Си дахэк1ей Flashcards
(suffix -рэ=since) Since I saw you, since I came there, since he came back
узэрыслъагъурэ, сызэрынак1уэрэ, къызэрык1уэжрэ
to burn
маф1эм исын (маф1эм сесыр)
if I cry-I am ashamed, if I do not-I am shattering/to be extremely nervous
согъри-соук1ытэ, сымыгъщи-сызэгуоуд (from “зэгуэудын” (intr.)
enemy, foe, ill-wisher
emotion: we say it when hear smth which upsets us; мыгъуэ is also used in curse-мыгъуэ ирехъу - “let him die”
- to become bankrupt; 2. to become extremely unhappy by going through sorrow
унэхъун (неп.)
I am riding my small yellow horse
Си шыгъуэжь цlыкlури кlэбдзкlэрэ (by hip) согъатхъуэр (to move to the side),
your love made me grey-headed
уи лъагъуныгъэм сигъэтхъуащ (from тхъун-to become grey-headed)
“you made the upper part of my heart swell” - is used when, for example, someone becomes annoyed by somebody’s non-stop talks (mostly) or behaviour (colloq. expression, which is used very often)
си гущхьэр тебгъэбэгащ (from бэгын (intr.) - to swell)= си гущхьэр игъэбэгащ
the sun ‘throw at) shines at the hill
1уащхьэм дыгъэр к1эредзэ
throw smth into smth (when I think of you “when you are thrown into my heart”)
идзэн (сигу укъщридзэк1э)
to start burning;
маф1эр щ1энэн;
love fire is so strong
лъагъуныгъэ маф1эр сыту къарууф1э
I became a cinder and became spread in small pieces
яжьэ сыхъури сылъэлъэжащ сэ
sun rays are playing in the eyes
дыгъэ бзийхэр нэм къыщ1оджэгур
“when you come to the dances I can not keep/hold my heart anymore” - it starts beating fast
джэгум укъыхыхьэмэ мы си гур схуэмыубыдыж
the secret love will seem real to me
лъагъуныгъэ щэхур нахуэ къысф1эщ1ынущ
I won’t be able to stand it
схуэмышэчыжыну мыгъуэ сэ (шэчын-to stand someone, smth
the beauty of spring attracts human’s soul
гъатхэм и дахагъэм ц1ыхупсэр дехьэхыр
“the enemies made lost the one who attracted my soul”
сэ си псэр дэзхьэхар жэгъуэгъум сф1агъэк1уэдаи
If only i coould take a glance at you until I completely become fallen apart
Сызэгуэмыудыпэу зэ сыныпlуплъэжтэм
The dark world would seem light to me
Си дахэкlей, дуней кlыфlыр нэху къысщыхъуну мыгъуэт сэ.