1.1 Ethnicity & Identity Flashcards
what is an ethnic group?
a group with shared culture based on common origin
give some examples of cultural characteristics:
where we come from, religion, language, skin colour, customs
what do cultural characteristics affect?
who we are and how we see ourselves
people in minority groups often have a keen awareness of their own cultural traditions, creating a common what?
Ethnic identity
in the 50s/60s what did many people do?
migrated to Britain from commonwealth countries
(socialisation) Guhmann argues Asian families socialise their children into what?
pattern of obligation, loyalty and religious commitment
(socialisation) Guhmann says the mother tongue was seen as important in Asian families, maintaining links where?
between the generations
(socialisation) Guhmann says Izzat was taken seriously, what is this? and emphasis was placed on what?
Izzat - family honour
emphasis placed on behaviour of daughters
(socialisation) Guhmann noted 3 issues causing tensions between Asian parents and children in regard to cultural identity, what were these?
western clothing (especially for girls) arranged marriages question of freedom
(resistance or hybridity) religion - Jacobson studies young Pakistanis and found they see Islam as what?
crucial in creating their identity
(resistance or hybridity) religion - Jacobson found Islam had a strong impact on identity in which areas?
diet worship dress behaviour everyday life
(resistance or hybridity) religion - Jacobson found for many Islam played a role in identity in response to what?
feeling excluded from white British society
(resistance or hybridity) religion - studies have shown increase in what relating to Islam?
young Muslim women wearing the hijab
greater identification with global Muslim community
(resistance or hybridity) religion - identity relating to religion may be a form of resistance to what?
racism and exclusion
(resistance or hybridity) media - Gilroy argues young black people often adopt identities based on what?
influential media role models such as 50 cent
(resistance or hybridity) media - Gilroy found gangsta rap had been a powerful influence on young black people, often symbolising what?
opposition to white society
(resistance or hybridity) media - Gilroy argued experience of racism can be more important than what in creating a ‘black’ identity?
country of origin
(resistance or hybridity) - expansion of the EU means growing numbers of ethnic minorities are what?
white with ethnic origin from eastern Europe
(resistance or hybridity) - there is evidence ethnic minorities from eastern Europe are experiencing what?
issues with resentment and discrimination
(changing ethnic identities) Brah identified dual identities what are these?
where British Asians have a number of identities depending on who they are with - family, friends
(changing ethnic identities) Brah said young people can code switch - what is this?
they behave one way with family and another with peers
(changing ethnic identities) Brah said code switching can avoid what?
conflict at home and discrimination at school
(changing ethnic identities) Brah said most young British Asians find ways to do what?
successfully negotiate their own identity - as do all young people living in a globalized and hybrid culture like the UK
(changing ethnic identities) Back found new hybrid identities emerging amongst who?
young white, Asian and black people on a council estate in London
(changing ethnic identities) Back said the young people tried out what? what did he mean by this?
cultural masks
experimenting with different styles and symbols, not just following their cultural traditions
(changing ethnic identities) what did Back find amongst the young people from ethnic groups?
a lot of friendships and borrowing from other groups e.g. slang terms, music tastes
(changing ethnic identities) Back said the new identities the young people had forged achieved what?
bringing black and white people closer together
(changing ethnic identities) Second and third generation minority ethnic groups are developing what?
new and more fluid identities
(changing ethnic identities) Postmodernists would say hybrid identities have been created by which approach to identity construction?
pick and mix
(changing ethnic identities) Marxists would argue ethnicity and race are still what?
sources of discrimination which hugely affect identity