11. The family: beyond attachment Flashcards
What are 7 dimensions of parenting?
Which is the central theory of Bowlby’s attachment theory?
1. E____ a____
2. I____
3. C____
4. C____
5. M____
6. T____
7. S____
- Expressed affection
- Involvement
- Conflict
- Control
- Monitoring
- Teaching
- Security
Diana Baumrind assessed what four dimensions of parenting?
1. Co____
2. Nu____
3. Clarity of co____
4. Ma____ demands
In combination, these dimensions yield how many distinct parenting styles?
- Control
- Nurturance
- Clarity of communication
- Maturity demands
Yield four distinct parenting styles
What are the four parenting styles in “Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Model”?
- Authoritative
- Permissive
- Authoritarian
- Neglectful (added later by Maccoby and Martin)
Authoritarian parenting is high on c____ and d____, and low on n____ and r____. Children display low levels of i____ and s____ r____.
Control and demandingness
Nurturance and responsiveness
Independence and social responsibility
Permissive parents are high on l____ and a____, but exercise limited c____ and place few d____ on children. These children tend to be a____, i____, lack i____ c____ and self-r____ as well as lacking in s____ r____ and i____.
love and affection
control, demands
aimless, immature, impulse control, self-reliance
social responsibility and independence
Authoritative parents have high levels of w____ and a____ demands. F____, but non-p____control and open c____ between parents and children. These children are most c____: self-r____, s____ r____, keen to a____, cooperative.
Warmth, achievement
Firm, punitive, communication.
Competent, reliant, socially responsible, achieve
(Punitive = inflicting or intended as punishment)
Rejecting-neglecting parents have a di____ style. Parents are neither re____ nor are they de____. They may be ac____ rejecting, or simply neglect their ch____-ca____ responsibilities. Most ha____ to children, resulting in lo____ levels of co____ and so____ co____.
disengaged, responsive, demanding
actively, child-care
harmful, low, cognitive, social, competence
Standardised beta values give an indication of what e____ s____
Effect sizes
In Western samples, authoritative parenting styles have been linked to what five things?
1. A____ behaviour and fewer behaviour p____
2. Higher s____ w____
3. Higher s____-e____ and life s____
4. Lower d____
5. Lower s____ and a____ (mis)use in adolescence
- Adaptive, fewer behaviour problems
- Subjective well-being
- self-esteem, satisfaction
- Depression
- Substance, alcohol
What does WEIRD stand for in psychology samples?
Research is shifting towards studying parenting in terms of di____ rather than gl____ styles (more sp____)
Domain-specific models see parenting as m____ and s____ determined
Multifaceted, situationally
Current perspectives give greater emphasis to the role of c____-d____ processes
child-driven processes
What is meant by legitimacy beliefs?
Extent to which child views p____ a____ as l____ or not inflouences r____ to p____ and subsequent a____
Extent to which child views parental authority as legitimate or not influences responses to parenting and subsequent adjustment - they hold is ACTIVE
Especially relevant in adolescence
What is meant by research focusing on adolescent disclosure?
More focus on what types of p____ f____ adolescent disclosure and parental r____ to disclosures affect a____
More focus on what types of parenting facilitate adolescent disclosure and parental responses to disclosures affect adjustment (cyclical effects)
The family Systems Theory involves what three elements?
- Marital Relationship
- Mother-child relationship
- Father-child relationship
What are the four components of Minuchin (1985) Systems Theory?
1. W____
2. Integrity of S____
3. C____ of influence
4. S____ and c____
- Wholeness
- Integrity of Subsystems
- Circularity of influence
- Stability and change
What is meant by Wholeness?
A s____ is an o____ w____ that is g____ than the s____ of its p____
A system is an organised whole that is greater than the sum of its parts
What is meant by integrity of subsystems?
Systems are c____ of subsystems that may be s____ in their own right
Systems are composed of subsystems that may be studied in their own right
What is meant by circularity of influence?
All components are m_____ i____, change in one has i____ for all
All components are mutually interdependent, change in one has implications for all
What is meant by stability and change?
Systems are open to outside influences that may change it
Stroud et al (2015) found more adaptive marital functioning was related to greater levels of child responsiveness to their mothers which in turn was related to greater levels of b____ i____ and lower levels of g____ e____ b____
greater levels of boys internalising and lower levels of girls externalising behaviours.
(Externalizing problems include traits such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, and rule violation, while internalizing problems are characterized by worry, anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal)
Stroud et al (2015) found More adaptive marital functioning was related to greater triadic warmth which is turn was related to…
lower levels of internalizing and externalizing behaviour for both boys and girls
(triadic warmth is parents showing more warmth towards each other when engaging on tasks together with their child)
Family functioning and relationship quality is more important for …. than family structure
Child adjustment