40A Marka enkontru (making appointments) Flashcards
marka enkontru
making appointments
audience (with a senior person)
objective, purpose, goal
schedule, timetable
part, section
that’s life
policy, plan, program
present (e.g. a report),
introduce (a person)
aprezenta aan
introduce yourself
request (someone to do something);
order (goods)
manage to, succeed in doing
mark, put a mark on;
set a date/time
move, shift
fill in (a form)
late, delayed
in fact (introduces a surprising conclusion)
ida-idak, kada
each, every
be, ke
who, which
Nia lori problema nee baa aprezenta iha polísia.
He went and reported this problem to the police.
Sábadu liu ba, xefi bolu staf foun, dehan Segunda nia tenki baa aprezenta aan iha kantor.
Last Saturday, the boss called a new staff member and said that on Monday he had to present himself at the office (to start work).
Senhór António, nudar xefi foun, aprezenta nia aan ba staf sira.
Mr António, as the new boss, (formally) introduced himself to the staff.
Horiseik ami iha enkontru komesa dadeer too meiudia, la iha rezultadu.
Yesterday we had a meeting from morning til noon, without result.
Depois, too tuku lima besik atu remata mak foin ami konsege hetan solusaun ida diak.
Then, when it got to five o’clock and we were about to finish, only then did we reach a good solution.
Ema barak mate. Iha mos ema kanek nain hitu mak ami konsege lori ba ospitál, maski dook.
Many people died. There were also seven injured people whom we managed to take to hospital, even though it was a long way.
Sira muda ba Ainaro.
They shifted (moved house) to Ainaro.
muda oráriu
change the schedule
Amérika muda nia pozisaun kona ba Timor.
America changed its position on (East) Timor.
Ami muda ami nia lian ofisiál ba Portugés.
We changed our official language over to Portuguese.
Bainrua hau nia katuas-oan halo tinan.
Two days’ time is my husband’s birthday.
Ohin hau baa kedas loja Aru, hameno kék ida hakerek “Happy Birthday”.
Today I went to the Aru shop and ordered an iced cake with “Happy Birthday” written on it.
Horiseik hau hameno karpinteiru Santa Cruz halo meza servisu nian.
Yesterday I arranged for the Santa Cruz carpenter to make a desk.
Ohin amaa hameno katak tuku haat o tenki baa kore bibi lori mai.
Mum said that at four o’clock you must go and untie the goat and bring it here.
Sira hameno malu atu hasoru malu aban lokraik.
They arranged together to meet tomorrow afternoon.
Marka surat vota.
Place a mark on the ballot paper.
Ita marka ba aban, Senhora mai haan iha nee
We’ll make it that tomorrow you come and eat here.
marka enkontru
make an appointment
marka audiénsia
making an appointment with a senior person.
marka prezensa
be present (e.g. at a meeting)
Hau hanoin katak nia la mai. Afinál mai.
I didn’t think he would come, but in the end he did.
Ohin hau buka o tuun-sae, afinál o halimar hela iha nee!
I’ve looked for you everywhere, and it turns out you were relaxing here!
Hau hanoin ita hatene buat barak. Afinál o beik liu fali hau!
I thought you knew a lot. But it turns out you are more ignorant than I am!
Tuku sia ho balu, Cidalia baa iha ministériu justisa, tanba nia hakarak atu hasoru ministru. Nia koalia lai ho ministru nia sekretária, naran Mize.
At half past nine, Cidalia goes to the ministry of justice, because she wants to meet the minister. She first talks with the minister’s secretary, named Mize.
Bondia. Hau naran Cidalia, voluntáriu hosi Cruz Vermelha de Timor Leste.
Good morning. My name is Cidalia, a volunteer from the Timor Leste Red Cross.
Hau hakarak hasoru ho senhór ministru.
I would like to meet with the minister.
Ita marka ona audiénsia ho senhór ministru ka, seidauk?
Have you already made an appointment with him?
Not yet.
Entaun, ita prenxe lai formuláriu audiénsia nian, hakerek ita nia objetivu.
In that case, fill in the appointment form, stating your purpose.
Hau bele hasoru senhór ministru agora ka?
Could I meet the minister now?
Agora senhór sei enkontru hela, i hau la hatene lo-loos, enkontru nee hotu tuku hira.
He is currently in a meeting, and I don’t know exactly when it will finish.
Se urjente karik, ita boot bele hein too nia sai mai. Se lae, senhór bele simu ita bainrua, iha tuku tolu lokraik. Bele ka lae?
If it is urgent, you can wait until he comes out. If not, he can see you the day after tomorrow, at three o’clock in the afternoon. Is that suitable for you?
Deskulpa. Hau iha tiha ona programa ba bainrua.
Sorry. I already have something on the day after tomorrow.
Hau bele marka ba loron seluk ka?
Can I make an appointment for another day?
Bele. Sesta agora, tuku rua oinsaa?
Sure. How is this Friday, at two o’clock.
Diak, obrigada, mana. Até Sesta.
Good, thanks, sister. See you Friday.
Tuur lai
Sit a while (then you can go).
Tuur ona!
Sit down right now!
(but don’t use this by itself as it is impolite)
Try it.
Tuur took.
Try the seat (i.e for for comfort).
Haan took.
Have a taste.
Hemu took.
Have a taste (of a drink).
Husu took
Try asking.
Loke took
Open it and see.
Haan ba, la bele moe!
Eat up, don’t be shy!
Senhora sira tuur ba, hau tenki fila ona.
You ladies stay seated, I need to go home.
Imi haan ba;
hau sei bosu
You eat (without me);
I am still full.
Suku ida-idak iha nia língua.
Each ethnic group has its own language.
Iha kampu refujiadu, ami ida-idak tenki baa buka nia hahaan rasik.
In the refugee camp, each of us had to go and seek our own food.
Ida-idak tuir nia hakarak.
Each one acts according to his/her own wishes.
Matak ida-idak nian, tasak ita hotu nian.
Raw it belongs to each person individually; cooked it belongs to us all together.
(This is a saying meaning: Each one contributes, all share the results.)
Iha mestri nain haat. Kada mestri ida hanorin estudante nain tolu-nulu.
There are four teachers. Each teacher teaches thirty students.
Kada uma kain ida iha direitu simu foos kilu sanulu.
Each household has the right to receive ten kilograms of rice.
Iha kada distritu, kada sub-distritu, ita bele loke sentru juventude ida.
In each district, (in) each sub-district, we can open a youth centre.
Ami nebee hatene Portugés mak hanorin fali kolega sira seluk.
It was those of us who knew Portuguese who taught it to our other colleagues.
Nia hamriik besik kareta nebee mak ami atu sae.
He stood close to the car which we were about to get into.
La iha buat ida ke nia la bele halo.
There’s nothing he cannot do.
Feto balu ke uluk luta iha rezisténsia, agora tama ona parlamentu.
Some women who in the past worked hard in the resistance movement, have now gone into parliament.
La bele taka matan ba kolega sira nebee ke lakon sira nia vida iha tempu rezisténsia.
Don’t close your eyes to our friends who have lost their lives during the resistance period.
Língua ida nebee ke uza iha diskusaun nee mak lian Indonézia.
The language which was used in this discussion was Indonesian.
Mesias sei mai, Ida be naran Kristu.
The Messiah will come, the One called Christ.
Sira lori ema be uluk matan delek nee ba Farizeu.
They took the person who used to be blind to the Pharisees.
Nia mai tuku tolu hanesan nee.
He came at about three o’clock.
Ema sira nee kala rihun lima hanesan nee.
The people numbered about five thousand.
Operasaun ida nee halao maizoumenus minutu tolu-nulu.
The operation takes about thirty minutes.
Ami hela iha nee tinan rua-nulu resin ona.
We have lived here for over twenty years.
Nia hela iha nebaa loron ida-rua deit.
He stayed there only a day or two.
Prosesu nee sei lori tan semana rua ka tolu.
The process will take another two or three weeks.
Ema atus ba atus mak haree joga bolu iha estádiun horiseik.
There were hundreds of people watching in the stadium yesterday.
Ema rihun ba rihun mai tuir misa iha dozi de Outubru bainhira amu papa mai.
Thousands of people attended the mass on the 12th of October when the Pope came (in 1989).
Horiseik ami baa haree motokrós, iha ema rihun-rahun.
Yesterday when we went to see the motor cross, there were thousands of people! (slang)