16. Latin to GCSE English to Latin Practice Sentences Flashcards
The slaves are not working
servi non laborant
We suddenly ran into the temple
subito in templum cucurrimus
The husband was writing a letter in the garden
maritus epistulam in horto scribebat
I am not able to sleep
dormire non possum
You (sg) immediately entered the house
statim villam intravisti
Many messengers were in the marketplace
multi nuntii in foro erant
I caught sight of the woman in the street
feminam in via conspexi
We caught sight of the great danger
magnum periculum conspeximus
The freedmen defended the gate with swords
liberti gladiis portam defenderunt
Why are you (pl) afraid of the mistress?
cur dominam timetis?
They carried the food into the wood
cibum in silvam portaverunt
We often used to drink wine in the inn
in taberna vinum saepe bibebamus
He was silent for many hours
multas horas tacebat
You (sg) have sent a good gift
donum bonum misisti
I protected the master’s money for a long time
pecuniam domini diu servabam
The plan is bad
consilium malum est
You (pl) were building the new temple
novum templum aedificabatis
We decided to hand over the weapons to the boy
arma puero tradere constituimus
The goddesses are cruel
deae saevae sunt
I greeted the happy master
dominum laetum salutavi
The angry men called the slave-girls
viri irati ancillas vocaverunt
The girl suddenly fell
puella subito cecidit
You (sg) always prepare the dinner
cenam semper paras
The master’s anger was savage
ira domini saeva erat
The women walked into the fields
feminae in agros ambulaverunt
We ask the gods for help
deos auxilium rogamus
He ruled well for many years
multos annos bene regebat
The queen often shouts
regina saepe clamat
When did the sailors arrive?
quando advenerunt nautae?
The bad water killed the girl
aqua mala puellam necavit
You (pl) have conquered a large kingdom
magnum regnum vicistis
He leads the daughter into the garden
filiam in hortum ducit
I was guarding the small gate against the men
contra viros parvam portam custodiebam
We built long walls
muros longos aedificavimus
I am seeking help from the man
auxilium a viro peto
He was finally able to drink the wine
vinum bibere tandem poterat