AWS CloudHSM | AWS CloudHSM client Flashcards
Does CloudHSM support Amazon RDS Oracle TDE?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
No. Amazon RDS Oracle TDE is not supported; however, Oracle TDE is supported for Oracle Databases (11g and 12c) operating in EC2. See the CloudHSM User Guide for additional details.
What is the CloudHSM Client?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
The CloudHSM Client is a software package supplied by AWS that allows you and your applications to interact with CloudHSM Clusters.
Does the CloudHSM Client give AWS Access to my CloudHSM Cluster?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
No. The CloudHSM Client is open source and published under a BSD License. The full source distribution is available upon request and can be built using your own compiler tools. We supply a binary RPM by default for convenience.
What are the CloudHSM Command Line Interface (CLI) Tools?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
The CloudHSM Client comes with a set of CLI tools that allow you to administrate and use the HSM from the command line. Linux is supported today. Support for macOS and Windows is coming soon. These tools are available in the same package as the CloudHSM Client.
How can I download and get started with the CloudHSM Command Line Interface Tools?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
You’ll find instructions in the CloudHSM User Guide.
Do the CloudHSM CLI Tools provide AWS with access to the contents of the HSM?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
No. The CloudHSM Tools communicate directly with your CloudHSM Cluster via the CloudHSM Client over a secured, mutually authenticated channel. AWS cannot observe any communication between the client, tools, and HSM, it is encrypted end-to-end.
On what operating systems can I use the CloudHSM Client and CLI tools?
AWS CloudHSM client
AWS CloudHSM | Security, Identity & Compliance
Multiple Linux flavors (modern versions of Amazon Linux, Redhat, Centos, and Ubuntu) are supported today. Support for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS is coming soon. Please let us know if there are other operating systems on which you would like to use the CloudHSM Client and CLI tools.