2.2 Black Feminism On Ethnic Inequality Flashcards
What type of feminism do black feminists emphasise?
Most feminism is what?
Ethnocentric based on white middle class women
(Brewer) why do black women experience inequality according to intersectionality?
Because they are black, female and working class
(Brewer) what does each inequality do?
Intersects and reinforces another
(Brewer) criticism - what has anti discrimination legislation helped do?
Empower ethnic minority women
(Brewer) criticism - give an example of how not all ethnic minority women experience disadvantage:
Chinese girls outperforming others in education
(Brewer) strength - useful in highlighting what?
Differences in experience of women is just as important as similarities
(Mirza) there is a need for black feminism to do what?
Draw on the experiences of black women
(Mirza) black feminism has actively challenged what idea?
That black women are passive victims of racism, patriarchy and class inequality
(Mirza) what do dominant stereotypes of the dutiful wife and daughter do?
Undermine black women who are brave proud and strong
(Mirza) black feminists are involved in fighting against what?
Domestic violence
(Mirza) black feminists also challenge activities of what?
Police and immigration authorities
(Mirza) criticism - many ethnic minority women are forced to do what?
Conform to dominant stereotypes e.g. In Islam to maintain izzat
(Mirza) criticism - what does the concrete ceiling mean from many EM women?
They can’t be brave proud and strong
(Mirza) strength - useful insight into what?
The achievements of black feminism
(Connell) there are links between black feminism and what other type of feminism?
Postcolonial feminism
(Connell) what is postcolonial feminism concerned with?
Explaining gender inequalities caused by colonialism
(Connell) what is often embedded in current attitudes to ethnicity and gender?
Gender inequalities in colonial times
(Connell) it is important do develop feminist perspectives challenging what?
Dominance or western feminism
(Connell) criticism - post colonial feminism sometimes overemphasises what?
Importance of colonialism rather than gender inequalities