August 18, 2015 - GI Anatomy Flashcards
Anterior Mesentaries
Include the lesser omentum and falciform ligament.
Lesser Omentum
Produces the lesser sac behind it. An anterior mesentary.

Falciform Ligament
An anterior mesentary structure. Connects the anterior portion of the liver to the anterior body wall.

Epiploic Foramen
The only opening to the lesser sac. This is clinically relevant because it is almost like a hidden pouch that can present with problems.

Posterior Mesentaries
Greater omentum
Mesentary proper
Mesentery Proper
Or “the mesentery”. The whole thing sticks to the dorsal body wall at one spot known as the “root of the mesentery.”

Retroperitoneal Structures
Portion of Duodenum
Posterior part of ascending colon
Posterior part of descending colon
During development, the bowels get twisted off. This is a surgical emergency in children.
Sympathetic Nervous System
Generally speeds things up –> Fight or flight.
Thoracic and lumbar outflow.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Generally slows things down –> Rest and digest.
Cranial and sacral outflow.
Visceral Nervous System
Pain or “sensation” from organs.
Feelings such as “bloating” etc
In front of.
May be a ganglion or plexus.
Stick out on either side of the vertebra.
Visceral Afferant Sensory Fibers
Clinically this is very important, because your heart sends out pain signals, which end up as jaw pain. Goes from the organ to somewhere else.
Celiac Plexus
Main innervation for the foregut.
Superior Mesenteric Plexus
Main innervation for the midgut.
Inferior Mesenteric Plexus
Main innervation for the hindgut.