1.1 Interactionists on Identity Flashcards
what does identity refer to according to interactionists?
the way we see ourselves in relation to others - what makes it similar/different
sociologists are interested in social identity what is this?
identity based in our identification with certain groups
Mead argues all humans have a self concept what is this?
a sense of who and what we are
(Mead) how is a self concept built up?
through social interaction by the way others respond to us
Cooley talked about the looking glass self what is this?
when we see ourselves reflected in the actions of others
an individuals identity is strongly shaped by what?
the labels given to them
when do labels stick?
when given by those closest to us
stick through repetition
what is a self fulfilling prophecy?
when you are given a label and live up to it
labelled, internalise the label and live up to it in your behaviour
what is a master status?
a label which overrides all others - it becomes the defining thing about how others see us
Mead talks about the I and the Me, what is the me?
influenced by society
e.g. what will others think of me?
Mead talks about the I and the Me, what is the I?
active, assertive, resists society
e.g. I don’t care, I’m doing it anyway
Fuller found in school black girls resented what?
the stereotypes associated with being female and black
Fuller - what did many people expect of the Black girls?
expected them to fail
Fuller - how did the Black girls respond to the expectations on them?
tried to prove them wrong
worked in order to ensure their success
Goffman used the dramaturgical analogy comparing individuals to who?
theatrical actor
Goffman says individuals are social what?
social actors
Goffman says in everyday life individuals are trying to use impression management, what is this?
creating an impression in the mind of their audience
Goffman - why do we use impression management?
so others know how to interact with us
Goffman - social actors use props to create an impression of the sort of person we are, give examples of some props:
clothing hairstyles
Goffman - social actors use a stage to create an impression of the sort of person we are, give examples of a stage:
how would functionalists criticise the interactionist view of identity?
we don’t have control over our identity
we all have the same norms and values and we all fit in
how would Marxists criticise the interactionist view of identity?
we don’t have the control to create our own identity, we are all part of the proletariat, people judge us, we have to fit in
how would feminists criticise the interactionist view of identity?
from a young age we are socialised into gender roles and what we should and shouldn’t be
we have little choice