4.5 Explain Ways In Which Conflcit can Be addressed Flashcards
What are the ways in which conflict can be addressed ?
What does collaborating involve ?
Collaborating involves working together to find a solution that satisfies the needs of all parties involved .
When satisfying the needs of all parties involved what can both parties in conflict do ?
Both parties in conflict can satisfy their own goals and concerns but not to the detriment of the other party
How can both parties in conflict satisfy their own goals and concerns but not to the detriment of the other party ?
By listening to each others perspectives to reach a mutually beneficial solution to conflict
What happens when both sets of conflict it too important to be comprised and what must be done before what?
It confronts differences of information and ideas which must be shared before setting on the best course of action
How can the project manager set in the best course of action ?
Through brainstorming
What can collaborating help to build ?
What is the collaborating approach often referred to as and why
The WIN-WIN approach as the final solution should be advantageous for both parties involved.
When collaborating reaching what type of solution is important ?
What does competing involve ?
Competing involves on part winning the conflict at the expense of the other part
When is the competing approach usually used ?
It is usually used when a quick and decisive action is required or when one party has more power or expertise that the other .
What type of approach is competing and when it is effective ?
This is a win-loose approach and is effective when the stakes are high or when a quick decision is needed
What is a negative about the competing approach and why ?
It can damage relationships and Lead to long term problems in the future as it can strain relationships and collaboration
What does competing undermine ?
As it undermines trust and mutual respect
What does accommodating involve ?
Accommodating involves on party giving into the other parties demand
Why would one party give into the other party’s demands?
Because they believe that the relationship with the party is more important than the situation and to maintain cooperation , harmony and stability
When accommodating what does the party one to maintain ?
Cooperation , harmony and stability
When can accommodating be effective ?
Accommodating can be effective in situations where the conflict is minor and the relationship between parties is critical
What can accommodating lead to and what does it promote ?
It can lead to personal dissatisfaction but promotes harmony and relationship preservation
Collaborating involves ________ to find a _______ that ________ the needs of all _________, where both parties can __________ their own ______ and ________ but not to the __________ of the _______________ by _________ to each others __________ to ________ a mutually _____________.
Working together
Solution that satisfies of al parties involved
Where both parties can satisfy their own
Goals and concerns
Not to detriment of the other party
By listening to each other perspective
Reach a mutually beneficial solution
Reaching an _________ solution is _________ and when both _________ of _________ are too ________ to __________ it ________ a _________ in _________ and _______ that must be ________ before ________ on the _________________ which the _________ can do through _________
Integrative solution is important
Sets of concerns are too important to compromise
It confronts a difference in ideas and information
That must be shared before settling on
The best course of action
Which the project manager can do through Brainstorming
Collaborating can build _________ and is often referred to as a ________________ because the _____________ must be _____________ to both ___________ where both _______________
Trust and often referred to
as a win-win approach
Because the final solution must be
Advantageous to both parties involved
Where both parties can gain
Competing involves one party ____________ the _____ at the _________ of the ___________ and is usually used when _________ and _______ action is required or when one party has more ________ and _______ than the other.
Winning the conflict
Expense of the other party
Usually used when on party has more
Power or expertise than the other
Competing is a ________________ and is _______ when the _________ or when a __________ is needed but can ______________ relationships and lead to ______________ as it can __________ relationships and __________ because it ________________ and __________
Win loose
The stakes are high or
When a quick decision is needed
Damage relationships and lead to long term problems
Because it can strain relationships and collaboration
Undermines trust and mutual respect
Accommodating involves one party _____________ of the other _________ because they _______ that the _________ is more ________ than the __________ and to ________ _______, _________ and _____________.
Giving into the demands of the other party
Believe that the relationship is more important
That the conflict
And to maintain harmony , stability and cooperation
Accommodating is effective when _______________ and the _______ between _______ is __________ however it can lead to ___________ but _____________ and ___________
The conflict is minor
Relationship between parties is critical
Personal dissatisfaction but promotes harmony and relationship preservation