Aiste: Spóirt Flashcards
Physical activity
Gníomhaíocht fhisiseach
In competition
In iomaíocht
Importance of sport
Tábhacht an spóirt
An corpoideachas
Cleachtadh coirp
Benefits sport brings
Tairbhe a bhaineann le spórt
I’m a member of the - club
Táim I mo bhall den chlub -
Amature level
Leibhéal amaitéarach
Big intercounty games
Cluichí móra idirchontae
Very competitive
Lucht tacaíochta
Lucht leanúna
Na foirne
Ag saothrú
Sports goods
Táirgí spóirt
Success of the players
Rath na n-imreoirí
Is tapula
Cheating at games
Cúbláil cluichí
Drug test
Tástálacha drugaí
Social skills
Scileanna sóisialta
Co operation
Sports jerseys
Geansaithe spóirt
Sports channels
Stáisiún spóirt
Professional sports players
Imreoirí spóirt gairmiúla
Winning team
Foireann bhuacach
Illegal drugs
Drugaí mídhleathacha
Olympic Games
Cluichí oilimpeacha
Ag ullmhú
Ag traenáil
Scandal of doping
Scannal na dópála
Unfair win
Buntaiste míchothrom
Doing their best
Ag déanamh a ndichill
Their own natural ability
Cumas nadurtha féin
There should b fun and enjoyment in sport, something that is not always remembered nowadays
Ba chóir go mbeadh spraoí agus taitneamh ag baint leis an spóirt, rud nach gcuimhnítear air i gconaí sa lá atá inniu ann
Pe is an important part of the primary school curriculum
Is cuid thábhachtach den churuclam bunscoile é an corpoideachas
a big emphasis is put in schools on the importante of following a healthy diet and the befits of exercise and sport
Cuirtear béim mhór sna scoileanna ar an tábhacht a bhaineann le haiste bia shláintiúil a leanúint agus ar an bhfiúntas a bhaineann le cleachtadh coirp agus spóirt
There’s only two pe classes a well and it’s not enough in my opinion
Ní bhíonn ach dhá rang corpoideachas againn in aghaidh na seachtaine agus ní leor i mo bharúil féin
Teenagers would prefer to be sitting on the couch and be talking to their friends on social media
B’fhearr le déagóirí áirithe a bheith sinte ar an tolg agus a bheith ag caint Lena gcairde ar an meáin shóisilata
Sports people learn social skills when taking part in sport
Foghlaimíonn daoine spórtúla scileanna sóisialta nuair atá siad ag rannpháirteach sa spóirt
It is learnt how to take a blows and insults without losing the head
Foghlaimítear conas buille agus maslaí a ghlacann gan dul le báiní
Sport is good for the body and mind
Tá an spóirt maith don chorp agus don intinn
Sport gives relief from the pressures of life and for a few hours people change forget about the problems of life
Tugann an spóirt foiseamh ó anró an tsaoil agus feadh cúpla uair an chloig is féidir le duine dearma a dhéanamh ar fhadhbanna an tsaoil
Is that really the spirit of sport?
An é sin an spiorad an spóirt i ndáiríre?
Huge companies are earning unbelievable money on sports business
Tá comhlachtaí ollmhóra eile ag saothrú airgid as cuimse as gnó an spóirt
The companies sell sports goods that are the big famous labels
Na comhlachtaí a dhíolann na táirgí spóirt a bhfuil na lipéid cháiliúla orthu
The companies aren’t looking for anything but making a profit off the success of players. They only want winners and are looking for the fastes and the best people
Níl ag teastáil ó na comhlachtaí ach brabús dhéanamh ó rath na n-imreoirí.
Buaitheoirí amháin atá uatha agus téann siad sa tóir ar na daoine is tapúla agus is fearr I
Where is the fun and enjoyment in sport?
Cá bhfuil an siamsa agus spraoi an spóirt?
Fans are taken advantage of. The companies understand their behaviour and loyalty and they make a profit out of this loyalty
Déantar dúshaothrú ar an lucht leanúna.
Tuigeann na comhlachtaí an meon agus a ndílseacht agus déanann siad brabús mór as an díseacht sin
They spend and make billions
Caitear agus déantar na billiúin acu
There are People that will do anything for the win
Tá daoine ann a dhéanfadh rud ar bith chun an bua a fháil
Destroys the true spirit of sport
Loiteann sé an fíorspoiraid an spóirt
The drug culture has gotten out of control recently and it destroys the meaning of sport
Tá cultúr na ndrugaí imithe ó smacht sa spóirt faoi láthair agus scriosann sé sin brí an spóirt
The blood tests show that cheating is happening
Thaispeáin torthaí tástálacha fola go raibh caimiléireacht ar siúl
It gives an unfair advantage beside the honest athletes that are training hard day after day doing their best and relying on their natural ability
Thug buntaiste mícothrom dóibh le hais na lúthchleasaithe macanta a bhí ag traenáil go dian lá i ndiaidh ag déanamh a ndichill agus ag brath ar an gcumas nadúrtha féin
There is too much emphasis put on the win and money and that’s the reason why there is a problem with illegal drugs in sport
Tá an iomarca béime ar an mbua agus ar airgead agus sin an fáth a bhfuil fadhb ann le drugaí mídhleathacha sa spóirt
Women have come very far
Tá mná tagtha an-fhad
Women of Ireland have more rights than our grandmothers had
Tá níos mó ceart ag mná na hÉireann na má a bhí ag a gcuid sin-sheamháithreacha
But still there is not equality between men and women
Ach fós, níl cothrom na féine idir fir agus mná
They started to do things they never thought they would 100 years ago
Thosaigh siad ag deanamh rudaí níor cheap siad go ndeanann siad céad bliain ó shin
They take part in roles associated with men in traditional times
Glacann siad le róil atá baint le fir sa am tradisiúnta
100 years ago women were working in the home cleaning, cooking and looking after the children
Céad bliain ó shin, bhí mná ag obair sa teach ag glanadh, ag cocáireacht agus ag tabhairt aire do na páistí
There weren’t any physical obstacles but there were social obstacles
Ní raibh aon constaicí fisicúla ann ach bhí constaicí sóisialta
There were little women in sport and little facilities available to women
Bhí beagín mná sa spóirt agus beagín áiseanna ar fáil
In recent years sport and exercise has become more important in the life
Sa blianta beaga anuas tá spóirt agus cleactadh corp éirí níos tábhachtaí sa saol
Why would women not want to take part?
Cén fáth nach maith le mná a bheith rannpháirteach?
There is a sports centre and gym in nearly every town
Tá ionad spóirt agus gim i mbeagnach gach baile
Sports clubs are open to everyone and they are always looking for new members
Tá clubanna spóirt oscailte de gach duine agus tá siad i gconaí ag iarradh baill nua
Women have lots of inspo from sports stars nowadays
Is mór an spreagadh iad na réaltaí spóirt do mná an lae inniu
Women take part in sports competitions and the Olympic Games
Glacann mná páirt sna comórtas spóirt agus cluichí oilimpeachta
They inspire more women to play sport and to get active and healthy
Spreagann siad níos mô mná chun spóirt a imirt agus éirí níos acalaí agus sláintiúl
They are great examples
Is eiseamláirí iontach iad
Katie Taylor is a big inspiration for women in Ireland
Is í katie Taylor inspioráid mhór do mná in Éirinn
She didn’t have a great upbringing but she started boxing for a break from life and now she has a lot of medals
Ní raibh tógáil iontach aici ach thosaigh sí ag dornálaíocht chun sos a fháil ón saol agus anois tá go leor bonn óir aici
With women like Katie Taylor there is not problems for young girls to try every sport and play beside men
Le mná coisúil le Katie Taylor níl aon fadhbanna ag cailíní óige trial a bhaint as gach saghas spóirt agus ag imirt in aice le fir
Every September there are new girls teams start
Gach mean fomhair thosaíonn foireann nua do cailíní
There is still much more men in every sport
Tá fós i bfhad níos fearr fir sa spóirt
They started the campaign 20x20 to increase the coverage done in the media of women in sport
Thosaigh siad bhfeachtas 20x20 chun méadu ar an gclúdach a dhéantar sna meáin ar mhná sa spóirt
There should be more women in the media to encourage other women to take part in sport
Ba chóir níos mó mná sa mean chun spreagadh a mná eile rannpháirt sa spóirt
We are doing these thing for our future and our daughters
Táimid ag déanamh na rudaí seo dár todhchaí agus dár iníonacha