An Tuiseal Ginideach Flashcards
Ar aghaidh
They were standing opposite the church
Bhí siad ina sheasamh ar aghaidh an tséipéil
Ar chúl
There’s a garden at the back of the house
Tá gairdín ann ar chúl an tí
Ar feadh
It was sunny throughout the day
Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh ar feadh an lae
Ar fud
That problem is widespread throughout the country
Tá an fadhb sin forleathan ar fud na tíre
For the sake of
Ar son
He spoke for the sake of the motion in the debate
Labhair sé ar son ar rúin sa díospóireachta
As a result of
De bhéar
He died as a result of the accident
Fuair sé bás de Bharr na timpiste
I rith
During the summer
I rith an tsamhraidh
According to
De réir
According to the women
De réir na mná
For the duration of
Go ceann
For the duration of a week
Go ceann seachtaine
I dtaobh
About those questions
I dtaobh na ceiste sin
Os comhair
Opposite the computer
Os comhair an roimhaire
I gcoinne
He spoke against the motion
Labhair sé i gcoinne an rúin
For the purpose of
I gcomhair
In the middle of
I lár
In the middle of the night
I lár na hoíche
I measc
In aice
It’s a small village beside the sea
Is baile beag é in aice na farraige
I ndiadh
He ran after the horse
Rith sé i ndiaidh an chapaill
A lot
A lán
A lot of money
A lán airgid
In the direction of
I dtreo
I ran in the direction of the woods
Rith mé i dtreo na coille
For the purpose of
Le haghaidh
I went out to get dinner
Chuaihh me amach le haghaidh dinnéir
Os conn
Above the house
Os conn an tí
Tar éis
Because of
De bhrí
Because of a misunderstanding
De bhrí na míthuisceana