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> 10.1 Explain Each Stage In A Risk Management Process > Flashcards
10.1 Explain Each Stage In A Risk Management Process Flashcards
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(34 decks)
10.2 Explain Proactive and Reactive Responses to risks
10.3 Explain the Benefits of Risk Management
3.1 Differentiate Between Projects and BAU
3.4 Describe - Situations Where Programme Management May Be Appropriate
6.10 Explain - Benefits & Reasons - Re-Estimating throughout the project life-cycle
6.9 Explain Approaches To Producing Estimates
5.3 Explain How Leadership Impacts On Team Performance And Motivation
4.1 Explain The Benefits, To A Project Of A communication Plan
4.5 Explain Ways In Which Conflcit can Be addressed
4.6 Explain How To Plan And Conduct Negotiations
2.6 Explain Why Projects May Close Early
2.2 Explain Why Projects Are Structured In Phases In A Linear Lifecyle
2.1 Diffrentiate Between Linear , Iterative And Hybrid Lifecyle
2.4 Outline the Role Of Information Managemenr To Inform Decision Making
2.5 Explain The Benefits Of Conduction Reviews Throughout The Lifecycle
5.4 Explain Factors Which Impact On The Leadership Of A Virtual Team
5.2 Explain Why It May Be Necessry To Change Leadership Styles To Effectively Support The Management Of A Project
5.5 Explain Factors Which Influence The Creation , Devlopment And Leadership Of Teams
5.3 Describe The Characterstics And Benefits Of An Effective Teams And Teamwork
1.1 Diffrentiate Between Types Of Permanent And Temporary Organisation Structures
1.4 Differentiate Between The Responsibilites Of The Project by Manager And The Project Sponsor Throughout The Project Lifecycle
1.5 Describe Other Roles Within Project Management
1.3 Explain The Way In Which An Organisational Break Down Structure Is Used To Create A Responsibility Assignemnt Matrix
1.3 Explain The Role And Key Responsibilities Of The Proejct Manager
1.7 Explain Why Aspects Of Project Governace Are Required
1.6 Describe The Functions And Benefits Of Diffrent Types Of PMOs
4.4 State Sources Of Conflict Within A Project
2.2 Explain The Diffrrnce Between A Project Lifecycle And Extended Lifecycle
3.6 Explain Tools And Techniques Used To Determine Factors Which Infleunce And Impact Projects
3.5 Describe Situations Where The Use Of Portfolio Management May Be Appropriate
4.2 Explain The Relationship Between A Communication Plan And Stakeholder Analysis
4.3 State Factors Which Can positively Or Negatively Affect Communication
10.1 Explain Each Stage In A Risk Management Process
6.13 Explain Why A Proejct Manager Would Use Earned Value Management