Baseball Rules Flashcards
How many innings are in a standard baseball game?
How many players play defense in a baseball inning?
How many bases are there in baseball?
How do you score a run in baseball?
touch all bases in order, as well as home plate.
How many umpires are there in a baseball game?
What is a strike in baseball?
when the ball is pitched in the strike zone and the batter either does not swing or misses
In baseball, what is a ball?
when the ball is not pitched in the strike zone and the batter does not swing
In baseball, what is an out?
when an offensive player is retired from play (occurs if they strike out, fly out, are tagged out, or do not reach base before a live ball is caught by a defensive player standing on the base)
How many strikes constitute a strike out in baseball?
What is a walk in baseball?
when a batter receives four balls (the batter advances to first base)
What is a stolen base in baseball?
when an offensive base runner advances to the next base before he is tagged out
What is a live ball in baseball?
when the ball is in the field of play
What is a foul in baseball?
when a batter hits the ball into foul territory
What is foul territory in baseball?
the area nearest to the batter demarcated by the first and third base lines
What happens when a player is hit by a pitch in baseball?
the player hit is allowed to advance to first base
What does it mean to “tag up” in baseball?
if defensive player catches a hit ball, a base runner must touch the base in which they started play before they can advance bases
In baseball, what is the area called where the batter stands during his turn at bat?
the batter’s box
In baseball, where does the next batter stand while waiting for his turn at bat?
the on-deck circle
In baseball, what is the pitcher’s rubber?
a plate on top of the pitcher’s mound that a pitcher must maintain contact with as he delivers a pitch
How big is the pitcher’s rubber in baseball?
24” x 6”
What is fair territory in baseball?
The area between the first and third baselines, called the field of play
What is a foul tip in baseball?
when he batter fouls a ball into the catcher’s mitt, resulting in a strike
What is a bunt in baseball?
when a batter comes out of his normal batting stance and manipulates the bat using both hands to simply make contact with a pitch
What is the infield in baseball?
the area of fair play where the bases and pitcher’s mound are located
What is the outfield in baseball?
the area of fair play beyond the infield enclosed by the fence
How many defensive baseball players play in the infield?
How many defensive baseball players play in the outfield?
In baseball, what is the area called where the relief pitchers wait and watch the game?
the bullpen
In baseball, what is the dugout?
the designated area for the coaching staff, substitutes, and players when on offensive
What is a save in baseball?
when a pitcher enters the game and finishes it with a win by three or less runs
What is an error in baseball?
when a defensive player does not complete a play within common effort and the batting team benefits as a result
What is on-base percentage in baseball?
the sum of a batter’s hits, walks, and hit by pitch count divided by at-bats
What is an intentional walk in baseball?
when a pitcher does not attempt to throw a strike and pitches four straight balls (a strategy to avoid good hitters)
What is an RBI in baseball?
a “run batted in,” awarded to a batter whose hit results in his team scoring a run