blood glucose monitoring Workshop W2 Flashcards
How often would a patient with diabetes check their blood glucose level?
• 4 to 10 times a day for type 1
• once or twice a day for type 2 - dont have to but can just have it checked in their reviews (every 3-12 months)
• Before meals and snacks
• Sometimes after meals
What are the target levels when checking blood glucose?
• Before eating should be 4-7mmol/L
• After eating should be 8-9mmol/L (2hours after)
What is HbA1c and what is it used for?
• glycated hemoglobin
• blood test
• Shows your average glucose level over the ast 2-3 months
• 4-12 weeks = life span or RBC
• Normal value is below 42 mmol/mol for person without diabetes
• Ideal diabetes control is 42-53mmol/mol
For People Without Diabetes:
✅ Below 5.7% (Normal) – Indicates healthy blood sugar levels.
For People with Diabetes:
✅ Below 7.0% – The general target for most people with diabetes to reduce the risk of complications.
How to use a blood glucose meter with strips
- Wash hands
- Gather supples
- Ensure meter is clean
- Check exp dates on strips
- Insert strip into meter
- Shake controls collation
- Dispense a small drop of solution onto clean surface
- Touch test strip to to control solution sample
- Wit for meter to display reading
- Compare reading with acceptable range on the test strip vial
- If reading is outside expected range then repeat the test
- Dispose test strips safely
- Wipe down meter and store away
• wash hands with warm water for blood flow and clean
• Prick side of tip of finger not pad as hurts less - less nerve endings
• Gently squeeze the finger to get the blood there
What other methods are available for patients to check their glucose levels?
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
How it works: A small sensor is inserted under the skin (usually on the abdomen or arm) to measure glucose levels in interstitial fluid. A transmitter sends real-time glucose readings to a device or smartphone.
Flash Glucose Monitoring (FGM) (e.g., FreeStyle Libre)
How it works: A small sensor worn on the arm measures glucose in interstitial fluid. Users scan the sensor with a reader or smartphone to obtain readings.
Urine Glucose Testing
How it works: Patients use a test strip to measure glucose levels in urine. The strip changes color based on glucose concentration.
Alternative Site Testing (AST)
How it works: Uses a blood glucose meter to test blood from sites other than the fingertips, such as the palm, forearm, or thigh.
Carl is 18 years old and currently at 6th form college, doing his A-levels. On discussion you find
that he has been coming home from college for the last week very tired and has actually fallen
asleep in class. He is drinking a lot and seems to have lost a little weight.
You offer to check his blood glucose and find it is 13mmolL.
Immediate urgent referral to GP/hospital
Potentially has undiagnosed T1 DM and at risk of DKA
Jane Smith is a 55-year-old woman, who is overweight (BMI 32) and also asks if you can
recommend something to help prevent her getting cystitis – she has had a number of repeated
episodes and her friend has recommended cranberry supplements.
You offer to check her blood glucose and find it is 12mmolL. You also check her HbA1c which is
58mmol/mol (7.5%)
Fast track referral to GP
Potentially undiagnosed T2 DM
Tell her to make appointment
Scott Reynolds is a 32-year-old man who has been admiited to hospital following a motor-bike
accident. He has Type 1 DM and uses the following multiple dose (basal/bolus) regime:
NovoRapid® FlexPen® TDS (variable dose 5-12IU depending on carbohydrate intake
Lantus® SoloStar® 10IU at night
You are reviewing his “end of bed” notes and see that his blood glucose that morning was
Increase food take and reduce lantus
Varsha Patel is a 54 - year-old woman who comes into your pharmacy for a Health check. She is
married, with two adult children, is a non-smoker, drinks around 14 units of alcohol a week and
walks every day.
You check her blood glucose (fasting) and blood pressure and find it to be 5.5mmol/L and 135/85
Unlikely to be DM
Provide her with health advice