35A Edukasaun (Education) Flashcards
eskola oan
school student (especially primary school)
alunu / a
student (especially primary school)
university student
mestri / mestra
school teacher (male / female)
profesór / profesora
teacher, lecturer (male / female)
jardín infantíl
kindergarten, preschool
eskola primária
primary school
eskola pre-sekundária
junior high school
eskola sekundária
senior high school
lecture, lesson
do an exam exam; do an exam exam;
do an exam exam; do an exam
class, grade, year (of school)
course (especially short courses)
servisu uma
trabalhu da kaza
exam results
CV [pronounced si vi]
CV (curriculum vitae)
graduate from
graduate from (a course, school or university)
have the chance to, manage to
foo kursu
teach a course
tuir kursu
attend a course
haan tempu
take (a lot of) time
… haan tempu hira?
how long does … take?
liu (ezami)
pass (an exam)
la liu (ezami)
fail (an exam)
during, for the specified period of time
halo di-diak
well, thoroughly
iha … nia laran
during, for the specified period of time
who, which
António tuir intervista atu servisu iha banku BNU.
António is being interviewed to work in the BNU (Banco Nacional Ultramarino) bank.
Halo favór, senhór, tuur tiha.
Please, sir, take a seat.
Senhór António, ita bele hatete mai ami kona ba ita nia edukasaun? Tanba hau haree iha senhór nia CV, kleur loos mak foin ita remata ita nia estudu.
Mr António, could you tell us about your education? Because I see in your CV that it took you a long time to finish your studies.
Hau eskola primária iha tempu Portugés, akaba iha tinan 1975.
I did primary school during the Portuguese era, finishing in 1975.
Depois iha tinan haat nia laran hau la eskola, tanba ami iha ai laran.
Then for four years I didn’t go to school, because we were in the jungles.
Hau foin tama fali iha pre-sekundária iha tinan 1979.
I only started at junior high school in 1979.
Hau akaba hosi pre-sekundária, hau kontínua ba sekundária.
When I finished junior high, I continued on to senior high school.
Akaba tiha, hau servisu durante tinan rua, mak foin tama iha universidade.
On finishing, I worked for two years before starting at the university.
Dadeer hau baa servisu iha banku BPD, i lokraik hau baa eskola.
In the mornings I went and worked at the BPD (Bank Pembangunan Daerah) bank, and in the afternoons I went to school.
Ita akaba hosi universidade iha saa tinan?
What year did you graduate from university?
Hau foin akaba iha tinan 2003, tanba situasaun mak halo hau para beibeik.
I only graduated in 2003, because the situation caused me me keep interrupting my studies.
Hau la konhese ema nebee hakerek livru nee.
I don’t know the person who wrote this book.
Ita tenki hanoin maluk sira nebee mate iha funu laran.
We must remember those friends who died in the war.
Buat ida nebee ita presiza duni mak kadernu.
Something we really need is exercise books.
Hau laduun fiar istória nebee hau ohin rona.
I don’t really believe the story I just heard.
Imi la hatene loron nebee hau sei fila mai.
You don’t know the day that I will return.
Iha tempu nebee ita halo ezame, la bele pasiar.
In the time when we do exams, we can’t go out.
Nia eskola iha Dare [tinan haat nia laran / durante tinan haat / durante tinan haat nia laran].
He went to school in Dare for 4 years.
Hau hanorin
[oras rua nia laran
/ durante oras rua
/ durante oras rua nia laran].
I teach for two hours.
tuir ita boot nia hanoin
in your opinion
prezidenti nia hakarak
the president’s wish
Amérika nia ajuda
America’s help
sira nia fiar ba Nai Maromak
their faith in the Lord God