25/2 Flashcards
descibe a fracture
distal fragment in relation to the prox
collagen in tendons and ligaments
type 1
gout crystals on light microscopy
strongly negative birefringent
Features of lupus nephritis
dipstick proteinuria
fracture of base of 5th metatarsal
jones or pseudo-jones fracture
fracture of distal tibia due to impact of talus driven up from below
plafond or pilon fracture
fracture of prox fibula associated with sig ligament ankle injury
maionneuve fracture
describe galeazzi fracture
radial fracture associated with dislocation of inferior RUJ
describe colle’s fracture
distal radius fracture
dorsal displacement and angulation of distal fragment
describe smith’s fracture
fracture of distal radius with volar displacement and angulation of distal fragment
describe monteggia fracture
fracture of prox ulnar associated with dislocation of head of radius
property of articular cartilage
5 phases of walk
heal strike foot flat mid stance toe off swing (40% cycle)
peak age for perthe’s
________ is the periosteal reaction
earliest radiological sign of osteomyleitis