4. Motor Development Flashcards
Motor development was previously believed to be an element of n____ m____
Neurological maturity
Most researchers now take a d____ s____ t____ (DST) approach
Dynamic Systems Theory (DST) approach
Define Dynamic
Change over time
Define system
Many e____ i____
Many elements interacting
Dynamic systems theory explains how b____ c____ over t____
How behaviour changes over time
What are six causes dynamic systems theory emphasises for motor development? (HOW)
1. Increases in s____ and w____
2. N____ mechanism
3. P____ control
4. B____
5. P____ skills
6. M____
- Increases in strength and weight
- Neural mechanism
- Posture control
- Balance
- Perceptual skills
- Motivation
Fill in the gaps about dynamic system theory
1. Most children arrive at m____
2. Children may arrive at m____ via different r____
3. The process depends more upon e____, c____ and l____ than was previously thought
- milestones
- milestones routes
- experimentation, curiosity, learning
Motor development is an o____ p____
Ongoing Process
Motor skills are divided into ____ categories
Give three examples of fine motor skills (smaller muscles)
1. G____
2. Object m____
3. D____
- Grasping (hand)
- Object manipulation
- Drawing
Give five examples of gross motor skills (large muscles)
1. S____
2. R____
3. C____
4. W____
5. R____
- Sitting
- Reaching (arm)
- Crawling
- Walking
- Running
Fill in the gaps about the stepping reflex
1. Co____ behaviour resembling wa____
2. Al____ leg movements
3. “disappears” around __ m____ of age
- Coordinated, walking
- Alternating
- 2 months
Why does the stepping reflex stop at age 2 months?
Rapid weight gain causes legs to get heavier faster than they get stronger
How do we know that the stepping reflex is not neurological maturity?
Because infants can do the same behaviour when l____ d____ (d____ g____ p____)
Because infants can do the same behaviour when laying down (distributed gravitational pull)
Sitting independently aids r____
Sitting independently has a cascading effect on i____ p____
Infant perception
Sitting creates new opportunities for exploring. New opportunities for exploring shapes v____ p____
visual perception