37. Anterior triangle of the neck Flashcards
Which muscle divides the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck?
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
Anterior border of the anterior triangle?
Imaginary - on the midline of neck
Posterior border of the anterior triangle?
Anterior border of SCM
Base of the anterior triangle?
What are the 4 divisions within the anterior triangle?
Which vein is found within the submental division of the anterior triangle?
The beginning of the anterior jugular vein
Name the: Gland Artery Vein Sheath Nerve Found within the submandibular division of the anterior triangle of the neck.
Submandibular salivary gland Facial artery Facial vein Carotid sheath Hypoglossal nerve
Name the: Sheath Artery Vein Nerves Found within the carotid division of the anterior triangle of the neck.
Carotid sheath Branches of ECA IJV Hypoglossal nerve Accessory nerve Vagus nerve
Which 2 muscles are found within the muscular division of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Name the 4 layers of deep cervical fascia within the anterior triangle of the neck (from sup to deep)
- Investing layer
- Pretracheal layer
- Prevertebral layer
- Alar fascia and carotid sheath
Attachments of platysma?
Fascia above pec major and clavicle
To lateral neck and mandible
Innervation of platysma?
Facial nerve CNVII
Name the 2 veins found within the anterior triangle
Anterior jugular
Internal jugular
Spinal nerve roots of cervical plexus?
Anterior rami C1- C4
What types of nerve fibres are the cervical plexus nerves?
Somatic motor
Within which layer of fasica is the cervical plexus found?
What are the motor branches of the cervical plexus?
Phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5) Nerves to gleniohyoid and thyrohyoid (C1, travel with hypoglossal) Ansa cervicalis (C1, C2, C3)
What are the sensory branches of the cervical plexus?
Greater auricular (C2, C3) Transverse cervical (C2, C3) Lesser occipital (C2) Supraclavicular (C3, C4)
Name the suprahyoid muscles (4)
Action of suprahyoid muscles?
Raise hyoid bone or depress mandible
Innervation of suprahyoid muscles?
CNVII - post belly digastric and stylohyoid
CNV3 - ant belly digastric and mylohyoid
C1 via CNXII - geniohyoid
Name the infrahyoid muscles? (4)
Action of infrahyoid muscles?
Depress hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
Innervation of infrahyoid muscles?
Ansa cervicalis
Thyrohyoid - C1 via CNXII
From which arteries to the right and left common carotid branch?
LCA - arch of aorta
RCA - bracheocephalic trunk
What runs within the carotid sheath?
Common carotid/ Internal carotid
Vagus nerve
Which 3 branches of the external carotid artery are found in the anterior triangle of the neck?
Sup thyroid
What are the branches of the subclavian artery??
Very Indignant Tired Individuals Sip Strong Coffee Served Double Daily
V - vertebral artery
I - internal thoracic
T- thyrocervical trunk (I - inferior thryoid, S- superficial cervical, S- suprascapular)
C - costocervical (branches: S - superior intercostal, D- deep cervical)
D - Dorsal scapular
Innervation of larynx?
Recurrent laryngeal branches of vagus
Describe the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerves
R - around subclavian artery
L - around arch of aorta
Is vagus nerve sympathetic or parasympathetic to thorax and abdo?
Is thyroid gland endocrine or exocrine?
What are the 2 lobes of the thyroid?
Where does the thryoid gland extend to and from?
Lamina of thyroid cartilage
To 6th tracheal ring
Arterial supply of thyroid? Where do these arteries branch from?
Superior thryoid (first anterior branch of ECA) Inferior thryoid (branch of thyrocervical trunk of subclavian)
Venous drainage of thyroid?
Superior thyroid
Middle thyroid
Inferior thyroid
Into which vein do the R and L inferior thyroid veins drain?
Left bracheocephalic then IJV
Innervation of submandibular salivary gland?