Baseball Rules Flashcards
How many innings are in a standard baseball game?
How many players play defense in a baseball inning?
How many bases are there in baseball?
How do you score a run in baseball?
touch all bases in order, as well as home plate.
How many umpires are there in a baseball game?
What is a strike in baseball?
when the ball is pitched in the strike zone and the batter either does not swing or misses
In baseball, what is a ball?
when the ball is not pitched in the strike zone and the batter does not swing
In baseball, what is an out?
when an offensive player is retired from play (occurs if they strike out, fly out, are tagged out, or do not reach base before a live ball is caught by a defensive player standing on the base)
How many strikes constitute a strike out in baseball?
What is a walk in baseball?
when a batter receives four balls (the batter advances to first base)
What is a stolen base in baseball?
when an offensive base runner advances to the next base before he is tagged out
What is a live ball in baseball?
when the ball is in the field of play
What is a foul in baseball?
when a batter hits the ball into foul territory
What is foul territory in baseball?
the area nearest to the batter demarcated by the first and third base lines
What happens when a player is hit by a pitch in baseball?
the player hit is allowed to advance to first base