4/29 Flashcards
cataracts, sensorineural hearing loss, and PDA
congenital rubella
nightmare disorder
awakened from sleep with memory and frightening dream content, REM sleep
sleep terrors
incomplete awakening, can’t remember content
REM sleep disorder
sleep talking
treatment in amyloidosis
screening in patient with cirrhosis
abdominal ultrasound every 6 months
most common cause of galactorrhea
hypospadias can be indicative of…
sex disorder - check karyotype
BUN creatinine ratio in hypovolemia
greater than 20
triple bubble sign
jejunal atresi
carpal tunnel with morning stiffness and tenosynovitis
afferent pupil defect
dilation of pupil with swinging flashlight, present in optic neuritis
memory problems in elderly due to depression
cause of primary dysmenorrhea
increased prostaglandins cause contraction and hypertonicity of uterus
most common side effect of lithium
interaction of amiodarone and digoxin
amio decreases digoxin metabolism, increasing dose
G6PD test during crisis
not accurate due to new RBCs not having defect
non caseating granulomas in IBD
cause of orthostatic hypotension in elderly
decreased baroreceptor response
next step with pulseless activity
CRP and vasopressors
child with acute onset hallucinations med
treatment of acute fatty liver of pregnancy
dream enactment
REM sleep disorder
hyperkalemic RTA is seen in…
poorly controlled diabetics
glomerular destruction in PSGN is due to
immune complex deposition
fibroblast proliferation with dimpling
random high glucose conentrations
due to high postprandial glucose levels