38. Latin Beyond GCSE Chapter 4 Flashcards
I sent a slave to help the old man.
servum misi qui senem adiuvaret.
When you receive this letter, come home at once.
ubi hanc epistulam acceperis, domum statim veni.
We all want to find out what happened here yesterday.
omnes cognoscere volumus quid heri hic acciderit.
If the envoys had not been killed, the general would not have attacked the town
nisi legati interfecti essent, imperator oppidum non oppugnavisset.
They threw the boy’s book into the fire so that it could not be read
librum pueri in ignem iniecerunt ne legeretur.
Tomorrow I shall walk to the city in order to see the new temple.
ad urbem cras ambulabo ut novum templum videam.
Do not ask me where I hid the money!
noli me rogare ubi pecuniam celaverim.
Since my sister had arrived, we bought more food.
cum mea soror advenisset, plus cibi emimus.
The art of writing is taught very well here.
ars scribendi hic optime docetur.
If we were rich, we should not be living in this part of the town.
si divites essemus, in hac parte oppidi non habitaremus.
Surely you do not believe the messenger’s words, master?
num verbis nuntii credis, domine?
I was afraid that you would all be captured by the enemy.
verebar ne omnes ab hostibus caperemini.
This girl is unwilling to tell me where her friends have gone.
haec puella mihi dicere non vult quo amici iverint.
By walking quickly, we hoped to arrive before dinner.
sperabamus nos celeriter ambulando ante cenam adventuros esse.
The woman asked the boys to work silently.
femina pueros rogavit ut tacite laborarent.
My friend promised to show me his new horse.
amicus promisit se novum equum suum mihi monstraturum esse.
This woman is said to have been loved by the emperor.
haec femina ab imperatore amata esse dicitur.
Do not shout, children, so that you may not be heard by the senators!
nolite clamare, liberi, ne a senatoribus audiamini.
Having opened the gates, our men marched into the middle of the city.
portis apertis, nostri in mediam urbem contenderunt.
I am still seeking an opportunity to escape.
occasionem effugiendi adhuc peto.
After he returned to Rome, my brother stayed with me for seven days.
frater postquam Romam rediit apud me septem dies mansit.
It pleased the king to see the citizens rejoicing.
regi placuit cives gaudentes videre.
Did you order my slave to give you that book?
iussistine servum meum tibi illum librum dare?
The girl who had received the prize decided to buy new clothes.
puella quae praemium acceperat novas vestes emere constituit.
We were all hurrying to the harbour in order to see the ships.
omnes ad portum festinabamus ut naves videremus.
I was afraid that you would not arrive today.
timebam ne hodie non advenires.
The city has so many gates that the citizens were able to leave very quickly.
urbs tot portas habet ut cives celerrime discedere potuerint.
If you find the money, do not lose it again!
si pecuniam invenies, noli iterum amittere.
I became wise by reading books.
libris legendis sapiens factus sum.
This girl says that she has never seen the sea.
haec puella negat se mare umquam vidisse
Surely you understand that the words always need to be learned?
nonne intellegis verba semper discenda esse?
The old man to whom I gave food yesterday is poor.
senex cui cibum heri dedi pauper est.
The general urged his men to march through the wood as quickly as possible.
imperator suos hortatus est ut per silvam quam celerrime contenderent.
The women ran to the shore in order to greet their husbands.
feminae ad litus cucurrerunt ut maritos salutarent.
When the bridge had been destroyed, we were safe at last.
ponte deleto, tuti tandem eramus.
Do you see that woman hurrying along the street?
videsne illam feminam per viam festinantem?
I admire the house so much that I am going to buy it.
domum adeo miror ut eam empturus sim.
We hope that we shall finish the work within three days.
speramus nos opus tribus diebus confecturos esse.
The boys were walking more slowly than the girls.
pueri lentius ambulabant quam puellae.
I was often warned by my father not to go there alone at night.
a patre saepe monebar ne eo solus nocte irem.
The old man hid the money so that it would never be found.
senex pecuniam celavit ne umquam inveniretur.
Do not trust such a messenger, citizens!
nolite tali nuntio confidere, cives.
The river is so wide that we cannot build a bridge.
flumen tam latum est ut pontem aedificare non possimus.
The boy said that he had lost the book which his father had sent.
puer dixit se librum perdidisse quem pater misisset.
If you listen carefully, you will understand my plan.
si diligenter audiveris, consilium meum intelleges.
I finally persuaded the young man to show me the senator’s letter.
iuveni tandem persuasi ut epistulam senatoris mihi monstraret.
The woman believed that she would soon find the true cause of the disease.
femina credebat se veram causam morbi mox inventuram esse.
Although my son could not be seen, he himself saw everything.
quamquam filius meus videri non poterat, tamen ipse omnia vidit.
The citizens were afraid that all the temples would be
destroyed by fire.
cives verebantur ne omnia templa igne delerentur.
Before he died, the old man told his wife where the silver had been hidden.
antequam mortuus est, senex uxori dixit ubi pecunia celata esset.
The soldier said that the journey had not been difficult.
miles negavit iter difficile fuisse.
In order not to be sent home, I worked silently for many hours.
ne domum mitterer, multas horas tacite laborabam.
The slave was away for so long that he needs to be punished.
servus tam diu aberat ut puniendus sit.
My brother and I stayed in the city until we saw the emperor.
ego et frater in urbe mansimus dum imperatorem videremus.
Did the girl understand what the teacher had written?
puellane intellexit quid magister scripsisset?
The envoys told the consul that the enemy’s city had been captured.
legati consuli dixerunt urbem hostium captam esse.
The boy climbed the tree in order to see the fight.
puer arborem ascendit ut pugnam videret.
Unless you wear more clothes, you will suffer from the cold.
nisi plures vestes geres, frigore patieris
So many merchants had come into the city that the
marketplace was full.
tot mercatores in urbem venerant ut forum plenum esset.
The general asked me whether I had seen his horse.
imperator me rogavit num equum suum vidissem.
The children were hiding so that they would not be seen by their parents.
liberti se celabant ne a parentibus viderentur.
The teacher asked me how many books I had read in the previous year.
magister me rogavit quot libros proximo anno legissem.
If you give me money, I shall try to buy more food.
si pecuniam mihi dederis, plus cibi emere conabor.
After he returned to the city, he was made consul again.
postquam ad urbem rediit, consul iterum factus est.
We shall be able to sail around the island within three hours.
circum insulam tribus horis navigare poterimus.
I am reading these books in order to learn about men and gods.
hos libros lego de hominibus deisque discendi causa.
If you had not seen the flames, the city would have been destroyed.
nisi flammas vidisses, urbs deleta esset
While this war was being waged, another disaster was
dum hoc bellum geritur, alia clades nuntiata est.
I will ask that girl how she found the way.
illam puellam rogabo quomodo viam invenerit.
The mountain is so high that no-one can climb it.
mons tam altus est ut nemo ascendere possit.
The horse was so tired that it could hardly carry me.
equus tam fessus erat ut me vix portare posset.
Whose speech do you believe to be best?
cuius orationem optimam esse credis?
As soon as they heard about the victory, the women began to rejoice.
simulac de victoria audiverunt, feminae gaudere coeperunt.
No-one knows how many soldiers were killed there.
nemo scit quot milites ibi interfecti sint.
Fearing that the prisoners would escape, the general
summoned more guards.
veritus ne captivi effugerent, imperator plures custodes arcessivit.
Why did you not tell me what you wanted to do?
cur mihi non dixisti quid facere velles?
The gifts sent by the allies will be a help to our citizens.
dona a sociis missa civibus nostris auxilio erunt.
The slaves ran away so quickly that no-one was caught.
servi tam celeriter fugerunt ut nemo captus sit
Do you know why the women tried to burn the ships?
scisne quare feminae naves incendere conatae sint?
The girl told her companions to follow her.
puella comites se sequi iussit
If the teacher were here, he would be trying to teach us.
si magister adesset, nos docere conaretur
The women wanted to find out what had happened.
feminae cognoscere volebant quid accidisset.
They hurried to the gates of the city in order to wait for
ad portas urbis festinaverunt nuntios exspectandi causa.
We hope that our friends will arrive on the third day.
speramus amicos tertio die adventuros esse.
The sailors whom we saw yesterday left the city as quickly as possible.
nautae quos heri vidimus ex urbe quam celerrime discesserunt.
If the money is not given back, you will all be punished.
nisi pecunia reddetur, omnes puniemini.
Did you not send a boy to find the horse?
nonne puerum misisti qui equum inveniret?
My brother has become so rich that he is able to buy a
country house.
frater meus tam dives factus est ut villam emere possit.
The old man did not know what he should do.
senex nescivit quid facere deberet.
The women and children were ordered to go out into
the fields.
feminae liberique in agros exire iussi sunt.
You will soon see what is happening if you hurry.
si festinabis, mox videbis quid accidat.
I am afraid that the money may be stolen.
vereor ne pecunia auferatur.
We received into our city those who had suffered serious wounds in the war.
in urbem nostram accepimus eos qui vulnera gravia in bello passi erant.
The woman said that she had stolen the food so that we
could eat.
femina dixit se cibum abstulisse ut nos ederemus.
If the soldiers had obeyed the general, they would not have fallen into the ambush.
si milites imperatori paruissent, in insidias non cecidissent.
They went away to found a city with the help of the gods.
abierunt urbem auxilio deorum conditum.
When do you hope to return to your homeland?
quando speras te ad patriam rediturum esse?
The young man wanted to know where the girl had been sent to
iuvenis scire volebat quo puella missa esset.
Our men are accustomed to say that they do not fear the enemy
nostri se hostes timere negare solent.
Let us praise all those by whom we have been taught!
laudemus omnes a quibus docti sumus.