31. Ultimate Verb Revision Flashcards
What are the endings for 1st conjugation present active indicative verbs?
- o
- as
- at
- amus
- atis
- ant
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation present active indicative verbs?
- eo
- es
- et
- emus
- etis
- ent
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation present active indicative verbs?
- o
- is
- it
- imus
- itis
- unt
What are the endings for
4th conjugation present active indicative verbs?
- io
- is
- it
- imus
- itis
- iunt
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation present active indicative verbs?
- io
- is
- it
- imus
- itis
- iunt
What are the endings for 1st conjugation future active indicative verbs?
- abo
- abis
- abit
- abimus
- abitis
- abunt
What are the endings for 2nd
conjugation future active indicative verbs?
- ebo
- ebis
- ebit
- ebimus
- ebitis
- ebunt
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation future active indicative verbs?
- am
- es
- et
- emus
- etis
- ent
What are the endings for 4th conjugation future active indicative verbs?
- iam
- ies
- iet
- iemus
- ietis
- ient
What are the endings for 3/4th mixed conjugation future active indicative verbs?
- iam
- ies
- iet
- iemus
- ietis
- ient
What are the endings for 1st conjugation imperfect active indicative verbs?
- abam
- abas
- abat
- abamus
- abatis
- abant
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation imperfect active indicative verbs?
- ebam
- ebas
- ebat
- ebamus
- ebatis
- ebant
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation imperfect active indicative verbs?
- ebam
- ebas
- ebat
- ebamus
- ebatis
- ebant
What are the endings for 4th conjugation imperfect active indicative verbs?
- iebam
- iebas
- iebat
- iebamus
- iebatis
- iebant
What are the endings for 3/4th conjugation imperfect active indicative verbs?
- iebam
- iebas
- iebat
- iebamus
- iebatis
- iebant
What are the endings for 1st conjugation perfect active indicative verbs?
- avi
- avisti
- avit
- avimus
- avistis
- averunt
What are the endings for 2nd
conjugation perfect active indicative verbs?
- ui
- uisti
- uit
- uimus
- uistis
- uerunt
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation perfect active indicative verbs?
- i
- isti
- it
- imus
- istis
- erunt
What are the endings for 4th conjugation perfect active indicative verbs?
- ivi
- ivisti
- ivit
- ivimus
- ivistis
- iverunt
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation perfect active indicative verbs?
- i
- isti
- it
- imus
- istis
- erunt
What are the endings for 1st conjugation pluperfect active indicative verbs?
- averam
- averas
- averat
- averamus
- averatis
- averant
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation pluperfect active indicative verbs?
- (u)eram
- (u)eras
- (u)erat
- (u)eramus
- (u)eratis
- (u)erant
this is for moneo and others with a u in the perfect stem - the principle is to use the perfect stem so sometimes it’s not u for example video is vidi so it would be videram videras etc
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation pluperfect active indicative verbs?
- eram
- eras
- erat
- eramus
- eratis
- erant
What are the endings for 4th conjugation pluperfect active indicative verbs?
- iveram
- iveras
- iverat
- iveramus
- iveratis
- iverant
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation pluperfect active indicative verbs?
- eram
- eras
- erat
- eramus
- eratis
- erant
What are the endings for 1st conjugation future perfect active indicative verbs?
- avero
- averis
- averit
- averimus
- averitis
- averint
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation future perfect active indicative verbs?
- (u)ero
- (u)eris
- (u)erit
- (u)erimus
- (u)eritis
- (u)erint
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation future perfect active indicative verbs?
- ero
- eris
- erit
- erimus
- eritis
- erint
What are the endings for 4th conjugation future perfect active indicative verbs?
- ivero
- iveris
- iverit
- iverimus
- iveritis
- iverint
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation future perfect active indicative verbs?
- ero
- eris
- erit
- erimus
- eritis
- erint
What are the endings for 1st conjugation present passive indicative verbs?
- or
- aris
- atur
- amur
- amini
- antur
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation present passive indicative verbs?
- eor
- eris
- etur
- emur
- emini
- entur
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation present passive indicative verbs?
- or
- eris
- itur
- imur
- imini
- untur
What are the endings for 4th conjugation present passive indicative verbs?
- ior
- iris
- itur
- imur
- imini
- iuntur
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation present passive indicative verbs?
- ior
- eris
- itur
- imur
- imini
- iuntur
What are the endings for 1st conjugation future passive indicative verbs?
- abor
- aberis
- abitur
- abimur
- abimini
- abuntur
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation future passive indicative verbs?
- ebor
- eberis
- ebitur
- ebimur
- ebimini
- ebuntur
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation future passive indicative verbs?
- ar
- eris
- etur
- emur
- emini
- entur
What are the endings for 4th conjugation future passive indicative verbs?
- iar
- ieris
- ietur
- iemur
- iemini
- ientur
What are the endings for mixed 3/4 conjugation future passive indicative verbs?
- iar
- ieris
- ietur
- iemur
- iemini
- ientur
What are the endings for 1st conjugation imperfect passive indicative verbs?
- abar
- abaris
- abatur
- abamur
- abamini
- abantur
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation imperfect passive indicative verbs?
- ebar
- ebaris
- ebatur
- ebamur
- ebamini
- ebantur
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation imperfect passive indicative verbs?
- ebar
- ebaris
- ebatur
- ebamur
- ebamini
- ebantur
What are the endings for 4th conjugation imperfect passive indicative verbs?
- iebar
- iebaris
- iebatur
- iebamur
- iebamini
- iebantur
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation imperfect passive indicative verbs?
- iebar
- iebaris
- iebatur
- iebamur
- iebamini
- iebantur
What are the endings for 1st conjugation perfect passive indicative verbs? Use porto as an example
- portatus sum
- portatus es
- portatus est
- portati sumus
- portati estis
- portati sunt
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation perfect passive indicative verbs? Use moneo as an example
- monitus sum
- monitus es
- monitus est
- moniti sumus
- moniti estis
- moniti sunt
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation perfect passive indicative verbs? Use traho as an example
- tractus sum
- tractus es
- tractus est
- tracti sumus
- tracti estis
- tracti sunt
What are the endings for 4th conjugation perfect passive indicative verbs? Use audio as an example
- auditus sum
- auditus es
- auditus est
- auditi sumus
- auditi estis
- auditi sunt
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation perfect passive indicative verbs? use capio as an example
- captus sum
- captus es
- captus est
- capti sumus
- capti estis
- capti sunt
What are the endings for 1st conjugation pluperfect passive indicative verbs? Use porto as an example
- portatus eram
- portatus eras
- portatus erat
- portati eramus
- portati eratis
- portati erant
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation pluperfect passive indicative verbs?
- monitus eram
- monitus eras
- monitus erat
- moniti eramus
- moniti eratis
- moniti erant
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation pluperfect passive indicative verbs? Use traho as an example
- tractus eram
- tractus eras
- tractus erat
- tracti eramus
- tracti eratis
- tracti erant
What are the endings for 4th conjugation pluperfect passive indicative verbs? Use audio as an example
- auditus eram
- auditus eras
- auditus erat
- auditi eramus
- auditi eratis
- auditi erant
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation pluperfect passive indicative verbs? Use capio as an example
- captus eram
- captus eras
- captus erat
- capti eramus
- capti eratis
- capti erant
What are the endings for 1st conjugation future perfect passive indicative verbs? Use porto as an example
- portatus ero
- portatus eris
- portatus erit
- portati erimus
- portati eritis
- portati erunt
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation future perfect passive indicative verbs? Use moneo as an example
- monitus ero
- monitus eris
- monitus erit
- moniti erimus
- moniti eritis
- moniti erunt
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation future perfect passive indicative verbs? Use traho as an example
- tractus ero
- tractus eris
- tractus erit
- tracti erimus
- tracti eritis
- tracti erunt
What are the endings for 4th conjugation future perfect passive indicative verbs? Use audio as an example
- auditus ero
- auditus eris
- auditus erit
- auditi erimus
- auditi eritis
- auditi erunt
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation future perfect passive indicative verbs? Use capio as an example
- captus ero
- captus eris
- captus erit
- capti erimus
- capti eritis
- capti erunt
What are the endings for 1st conjugation present active subjunctive verbs?
- em
- es
- et
- emus
- etis
- ent
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation present active subjunctive verbs?
- eam
- eas
- eat
- eamus
- eatis
- eant
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation present active subjunctive verbs?
- am
- as
- at
- amus
- atis
- ant
What are the endings for 4th conjugation present active subjunctive verbs?
- iam
- ias
- iat
- iamus
- iatis
- iant
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation present active subjunctive verbs?
- iam
- ias
- iat
- iamus
- iatis
- iant
What are the endings for 1st conjugation imperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- arem
- ares
- aret
- aremus
- aretis
- arent
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation imperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- erem
- eres
- eret
- eremus
- eretis
- erent
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation imperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- erem
- eres
- eret
- eremus
- eretis
- erent
What are the endings for 4th conjugation imperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- irem
- ires
- iret
- iremus
- iretis
- irent
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation imperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- erem
- eres
- eret
- eremus
- eretis
- erent
What are the endings for 1st conjugation perfect active subjunctive verbs?
- averim
- averis
- averit
- averimus
- averitis
- averint
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation perfect active subjunctive verbs?
- (u)erim
- (u)eris
- (u)erit
- (u)erimus
- (u)eritis
- (u)erint
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation perfect active subjunctive verbs?
- erim
- eris
- erit
- erimus
- eritis
- erint
What are the endings for 4th conjugation perfect active subjunctive verbs?
- iverim
- iveris
- iverit
- iverimus
- iveritis
- iverint
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation perfect active subjunctive verbs?
- erim
- eris
- erit
- erimus
- eritis
- erint
What are the endings for 1st conjugation pluperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- avissem
- avisses
- avisset
- avissemus
- avissetis
- avissent
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation pluperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- (u)issem
- (u)isses
- (u)isset
- (u)issemus
- (u)issetis
- (u)issent
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation pluperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- issem
- isses
- isset
- issemus
- issetis
- issent
What are the endings for 4th conjugation pluperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- ivissem
- ivisses
- ivisset
- ivissemus
- ivissetis
- ivissent
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation pluperfect active subjunctive verbs?
- issem
- isses
- isset
- issemus
- issetis
- issent
What are the endings for 1st conjugation present passive subjunctive verbs?
- er
- eris
- etur
- emur
- emini
- entur
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation present passive subjunctive verbs?
- ear
- earis
- eatur
- eamur
- eamini
- eantur
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation present passive subjunctive verbs?
- ar
- aris
- atur
- amur
- amini
- antur
What are the endings for 4th conjugation present passive subjunctive verbs?
- iar
- iaris
- iatur
- iamur
- iamini
- iantur
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation present passive subjunctive verbs?
- iar
- iaris
- iatur
- iamur
- iamini
- iantur
What are the endings for 1st conjugation imperfect passive subjunctive verbs?
- arer
- areris
- aretur
- aremur
- aremini
- arentur
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation imperfect passive subjunctive verbs?
- erer
- ereris
- eretur
- eremur
- eremini
- erentur
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation imperfect passive subjunctive verbs?
- erer
- ereris
- eretur
- eremur
- eremini
- erentur
What are the endings for 4th conjugation imperfect passive subjunctive verbs?
- irer
- ireris
- iretur
- iremur
- iremini
- irentur
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation imperfect passive subjunctive verbs?
- erer
- ereris
- eretur
- eremur
- eremini
- erentur
What are the endings for 1st conjugation perfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use porto as an example
- portatus sim
- portatus sis
- portatus sit
- portati simus
- portati sitis
- portati sint
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation perfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use moneo as an example
- monitus sim
- monitus sis
- monitus sit
- moniti simus
- moniti sitis
- moniti sint
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation perfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use traho as an example
- tractus sim
- tractus sis
- tractus sit
- tracti simus
- tracti sitis
- tracti sint
What are the endings for 4th conjugation perfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use audio as an example
- auditus sim
- auditus sis
- auditus sit
- auditi simus
- auditi sitis
- auditi sint
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation perfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use capio as an example
- captus sim
- captus sis
- captus sit
- capti simus
- capti sitis
- capti sint
What are the endings for 1st conjugation pluperfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use porto as an example
- portatus essem
- portatus esses
- portatus esset
- portati essemus
- portati essetis
- portati essent
What are the endings for 2nd conjugation pluperfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use moneo as an example
- monitus essem
- monitus esses
- monitus esset
- moniti essemus
- moniti essetis
- moniti essent
What are the endings for 3rd conjugation pluperfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use traho as an example
- tractus essem
- tractus esses
- tractus esset
- tracti essemus
- tracti essetis
- tracti essent
What are the endings for 4th conjugation pluperfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use audio as an example
- auditus essem
- auditus esses
- auditus esset
- auditi essemus
- auditi essetis
- auditi essent
What are the endings for mixed 3/4th conjugation pluperfect passive subjunctive verbs? Use capio as an example
- captus essem
- captus esses
- captus esset
- capti essemus
- capti essetis
- capti essent