Actinobacillus Flashcards
What is the habitat of Actinobacillus spp?
- Commensals in
- digestive
- Respiratory
- Genital tracts
What is the mode of transmission for Actinobacillus spp?
- Direct contact
- Transplacental transmission
- Mucous membrane trauma
- Stress is very important
What is the distribution of Actinobacillus spp?
Word wide
What is the symbiotic relationship of Actinobacillus spp?
- A. pleuropnemoniae - virus, and bacteria relationship
What is the morphology of Actinobacillus lignieresii?
- small
- smooth
- glistening
What is the morphology of Actinobacillus equuli?
- raised
- Grayish
- Sticky
What is the morphology of Actinobacillus suis?
- Smooth
- glistening
- extensive hemolysis
What is the characteristics of Actinobacillus spp?
- Gram negative
- coccobacilli to pleomorphic rods
- Occasional filaments
- Facultative
- 6-8% CO2 facilitate growth
What are the antigenic characteristics of Actinobacillus?
- Endotoxin (LPS)
- A. lingnieresii - 6 somatic types
- A. equuli - 28 somatic types
- A. suis - 2 somatic types
A. pleuropneumoniae - 1 - 15 serotypes
- 1, 5, 7 used to be common in US
What is the susceptibility of Actinobacillus spp?
- Susceptible to environmental influences
- Antibiotics effective except abscesses
Do Actinobacillus spp grow on MacConkey agar?
- Variable
- Some species may
What are the mechanisms of pathogenicity of Actinobacillus?
- Capsule - A pleuropneumoniae & suis (antiphagocytic)
- Siderophores
- Iron-regulated OMP’s
- RTX toxin - A. suis
- Biofilms
- Endotoxin
- Adhesins
- Urease
- Hemolysin/Cytotoxins
What disease does Actinobacillus lignieresii cause?
- Cattle
- Wooden Tongue - affects soft tissues
- Mediastinal lymph node abscesses
- Lung and liver lesions
- Sheep - lesions in lung, head, testes
- Dogs - tongue abscesses
- Pigs - Mammary gland abscesses
- Ducks - saplingitis
- Humans - bronchopneumonia (rare)
What diseases does A. equuli cause?
- Horses mostly (and swine)
- Purulent nephritis
- Purulent arthritis
- Sleepy Foal Disease
- Viscosum infection
- acute septicemia
- Endocarditis
- meningitis
- Viscosum infection
- Metritis and abortion
What disease does Actinobacillus suis cause?
- Swine mostly
- Septicemic conditions
- Pneumonia
- arthritis
- septic emboli
- mimics A. pleuropneumoniae in certain cases
What disease does Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae cause?
- Common in 3-6 mo old pigs
- Acute, sub-acute, or chronic
- Serofibrinous pleuritis
- Fibrinous pneumonia
- septicemia
- arthritis
- meningitis
What disease does A. actinomycetemcomitans cause?
- Humans
- rarely recovered rom nimals
- Endocarditis and infections of the jaw bones
- Periodontal diseases in human
What disease does Actinobacillus seminis cause?
- most likely not an actinobacillus
- Sheep
- Epididymitis
- poly-arthritis
- gangrenous mastitis
What disease does A. capsulatus cause?
- Rabbits
- Arthritis
What is the nature of Actinobacillus infections?
- suppurative
- necrotic
What is the morbidity and mortality of Actinobacillus infections?
- Depends on type
- Septicemia - high morbidity and mortality
- Abscesses - high morbidity, low mortality
Are any Actinobacillus species of public health concern
- A. lignieresii human bronchopneumonia
- Horse and sheep bites
What are the control Measures for Actinobacillus spp?
- Vaccine for A. pleuropneumoniae
- RTX toxin mutant vaccine
- not very successful
- Eliminate stress
What is the treatment for Actinobacillus infections?
- Treat systemically with appropriate antibiotics
- Treat abscesses with iodides
- May need surgical drainage with cauterization of the pyogenic membrane
What disease does A. actinomycetemcomitans cause?
- Humans
- rarely recovered rom nimals
- Endocarditis and infections of the jaw bones
- Periodontal diseases in human