Anatomy of the Heart Flashcards
The study of the heart, especially with regard to the diagnosis and treatment of its disorders.
The heart sits in the ___ cavity within the lower ___, between the two ___ and behind the ___.
thoracic / mediastinum (mee-dee-uh-stai-nuhm) / lungs / sternum
Hollow muscular organ with a primary function to pump and force blood through the blood vessels, providing every cell in the body with vital nutrients and oxygen.
Two-thirds of the heart is located to the ___ of the midline of the sternum and one-third is located to the ___.
left / right
The upper flat portion of the heart, called the ___, is located at the level of the ___ ___.
base / second rib
The lower, more pointed end of the heart is the ___; it is located at the level of the ___ ___ space.
apex / fifth intercostal
The area of the anterior chest wall overlying the heart and great vessels.
Precordium (pruh-kor-dee-uhm)
Divides the thoracic cavity is into two compartments.
Mediastinum (mee-dee-uh-stai-nuhm)
The heart is made up of ___ layers of tissue.
The heart’s innermost layer.
Lines the valves and is continuous with the blood vessels that enter and leave the heart.
Its smooth, shiny surface allows blood to flow over it easily.
The middle layer of the heart and the thickest of the three layers.
Composed of cardiac muscle, which contracts as it pumps blood through the blood vessels.
These are striated and interconnected in a way that encourages the rapid spread of the electrical signal over the myocardium and a well-coordinated and forceful muscle contraction (myosin and actin).
Myocardial fibres
The thin outermost layer of the heart.
Helps to form the pericardium.
A slinglike structure that supports the heart.
The pericardium has ___ layers.
Attaches to the outer, fibrous pericardium (which anchors the heart to its surrounding structures).
Parietal pericardium
Pericardial membranes are these types of membranes.
Enables the heart to pump blood.
A double pump that beats as one.
Receives unoxygenated blood.
The right heart
Large veins that collect blood from all parts of the body.
Superior and inferior venae cavae
The right heart is coloured:
The path that the blood follows from the right side of the heart to and through the lungs and back to the left side of the heart.
Pulmonary circulation
The function of this is to pump blood through the lungs to pick up oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.
Pulmonary circulation
Diffuses from the lungs into the blood for delivery to tissues.
Diffuses from the blood into the lungs for excretion.
Carbon dioxide
Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to all the organs of the body.
Left heart
Colored red because it contains oxygenated blood.
Left heart
The path that the blood follows from the left heart to all the organs of the body and back to the right heart.
Systemic circulation
The larger of the two circulations.
Systemic circulation
The heart has ___ chambers.
The upper chambers of the heart.
Atria (ay-tree-uh)
The heart chambers that receive the blood into the heart.
Atria (ay-tree-uh)
The lower chambers of the heart.
The heart chambers that pump blood out of the heart.
The right and left hearts are separated from one another by two ___.
Separates the two atria.
Interatrial septum
Separates the two ventricles.
Interventricular septum
A thin-walled cavity that receives unoxygenated blood from the superior and inferior venae cavae.
Right atrium
Collects blood from the head and upper body region.
Superior vena cava
Receives blood from the lower part of the body.
Inferior vena cava
Receives unoxygenated blood from the right atrium.
Right ventricle
The primary function of this is to pump blood through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs.
Right ventricle
A thin-walled cavity that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through four pulmonary veins.
Left atrium
A small ear-shaped sac in the wall of the left atrium.
Left atrial appendage
Although its function is unclear, it is a site of thrombus formation in persons with atrial fibrillation and therefore is sometimes clipped off surgically.
Left atrial appendage
Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium.
Left ventricle
Its primary function is to pump blood into the systemic circulation.
Left ventricle
Blood leaves the left ventricle through the ___.
The largest artery of the body.
The myocardial layer is the thickest in these as the thick muscle is needed to create the force used to pump blood out of the heart.
The ventricular myocardium is thicker on the ___ side as a greater amount of force is required to pump blood into the systemic system (aorta).
The ___ of the myocardium reflects the amount of work it performs.
Large blood vessels attached to the heart.
Great vessels
The great vessels (8):
- Superior vena cava
- Inferior vena cava
- Pulmonary trunk
- Left pulmonary artery
- Right pulmonary artery
- Left pulmonary veins
- Right pulmonary veins
- Aorta
The heart has ___ valves.
The purpose of these is to keep the blood flowing in a forward direction.
At the entrances and exits of the ventricles.
The two valves that are located between the atria and the ventricles.
Atrioventricular valves (AV valves)
Blood flows from the atria through these to enter the ventricles.
AV valves
Look like basketball nets and are entrance valves because they allow blood to enter the ventricles.
AV valves
Controls the outflow of blood from the right and left ventricles and are therefore exit valves.
Semilunar valves
Located between the atria and the ventricles on each side of the heart.
AV valves
These valves has cusps or leaflets so that when the ventricles are relaxed, the cusps hang loosely within the ventricles; in this position, the valves are open and permit the flow of blood from the atria into the ventricles.
AV valves
Closes AV valves.
The heart muscle compresses or squeezes the blood in the ventricles when they ___.
Keeps cusps from being pushed completely through the openings into the atria even when pressure is increased in the ventricle during muscle contraction.
Chordae tendineae
Attached to papillary muscles in the ventricular walls.
Chordae tendinae
As blood pushes the cusps into a closed position, the ___ muscles contract, pulling on the chordae tendineae. The stretched chordae tendineae hold on to the cusps and prevent them from “blowing” through into the atria, like a storm-blown inside-out umbrella.
The right AV valve is called the ___ valve because it has three cusps.
The left AV valve is called the ___ valve because it has two cusps. It is also known as the ___ valve because it resembles a bishop’s mitre—a hat with two flaps.
bicuspid / mitral
The two semilunar valves (exit valves) are the ___ and ___ valves.
pulmonic / aortic
The pulmonic semilunar valve is also called the ___ semilunar valve.
Located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk.
Pulmonic valve
This semilunar valve is in a closed position when the right ventricle relaxes.
When the right ventricle relaxes, the ___ valve snaps closed and prevents any blood from returning to the right ventricle from the ___ ___.
pulmonic / pulmonary trunk