30. Latin to GCSE - Additional English to Latin Sentences Flashcards
We have a good plan
consilium bonum habemus.
The slaves were working in the garden
servi in horto laborabant.
I immediately decided to seek help
auxilium petere statim constitui
I was afraid of the master’s son
filium domini timebam.
The men were guarding the walls
viri muros custodiebant
The gods and goddesses are silent
dei deaeque tacent.
I sailed to my homeland at last
ad patriam tandem navigavi.
We hurried out of the wood
e silva festinavimus.
They were building the temple for many years
templum multos annos aedificabant.
We often overcome danger
saepe periculum superamus.
The girl sent a letter
puella epistulam misit
Why do you not have a sword?
cur gladium non habes?
They greeted the happy girl
puellam laetam salutaverunt
I was not able to run
currere non poteram.
The woman’s husband is a sailor
maritus feminae nauta est.
The boys were shouting in the street
pueri in via clamabant.
The new slave-girl arrived
nova ancilla advenit
We always guard the kingdom with weapons
regnum armis semper custodimus.
There is a gate in the wall
est porta in muro.
I suddenly fell into the water
in aquam subito cecidi
The freedmen were drinking wine in the inn
liberti in taberna vinum bibebant
We were walking for many hours
multas horas ambulabamus.
I caught sight of the messenger in the forum
nuntium in foro conspexi.
The slave-girl is able to write well
ancilla bene scribere potest.
They live in a big house
in magna villa habitant
When did you find the money?
quando pecuniam invenisti?
I handed over the gift to the queen’s daughter
donum filiae reginae tradidi
I was sleeping in the field for a long time
in agro diu dormiebam
He announced new plans
nova consilia nuntiavit.
The angry master frightens the slaves
dominus iratus servos terret.