10. Foregut 1 Flashcards
Which organs make up the foregut? (6)
Distal oesophagus Stomach Liver Spleen Proximal duodenum Part of pancreas
What is the arterial supply of the foregut?
Branches of the coeliac axis (aorta T12)
Where does blood from the foregut drain to?
Portal vein
Where does lymph from the foregut drain to?
Pre-aortic nodes at T12 (coeliac nodes)
What are the layers of the stomach, from outer to inner?
Muscularis externa (outer longitudinal, middle circular, inner oblique)
What are the 3 main areas of the stomach?
Pyloric antrum
What is the name given to the many folds within the inner surface of the stomach?
What are the 2 notches of the stomach?
What is the arterial supply of the stomach?
Left gastric artery - branch of coeliac axis (T12)
Right gastric artery
R and L gastro-epiploic (omental)
What are the 3 branches of coeliac axis?
Left gastric
Common hepatic
Which artery is the R gastric a branch of?
Hepatic artery
At the lesser curvature of the stomach, which arteries anastomose?
R gastric and L gastric
Apart from the stomach, what other structure does the L gastric artery supply?
Distal oesophagus
Which artery is the short gastric artery a branch of?
Splenic artery
What part of the stomach does the short gastric artery supply?
Which veins drain the stomach?
R and L gastric veins
R and L gastro-epiploic
Short gastric
Which vein do the R and L gastric veins drain into?
Hepatic portal vein
Which vein do the R and L gastro-epiploic veins drain into?
L - splenic then portal
R - superior mesenteric then portal
Which vein does the short gastric vein drain into?
Splenic then portal vein
What is the main lymphatic drainage of the stomach?
Pre-aortic nodes at root of coeliac axis (T12)
Then cisterna chyli then thoracic duct
Name some local lymph nodes around the stomach? (5)
Gastro-omental Gastric Pyloric Pancreaticosplenic Pancreaticoduodenal
What is the autonomic nerve supply of the stomach?
Coeliac plexus
What is the parasympathetic nerve supply of the stomach?
Anterior and posterior vagal trunks
What is the sympathetic nerve supply of the stomach?
Greater splanchnic nerve
Is the duodenum intra or retro-peritoneal?
1st part - intra
2nd - 4th - retro
Therefore, it is partially retroperitoneal
What is the name given to the many folds of the duodenum?
Plicae circularis
What is the ampulla of Vater?
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Union of common bile duct and main pancreatic duct
What is the sphincter of Oddi? And its function?
Hepatopancreatic sphincter
Controls the flow of pancreatic and bile fluids into the duodenum
What vertebral level is the duodenum usually found at?
1st part at trans-pyloric plane (between L1 and L2)
Name some structures that are related to the 1st part of the duodenum. (5)
Liver Gall bladder IVC Bile duct Portal vein
Name some structures that are related to the 2nd part of the duodenum. (4)
Transverse colon
Right kidney
Right ureter
Name some structures that are related to the 3rd part of the duodenum. (7)
Superior mesenteric vessels Jejunum Right ureter Right psoas IVC Aorta Pancreas
Name some structures that are related to the 4th part of the duodenum. (4)
Root of mesentery
Left psoas
What arteries supply the duodenum? And where do these arteries branch from?
Proximal part - superior pancreaticoduodenal (branch of gastroduodenal)
Distal part - inferior pancreaticoduodenal (branch of superior mesenteric)
Which veins drain the duodenum?
Superior - direct to portal
Inferior - superior mesenteric then portal
What nerves supply the duodenum?
Sympathetic - greater and lesser splanchnic
Parasympathetic - vagal
Where is pain from the duodenum referred?
Epigastric region
What is the lymphatic drainage of the duodenum?
Proximal - pre-aortic coeliac axis nodes at T12
Distal - pre-aortic superior mesenteric nodes at L1