1.4 Enzyme Classification and Kinetics Flashcards
Specialized protein catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions in the biologic system
Rate of increased speed in catalyzed reactions
10 to 12 times faster than non-catalyzed reactions
The protein part of the enzyme that is inactive until bound to a non-protein cofactor
The non-protein part of the enzyme that is inactive until bound to an apoenzyme
The catalytically active enzyme
Enzymes requiring metal ions as cofactor
Catalyzes the rate imiting or committed step of a metabolic pathway
Regulatory enzyme
Different forms of an enzyme which catalyze the same chemical reactions; different degrees of efficiency
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Thiamine Pyrpophosphate (TPP)
Thiamine (Vit B1)AldehydesPyruvate dehydrogenaseIsocitrate dehydrogenasea-ketogluterate dehydrogenaseTransketolasea-ketoacid dehydrogenase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD)
Riboflavin (Vit B2)ElectronsSuccinate dehydrogenasea-ketoglutarate dehydrogenasePyruvate dehydrogenaseNitric oxide synthase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinuceotide
Nicotinic Acid (Niacin, Vit B3)Hydride IonLactate dehydrogenaseOther dehydrogenases
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Pyridoxal Phosphate
Pyridoxine (Vit B6)Amino groupsGlycogen phosphorylaseALA synthaseHistidine decarboxylaseAlanine aminotransferase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Lipoate
Not required in dietElectrons and acyl groupsPyruvate dehydrogenasea-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Coenzyme A
Pathothenic acid and other compoundsAcyl GroupsAcetyl CoA carboxylase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Biocytin
BiotinCo2Pyruvate carboxylaseAcetyl CoA carboxylaseProprionyl CoA carboxylase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of 5’-deoxycobalamin
Vit B12H atoms and alkyl groupsMethylmalonyl mutase
Give the vitamin precursor, transferred chemical group, and enzyme attachment of Tetrahydroflorate
Folic acid1 C groupsThymidilate synthase
Target enzyme and disease of Amrubicin
Topoisomerase IICancer
Target enzyme and disease of Antabuse
Aldehyde dehydrogenaseAlcoholism
Target enzyme and disease of Captopril
Target enzyme and disease of Celebrex
Target enzyme and disease of Digitoxin
Na-K-Atpase pumpHeart problems
Target enzyme and disease of Agenerase
HIV ProteaseAIDS
Target enzyme and disease of Lipitor
HMG CoA reductaseHypercholesterolemia
Target enzyme and disease of Viagra
PhosphodiesteraseErectile dysfunction
Enzyme activity regulation where the product inhibits its own synthesis
Feedback Inhibition
Enzyme activity regulation where the binding of an allosteric modulator changes activity of the active site
Allosteric modification
Enzyme activity regulation where the enzyme is phosphorylated or dephosphorylated to activate or inactivate the enzyme
Covalent modification
Enzyme activity regulation where a protein is first produced in an inactive state and is activated after protein cleavage
Zymogen activation
Happens when the temperature is greater than optimum temperature
Decreased velocity and denaturation of enzymeDestruction of secondary and tertiary structures of the enzyme
Major enzyme seen in cardiac injury (myocardial infarction). Indicate time of rise, peak, and duration of elevation (days).
TroponinRises 3-6 hours after injuryPeaks 12-16 hoursStays elevated in 5-14 daysCreatinine KinaseBegins 4-6 hours after MIPeak 24 hoursreturn to normal in 3-5 daysLactate dehydrogenase (diagnostic for patients admitted more than 48 hours after infarction)Peak at 36-40 hours after MILevels return to normal in 5-14 daysAspartate aminotransferase (not diagnostic since also found in liver)Rise within 8 hours after MIPeak 24-36 hoursReturns to normal within 3-7 days
Two models of enzyme substrate binding
Lock and KeyInduced fit model
Saturation curves
Michaelis-Menten EquationLineweaver-Burke double reciprocal
inverse measure of enzyme affinity for substrate
Control mehcanisms for enzuumes
Feedback inhibitionAllosteric modificationCovalent modificationZymogen activationInduction/repression of enzyme synthesis
Factors affecting enzyme activity
TemperaturepHSubstrate concentrationCo-factors