1.1 National & Global identities Flashcards
what is a national identity?
feeling you are part of a larger community in the form of a nation e.g. British
what sorts of symbols and rituals can remind people of their national identity?
flags, coins, national anthems
remembrance day
why is it hard to describe a national identity in the UK?
multicultural society influenced by socialisation
what do most people think are important aspects of British identity?
being born here, living here, speaking English, obeying the laws
Goldblatt said british identity is created around what 5 things?
geography, religion, war, empire and cultural symbols
Schudson - what are some ways people are socialised into a British identity?
a common language
national rituals
Schudson - how are people socialised into a british identity through a common language?
English seen as central to our cultural identity
Schudson - how are people socialised into a british identity through education?
teaching of history, English literature and religion reinforces shared values and gives a sense of pride in british history
Schudson - how are people socialised into a british identity through national rituals?
royal weddings, coronations and remembrance all encourage people to take part and create a sense of britishness
Schudson - how are people socialised into a british identity through symbols?
union jack, uniforms, passports, national anthems encourage patriotism especially within sport or wartime
why might the british identity be in crisis?
regional identities (e.g. Scottish, welsh) multi culturalism globalisation
(celtic identity) there is evidence that people from wales stress which identity?
their welsh above their british identity
(celtic identity) what has their been an increase in from 1981 to 2004?
the amount of people from wales speaking welsh
18.5% to 21.7% (welsh language use survey)
(celtic identity) what did andy murray say when asked who he wanted to win the world cup?
anyone but england
(celtic identity) the Scottish rugby supporters sing flower of Scotland before matches, what is this a song about?
fighting against the English
(celtic identity) how does singing before rugby matches reinforce a Scottish identity?
pride - winning the English
clear ethnic identity
shared culture
some would say the English identity is negative and exclusive why?
growth of groups such as the EDL
based on his study Hewitt claims young white English youths feel they have invisible culture, what does he mean?
in a deprived w/c estate he found white youth felt every culture was celebrated except their own
(globalisation) national identity may be threatened by globalisation, what is globalisation?
process of world becoming interconnected due to increased travel and technology
what did Hall suggest about globalisation?
countries have 3 different reactions
(hall) 1. globalisation is leading to cultures becoming more similar what is this process called?
(Hall) 1. there are concerns that American culture is taking over, how?
brands - mcdonalds, starbucks
tv, film and music
promote the American lifestyle
(Hall) 1. with reference to globalisation Marxists talk about the coca-colonisation of the world saying we now have what?
a global norm
(Hall) 2. what would other sociologists argue to counter Marxists?
we have always traded with other nations and this hasn’t wiped out national differences
(Hall) 2. globalisation may lead to hybrid cultures, what are these?
when local and global cultures interact to produce new forms of culture
(Hall) 2. give an example of hybrid culture?
migrants from India to Britain describe themselves as British Asian
(Hall) 3. some cultures may respond by resisting global culture and protecting their heritage what does this lead to them becoming? and what did Hall call this?
more traditional and nationalistic
cultural resistance
what do postmodernists think of globalisation? what does it give us more choice in?
it is positive
gives more choice in our identity
but, globalisation can lead to what? (postmodernists)
fragmentation of identity e.g. eroding british identity
Postmodernists argue global culture is not entirely what?
there are other influences e.g. indian food
(multicultural society) Back found new hybrid identities emerging amongst who?
young white, Asian and black people on a council estate in london
(multicultural society) Back - the young people tried out new cultural masks, what did he mean by this?
they experimented with different styles and symbols
(multicultural society) what did Back find among the young people from the different ethnic groups?
a lot of friendships
borrowing from other groups e.g. slang terms, music tastes
(multicultural society) Back found the new identities being formed achieved what?
brought black and white people closer
national cultures are always what?