31- Samaritan Woman Flashcards
The Jews hated the Samaritans and thought they were impure. While Jesus and his disciples were headed to Galilee they passed through Samaria, and came to a well that their ancestor Jacob had dug. Jesus was tired so He sat down by the well while His disciples went into town to buy food. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “May I please have a drink?” She was astounded. “You’re a Jewish man and I’m a Samaritan woman, so how can You ask me for a drink?”
Naa keiba apa Ilyahudi Isamaria amu etushulare apa kulikai loreren. Neshuko Yesu olooiteng’eni lenyena aapuo Galilaya neim ninche enkoitoi naimita enkop e Samaria, nelotu Yesu oo loiteng’eni lenyena enchorro enkare natuturuo apa kakuyiaa lenye Yakobo. Ore pee ebaya erishata endama nenauru Yesu. Neton ayieng’iyeng’a tembata enchoro naokuni, nepuo ilooiteng’eni lenyena olduka aainyiang’u endaa. Nelotu enkitok oo Samaria enchorro aoku enkare, neng’amaa Yesu ajoki, “Injooki enkare naok!” Neing’asia enkitok o Samaria. Nejoki ina kitok e Samaria Yesu. “Kaji etiu pee kiomon iyie Olyahudi enkare nara nanu Esamariai?”
Jesus said, “If you knew the gift of God and Who it is that is asking you for a drink, you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” She replied, “Sir, you don’t have a bucket and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?” Jesus explained, “When a person drinks water from this well, he gets thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him, will never be thirsty again. The water I give him will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” “Sir, give me this water so I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming back to this well to draw water.” “Go call your husband, and come back here,” said Jesus. “I have no husband,” she told him. “You’re right,” Jesus said. “You have had five husbands, and you’re not married to the man you’re living with right now.”
Newaliki Yesu ajoki, “Tenaa iyiolo enkishorunoto e Nkai na eing’ai ilo likijoki ‘Inchooki enaok’, anaata aa iyie naomon ninye naa eikincho ninye enkare naishu.” Nejoki enkitok ninye. “Lo kitok, miata toki niokunye negut olkesumet. Ai tiaji iata enkare naishu?” Newaliki Yesu ajoki ninye, “Ore pooki ng’ai ook ena are naa keitoki atir enkure. Kake ore ilo ook ina naisho nanu, nemetir enkure intarasi; amu ore ina are naisho nanu keaku enchorro tiatua ninye naitootuakino enkishui oo ntarasi.” Nejoki enkitok ninye, “Lo kitok, inchooki ina are, pee maaitoki atir enkure, nemaitoki alotu enebanji aoku enkare.” Nejoki Yesu ninye, “Shomo impoto olpayian lino wootu ene.” Newaliki enkitok ajoki ninye, “Maata nanu olpayian.” Nejoki Yesu ninye, “Intorioko ina nitejo, ‘Maata nanu olpayian.’ Amu imiet ilpayiani likiwaita, neme olino olikiaata taata. Ore tena iroro esipata.”
“Sir, I can see you are a prophet. My ancestors sacrificed to God on this mountain, but you Jews say that Jerusalem is the place where people should worship.” Jesus said, “A time is coming when you won’t worship in either place. The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman replied, “I know the Messiah is coming, and when He does, He’ll explain everything to us.” Then Jesus told her, “I who speak to you am He.”
Nejoki enkitok ninye, “Lokitok, adol ajo ira iyie oloiboni. Eteseremishote loo papa tele doinyo, nijojo intae eji atua Yerusalem etii ewueji nemeata kata nemeseremishoreki.” Nejoki Yesu ninye, “Kelotu esaa neme te le doinyo, neme te Yesuralem iserememe Papa. Iserememe intai enimiyiololo, nikiserem iyiook enikiyiolo, amu Ilyahudi eing’uaa enjeunoto. Amu kelotu esaa, netaa taata, naserem Ilaseremak oosipa te nkiyang’et o te sipata; amu kitejo lelo oing’oru Papa pee eserem ninye tenkiyang’et e Nkai, ore ilooserem ninye, nenare ake neserem te nkiyeng’et o te sipata.” Nejoki enkitok ninye, “Ayiolo ajo kelotu Mesia, laa ninye eji Kristo. Na kelotu neboloki iyiook imbaa pooki.” Nejoki Yesu ninye, “Nanu doi, ele laairorie iyie.”
The woman left her water jar by the well and went back to town to tell everybody. “Come see the Man who told me everything I’ve ever done! Can He be the Messiah?” So they came back with her to the well to see Jesus. Many of them believed in Jesus because of what the woman said, and they begged Him not to leave right away. So Jesus stayed for two days, teaching the people, and even more of them believed in Him. And they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said. Now, we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Christ, the Savior of the world.”
Neing’uaa ina kitok oltoo lenye le nkare tembata enchoro neshuko alo ena anasa aliki pooki ng’ae. “Wootu entodol oltung’ani laatolikio mbaa pooki apa nataasa: Kebaiki naa ele Mesia?” Neshukunye iltung’ana tenebo ninye omeetu enchorro aadol Yesu. Neiruk ina kata iltung’ana kumok Yesu tenkaraki nena naatejo enkitok. Nesai ninche ninye pee melo aing’uaa ninche neijia. Nebik nkolong’i are teine, neiteng’en iltung’ana, neitoki aairuk kulikai ake kumok ninye. Nejoki ninche enkitok, “Kiruk taata, kake mme tenkaraki enitejo. Kitoning’okito taata ate kuna baa, nikitayioloito taata nchere ore ele tung’ani naa kesipa ninye Kristo Olaitajeunoni le nkop pooki.”
Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace. 2 Corinthians 1:12
Amu ena shakenisho ake oo ltoiloishi loo ltauja lang king’idare, nchere ore tiatua ltung’ana, neisul tiatua intae, kintoriokito iyiook aairo sipat naaisho iyiook Enkai, naa te mpiris e Nkai mme te nkarriyiano e ng’eno e tung’ani.