search Team members must remain in VERBAL, VISUAL and/or TOUCH contact during Search Operations.
Within a structure, doors typically open/close in 3 ways
o Away (no hinges)
o Towards (hinges)
o Pocket doors
End walls and Outside Corners
When encountering an endwall or outside corner, reach back along the wall you are on and extend out in a chop-like manner to establish if the opening is truly an endwall/ outside corner or a threshold/door
Once it is determined that the feature is an endwall or outside corner, get down on the ground and begin your sweep by anchoring one foot at the endpoint of the wall or point of the corner
Point Man primary responsibility is
to safeguard the egress; provide guidance for the Search Team during Search Ops
act as a reference point for Search members within the compartment
monitor any changes in heat and smoke conditions
if victim is located
instead of dragging the victim through the house to the exit, the Search Team can shelter-in-place; let Command know a victim has been found, and facilitate the rescue from an isolated compartment.
Closing Doors/Completing Rooms
Rooms that have been searched are marked on the door or floor with a diagonal line for Primary Search Complete and with an ‘X’ for Secondary Search Complete
The team proceeds down the hall together while maintaining contact with BOTH sides of the hall
At all times, overall orientation is maintained during the search, even if an opening is discovered on the non-orientation side.
if the Search Team follows a hose line to meet with Fire Attack
the Search Team searches the adjacent rooms to the fire room before resuming their overall orientation
while searching the following findings must be communicated to point man
o Hazards
o Exits/Egress
o Victims
Stretch into a room every
Locating a Victim
FF who located victim shall perform an immediate area search around the victim
Victim should be evacuated to the nearest safe egress
CFD has three approved methods for victim drag
incline drag
feet first drag
sheet or blanket
incline drag
grab the victim under the armpits from behind and lift the victim, and drag while walking backwards
feet first drag
drag the victim by their feet while hugging their ankles tight under your armpit
Getting Lost
On determining that you are lost or separated, call a MAYDAY and activate your GRAB-LIVES
Primary search - Purpose
To quickly locate victims – time is the critical element
Search priorities
o Highest – near fire or hazard
o Last known location
o Explore
Secondary Search - Purpose
Locate victims that may have been missed on the primary
Search area that was not searched during primary
Usually conducted after the fire is under control or fully extinguished