33B Fixing problems (Rezolve problema) Flashcards
settling disputes
rezolve problema
resolve, settle, sort out (a dispute)
to hear a dispute, and make the final decision (mainly in non-legal setting)
tesi lia
to give compensation
to blame
foo sala
to promise
to swear an oath
to kneel with head bent to ask forgiveness
monu ain
to report (someone’s faults), tell on
to suspect or distrust
to hug, to embrace
to snatch
to grab
to seize
to compel, try to force
to spread gossip
lori lia
to hide
peace, reconciliation
traditional ruler, king
traditional elder
lia nain
lia anin
traditional communal event, dispute, legal case
hand-woven cloth
fine (for wrong-doing)
palm wine, alcohol
custom, tradition
custom, tradition
first (before doing something else, or before someone else)
Don’t do it again!
La bele halo tan!
If you do it again, …
Se halo tan, …
no longer …
la … ona
no longer …
la … tan
I ran away from home because my father and mother tried to force me to marry António.
Hau halai hosi uma, tanba apaa ho amaa obriga hau tenki kaben ho António.
customary law
isan, adat
expert in customary law (lit. word master)
lia nain
bride price
animist totem house, temple
uma lulik
big discussion with extended family
(lit. sit together)
tuur hamutuk
negotiations and ceremonies surrounding death
lia mate
all negotiations surrounding life and marriage
lia moris
within the family
iha uma laran
hearing a dispute and making the final decision
(lit. cut word/dispute)
tesi lian
to kneel in front of one’s family (asking forgiveness)
monu ain
to admit fault
(lit. ‘give fault’)
foo sal
to atone for a wrong tone
(lit. give fine)
foo multa
Yesterday Alito bashed his uncle Lucas til his face was swollen.
Horiseik Alito baku nia tiu Lucas too oin bubu.
They immediately sorted out the problem, and Alito promised to bring tais cloth, a pig and money to give to his uncle. Now he is about to take them there.
Sira rezolve kedas problema nee, i Alito promete atu lori tais, fahi no osan, foo ba nia tiu. Agora nia atu lori ba.
Alito! Where are you going?
Alito! O atu baa nebee?
I’m about to take this tais and pig to uncle Lucas.
Hau atu lori tais ho fahi nee ba tiu Lucas.
Have you sorted out your problem yesterday?
Imi nia problema horiseik nee rezolve tiha ona ka seidauk?
Yes, we sorted it out straight away. I am giving uncle Lucas a tais, a pig and $100.
Sin, rezolve horiseik kedas. Hau foo sala tais, fahi ho osan dolar atus ida ba Tiu Lucas.
The tais is to acknowledge my wrong. And the pig and money are as a fine to him, to ensure I don’t do it again another day.
Tais hodi foo sala. No fahi ho osan hanesan foo multa ba tiu, atu loron seluk hau la bele halo tan.
Who decided your case?
See mak tesi imi nia lia?
My grandfather, father’s older brother, and father.
Hau nia avoo mane, apaa boot ho hau nia apaa.
Yesterday I knelt before uncle Lucas, and he hugged me, receiving me back as his nephew.
Horiseik hau monu ain ba tiu Lucas no nia hakuak hau hodi simu fali hau hanesan ninia subrinhu.
That’ll teach you! Because you didn’t recognise your uncle (i.e. respect him as your uncle).
Nee fasi o nia matan! Tanba o la hatene o nia tiun.
You’d better not do it again, so you won’t have to pay fines like this.
Diak liu la bele halo tan, atu la bele multa hanesan nee.
I don’t want to do it again. I’m off now. They’re waiting for me down the road/hill.
Hau lakohi halo tan. Hau baa lai! Sira hein hau iha kraik nebaa.
So, off you go, we’ll talk again another day.
Entaun baa lai, loron seluk mak koalia fali.
That’ll teach you!
(lit. that will wash your eyes.)
Nee fasi o nia matan! / Fasi matan!
People told me my child had suddenly gotten ill at home. So I went immediately to see him.
Ema ohin dehan hau nia oan derepenti moras iha uma. I hau mos fila kedas ba haree nia.
When the policeman raises his hand to order the cars to stop, the cars stop immediately.
Bainhira polísia foti liman haruka kareta para, kareta mos para kedas.
Jesus said to the wind and waves, “Stop!” And the wind stopped, and the waves became still.
Jesus hatete ba anin ho laloran nunee, “Para ona!” Anin mos para, i bee mos hakmatek kedan.
I used to sell goods in the market. Now I don’t sell any more.
Uluk hau faan sasaan iha merkadu. Agora la faan ona.
Because my enemies were no longer in Timor, I returned to my country.
Tanba hau nia inimigu la iha Timor ona, hau fila ba hau nia rain.
Because they keep doing evil, they now no longer know what is good, and what is evil.
Tanba sira halo sala beibeik, agora sira la hatene ona saida mak diak, saida mak aat.
be on good terms with one another
diak malu
get on well
haree malu diak
to not get on well
haree malu la diak
to discuss, to argue with each other
diskuti malu
to compete for resources
hadau malu
to quarrel
istori malu
to separate, to go one’s separate ways
fahe malu
constantly oppose one another and put one another down
(e.g. of political groups)
(ema) haan malu
to disagree
(liafuan) la haan malu
They cannot be on good terms with one another, because their dispute has not yet been resolved.
Sira la bele diak malu, tanba problema seidauk rezolve.
People are pushing and shoving over rice at Audian shop, because the rice there is cheap.
Ema hadau malu foos iha loja Audian, tanba iha nebaa foos baratu.
This morning uncle Jaime had a quarrel with his wife about money.
Ohin dadeer tiu Jaime istori malu ho nia feen kona ba osan.
Other people are using this situation to provoke Timorese to fight each other.
Ema seluk uza situasaun nee hodi provoka ema Timor atu haan malu.
The witnesses’ testimonies (words) didn’t match.
Sasin sira nia liafuan la haan malu.
I am not a coffee-drinker.
Hau kafee la hemu.
We aren’t bread-eaters or cheese-eaters.
Ami paun la haan, keiju mos la haan.
We don’t know how to read or write.
Ami hakerek la hatene, lee la hatene.
He hasn’t learned to speak.
/ He is mute.
/ He doesn’t know how to speak politely.
Nia koalia la hatene.
Kids in Dili don’t know how to ride a horse.
Labarik sira iha Dili sae kuda la hatene.
I walk last, as I don’t walk well.
Hau lao ikus liu, tanba hau lao la bele.
Now even if we wanted to buy a house, we wouldn’t be able to any more.
Agora hakarak sosa uma mos, sosa la bele ona.
José didn’t want anyone to know that he was in that place. But he was unable to hide.
José lakohi atu ema hatene katak nia iha fatin nee. Maibe nia subar aan la bele.