3.6. Localisation Of Function Flashcards
What is localisation?
Specific functions (e.g. language, memory and hearing) that have specific locations in the brain
How is Phineas Gage part of localisation of function?
- His case had a large influence on early neurology
- Specific changes in his behaviour led to theories about the localisation of brain function
- Tamping iron went through his left frontal lobe
Where is the motor area?
Frontal lobe
What is the function of the motor area?
Responsible for voluntary movement by sending signals to the muscles in the body
Which hemisphere is the motor area located?
The motor area on one side of the brain controls the muscles on the opposite side of the body
Where is the somatosensory area located?
Parietal lobe
What is the function of the somatosensory area?
Receives incoming information from the skin to produce sensations related to pressure, pain, temp
Which hemisphere is the somatosensory area?
The somatosensory area from one side of the brain receives sensory info from the opposite side of the body
Where is the visual area located?
Occipital lobe
What is the function of the visual area?
Receives and processes visual information
It contains different parts that process different types of info relating to colour, shape or movement
Which hemisphere is the visual area located in?
Info from the right visual field is processed by the left hemisphere, information from the left visual field is processed by the right hemisphere
Where is the auditory area located?
Temporal lobe
What is the function of the auditory area?
Responsible for analysing and processing acoustic info
Which hemisphere is the auditory area located?
Info from the left ear primarily goes to the right hemisphere, info from the right ear primarily goes to the left hemisphere
Where is Broca’s area located?
Left Frontal lobe