48. Pharynx and Pre-vertebral Region Flashcards
At which vertebral level does the pharynx join oesophagus?
What are the 3 divisions of the pharynx?
Roof of nasopharynx?
Pharyngeal tonsil
Floor of nasopharynx?
Soft palate
Anterior wall of nasopharynx?
Nasal passages - conchae
Lateral wall of nasopharynx?
Eustacian tube
Salpingopharyngeal fold
Where does the oropharynx run to and from?
From soft palate
To upper border of epiglottis
Roof of oropharynx?
Soft palate
Floor of oropharynx?
Posterior 1/3rd of tongue
Lingual tonsil
Glossoepiglottic folds
Anterior wall of oropharynx?
Posterior wall of oropharynx?
Lateral wall of oropharynx?
Palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal folds
Anterior wall of laryngopharynx?
Posterior wall of laryngopharynx?
Lateral wall of laryngopharynx?
Thyroid cartilage
Aryepiglottic fold
Thyrohyoid membrane
Origin of superior constrictor?
Medial pterygoid plate Hamulus Ptergomandibular ligament Mandible Side of tongue
Insertion of superior constrictor?
Pharyngeal tubercle of occipital bone
Fibrous raphe
Middle constrictor
Action of superior constrictor?
Pull posterior pharyngeal wall anteriorly to close off nasopharynx
Propel food to middle constrictor
Innervation of superior constrictor?
CNX - pharyngeal plexus
Origin of middle constrictor?
Sytlohyoid ligament
Greater and lesser cornua of hyoid
Insertion of middle constrictor?
Action of middle constrictor?
Propel food to inferior
Innervation of middle constrictor?
CNX - pharyngeal plexus
Origin of inferior constrictor?
Lamina of thyroid (thyropharyngeus)
Lamina of cricoid (circopharyngeus)
Insertion of inferior constrictor?
Blend with middle constrictor and oesophagus
Action of inferior constrictor?
Propel food to oesophagus
Innervation of inferior constrictor?
CNX - pharyngeal plexus
Cricopharyngeus - external laryngeal nerve
Which are the three longitudinal muscles?
Origin of stylopharyngeus?
Base of styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion of stylopharyngeus?
Posterior border of thryoid cartilage
Action of stylopharyngeus?
Elevates larynx and pharynx during swallowing
Innervation of stylopharyngeus?
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Origin of salpingopharyngeus?
Cartilage of eustachian tube
Insertion of salpingopharyngeus?
Blend with palatopharyngeus
Action of salpingopharyngeus?
Elevate pharynx
Innervation of salpingopharyngeus?
Origin of palatopharyngeus?
Hard palate
Palatine aponeurosis
Insertion of palatopharyngeus?
Lamina of thyroid cartilagw
Action of palatopharyngeus?
Elevate pharynx
Innervation of palatopharyngeus?
Between which muscles does the stylopharyngeus pass?
Superior and middle constrictors
Across which artery does the stylopharyngeus pass?
Make sure you can identify the ring of lymphoid tissue
Sensory innervation of the pharynx?
Naso - CNV2
Oro - CNIX
Laryngo - X
Which nerves make up the pharyngeal plexus?
Sympathetic fibres
From which artery does the pharyngeal arterial branches arise?
Pharyngeal branches - maxillary artery (from ECA)
Ascending pharyngeal artery - from ECA
Drainage of pharynx?
Into IJV
Where does the majority of lymph around the pharynx drain?
Deep cervical (associated with IJV)
What are the pre-vertebral muscles? (4)
Longus colli
Longus capitis
Rectus capitis anteiror
Rectus capitis lateralis
Origin of longus capitis?
Transverse process of C3-6
Insertion of longus capitis?
Occipital bone
Action of longus capitis?
Flexion of head
Innervation of longus capitis?
Ventral rami C1-3
Origin of longus colli?
Inferior oblique - T2/T3
Superior oblique - Anterior tubercle C3-5
Vertical - T1-3
Insertion of longus colli?
Inferior oblique - C6-6
Superior oblique - Atlantal anterior tubercle
Vertical - C4-C6
Action of longus colli?
Flexion of neck
Rotation (inferior oblique)
Innervation of longus colli?
Ventral rami C2-C6
Origin of rectus capitis anterior?
Insertion of rectus capitis anterior?
Occiptal bone
Action of rectus capitis anterior?
Flexion atlanto-occipital joint
Origin of rectus capitis lateralis?
Insertion of rectus capitis lateralis?
Occipital bone
Action of of rectus capitis lateralis?
Lateral flexion of head
Innervation of rectus capitis anterior and lateralis?
Ventral rami C1-C2
Where do the sympathetic ganglia run?
Base of skull
To join thoracic ganglia
Where are the sympathetic ganglia in relation to :
Vagus nerve
Behind ICA and CCA
Medial to vagus nerve
What are the 3 divisions of the sympathetic ganglia?
Which cervical ventral rami do the superior cervical ganglia communicate with?
C1- C4 (via gray rami communicantes)
Which cervical ventral rami do the middle cervical ganglia communicate with?
C5 - C6
Which cervical ventral rami do the inferior cervical ganglia communicate with?
C7 - C8
What makes up the stellate ganglion?
Inferior cervical ganglion
1st thoracic ganglion