19. Bullying II Flashcards
Cyber bullying and traditional bullying share the key components of bullying i.e. a v____-a____ power imbalance, intention to h____, s____ and r____
Across different studies typically between __-__% of those students who had experienced cyberbullying also experienced ‘traditional’ bullying
In a study of 2745 adolescents between 11 and 16 years, __% of students reported experiencing bullying only __% were purely cyber- bullied
Friendship is a d____ relationship between children that is m____ r____. It is v____, i____, s____ and d____ from other d____ relationships.
Mutually reciprocated
Voluntary, intimate, stable
Children with a reciprocated best friend are more a____ and s____ c____ than children without friends
socially competent
For children who may be victimised, friendships b____ against n____ i____ victimisation has on wellbeing
negative impact
Friendships are predictive of children’s a____ a____ at school
academic achievement
Define homophily
The tendency of l____-m____ individuals to be a____ to one another
The tendency of like-minded individuals to be attracted to one another
What is meant by selection?
Children af____ and be____ peers who’re s____ to themselves on a variety of b___\ and p____ characteristics
Children affiliate and befriend peers who’re similar to themselves on a variety of behavioural and physical characteristics
What is socialisation?
Process of i____ or c____ among peers
Processes of influence or contagion among peers
Define peer contagion
Mu____ i____ process that occurs between an in____ and a pe____, including behaviours that un____ de____ and cause ha____
Mutual influence process that occurs between an individual and a peer, including behaviours that undermine development and cause harm
Deviancy training is a p____ of interactions between ‘d____’ peers in which aggressive b____ and/or d____ of r____ b____ is contingently r____
behaviour, discussion
rule breaking
Aggressive children are more likely to be r____ from the peer group. This m____ and e____ children’s aggressive behaviour. This in turn limits opportunities for the a____ of s____ skills and p___ peer interactions
maintains, exacerbates
acquisition, social, positive
Peer rejection at age __ independently predicts conduct disorders at age __
5, 10
Piehler & Dishion (2007) found dyads high in both m____ and d____ talk were especially likely to demonstrate high levels of a____ b____
antisocial behaviour