Anat: Back, Neck and Thorax Flashcards
Which spinothalamic tract carries pain and temperature?
All smooth muscles are derived from the splanchnic mesoderm EXCEPT:
Somatic mesoderm: blood vessels of the body wall
Ectoderm: The smooth muscles of the iris and the myoepithelial glands
What Cervical fascial layer is the false capsule of the thyroid from?
Pre tracheal layer
What is the only infrahyoid muscle NOT innervated by the ansa cervicalis?
What are the anterior and posterior boundaries of the Retropharyngeal space?
Buccopharyngeal facia and the pre vertebral facscia. The space extends from the base of skull to the posterior mediastinum!
What Cervical fascial layer forms the floor of the posterior triangle of the neck?
Pre vertebral layer
What are the contents of the carotid sheath?
ICA, IJV, vagus and deep cervical LN.
Which among the cricoarytenoids has the same function as the transverse arytenoid?
Closes the glottis like the posterior cricoarytenoids.
What laryngeal muscle has the opposite effect as the thyroarytenoids?
Cricothyroids as they are responsible for tensing the vocal ligaments.
Anterior radicular artery of segments T9-T13; usually found on the L side of the body
Artery of Adamkiewicz
How many spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
How many intervertebral discs are there?
- No IV disc between C1 and C2, sacrum, coccyx.
2 point discrimination is a function of which ascending tract
Dorsal or posterior column
Which ascending or descending pathway is affected with initial stages of syringomyelia
Muscles of mastication are derived from which pharyngeal arch
Which demifacet of the head of the rib attaches to the vertebra of the same angle as the rib?
The inferior one.
Scalene tubercle is to 1st rib as the serratus anterior tubercle is to?
2nd rib
What layers does one have to pass through upon starting pericardiocentesis in the xiphocostal angle?
Skin fascia – rectus sheath rectus muscle – fibrous pericardium –serous pericardium
AND PRESTO! You are in the pericardial space!
Which vein travels with the anterior IV artery?
Great cardiac vein
That are the 5 vessels that open onto the right atrium?
IVC SVC Coronary sinus
Venis cordae minimae
Anterior cardiac v
Where can trabecuale carnae be found?
R and L ventricles
What part of the wart tube primordia gives rise to both the conus areteriosus and the aortic vestibule of the left ventricle?
Bulbus cordis
Give the path of unoxygenated blood in the fetus.
SVC Right atrium Right ventricle Pulmonary trunk Ductus areteriosus Aorta
Enlargement of what portion of the heart results in distortion if the carina?
Left atrium
Enumerate what areas a foreign body is likely to be lodged in:
- Sitting/ standing
- Supine
- Lying on right side
- Lying on left side
- Posterior basal BPS of the right lower lobe
- Superior BPS if the right lower lobe
- Posterior BPS of the right upper lobe
- Inferior lingular BPS of the left upper lobe
Where do bronchial veins of the lung drain?
Azygous and hemizygous veins
While pulmo veins drain into the left atrium
Where do bronchial arteries for the lung arise from?
The descending thoracic aorta
Where does one insert a needle for a thoracentesis? What layers are traversed?
8th ICS MAL. Skin superficial fascia ex IC, int IC, innermost IC, thoracic cavity.
Where does one insert a needle for IJV catheterization?
At the apex of triangle formed by the 2 heads of the SCM and clavicle on the right side
The nipple can usually be found at what ICS?
How many deciduous teeth are there?
4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 molars / jaw
All pharyngeal muscles are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus except ___. What is its action and innervation?
Elevates larynx during swelling.
What are the three boundaries of the thoracic inlet?
Posterior: T1
Lateral: medial first rib
Anterior: manubrium
What three muscles of the thoracic wall depress the ribs and help in flexed expiration?
Internal intercostal
Transversus thoracis
Serratus posterior inferioris
Where is the apex beat?
5th ICS, 9 cm (3.5 in) from the midline
The superior thyroid artery is usually accompanied by which nerve?
External laryngeal nerve
What is the posterior most chamber of the heart
Left atrium
The right atrium receives 5 openings. What are they?
SVC IVX Anterior cardiac vein Venae cordis minimis Middle cardiac vein
Which vein accompanies the posterior inter ventricular artery?
Middle cardiac vein
Substernal pain in angina pectoris may be referred to which dermatomes?
T1 - T5
Most common site of occlusion in MI?
Anterior interventricular artery
This chamber characterized by the presence of the moderator band
Right ventricle
Which veins drain into the coronary sinus?
Great cardiac vein
Small cardiac vein
Middle cardiac vein
The AV node delays conduction by how long.
0.11 sec
The right coronary artery is derived from ___.
Anterior aortic sinus
What is the normal heart rate according to Snell?
70 - 90 bpm
What artery supplies the SA node?
RCA in 65%, LCA in 35%
The origin of this artery determines whether the heart is right or left side dominant.
Posterior interventricular artery
The primitive ventricle gives rise to the ___ while the bulbus cordis becomes the ___.
Left ventricle;
Right ventricle
Most common type of CHD
Most common cause of cyanotic CHD
Transposition of the great arteries
Trace the pathway for oxygenated blood in the fetus starting from the umbilical vein and ending in the aorta.
Umbilical vein > ductus venosus >
IVC > R atrium > for amen ovale >
L atrium > L ventricle > aorta
Trace the pathway for oxygenated blood in the fetus starting from the SVC and ending in the aorta.
SVC > RA > RV > pulmonary trunk >
Ductus arteriosus > aorta
Ductus arteriosus connects which two structures. Be specific.
Arch of the aorta
Left pulmonary artery
What is the diameter of the respiratory bronchiole?
0.5 mm
The costal line of the pleural reflection passes obliquely across which ribs in the MCL, MAL and the vertebral column margin?
MCL: 8th rib
MAL: 10th rib
Vert: 12th rib
The lower margin of lungs crosses which ribs in the MCL, MAL and the vertebral column margin?
MCL: 6th rib
MAL: 8th rib
VC: 10th rib
The visceral pleura is not sensitive to pain but is sensitive to __.
The apex of the lung can go as far as ___ cm above the clavicle
What are the segments of the right lung?
Superior lobe: apical, post, ant
Middle lobe: medial, lateral
Lower lobe: sup, ant basal, med basal, lat basal, post basal
Site of auscultation of the middle lobe?
Anterior chest wall near sternum, inferior to the right 4th costal cartilage
How long and wide is the trachea?
- 5 cm in diameter (1 in)
11. 25 cm long (4.5 in)
Where will the foreign body lodge in a patient that is: A. Sitting / standing B. Supine C. Lying on the right side D. Lying on the left side
A. R lower lobe; posterior basal
B. R lower lobe; superior
C. R upper lobe; posterior
D. L upper lobe; inferior lingular
In thoracentesis, the needle is passed through which ICS
9th ICS
Branches of the first part of subclavian
Internal thoracic
What are the branches of the costocervical trunk?
Superior intercostal - supplies 1st and 2nd ribs
Deep cervical - deep muscles of the back
The azygos vein is formed by the union of:
R ascending lumbar and
R Subcostal vein
What structures pass through the caval hiatus of the diaphragm? Esophageal? Aortic?
Caval: IVC, R phrenic n
Esophageal: esophagus, vagus n,
esophageal branch of the L gastric, lymphatics from lower third of esophagus
Aortic: aorta, thoracic duct, azygos
What are the boundaries of the breast?
Lateral: midaxillary line
Medial: sternum
Superior: 2nd rib
Inferior: 6th rib
What are the terminal branches of the internal thoracic artery?
Superior epigastric a
Musculophrenic area
It ends in the 6th ICS.
The coronary sinus is a continuation of which vein
Great cardiac vein
Most laterally placed structure in the mediastinum
Thoracic sympathetic trunk
How does one differentiate between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and subacute combined degeneration caused by vit B12?
AML has NO sensory loss only UMN and LMN motor components of the SC. SCD has degeneration of BOTH posterior and lateral (corticospinal tract) columns resulting in a mixed sensory and motor deficits.