WWI Flashcards
Bismarcks alliance system
Aimed to isolate france and prevent a world war
3 emperors league: Germany, Austria, and Russia (chill over the balkans)
Also? Austro-German alliance, triple alliance with Italy and Austria, and reinsurance treaty for Russia
How does Wilhelm fuck everything up?
Broke treaty with Russia, caused them to ally with France
Built up navy, drove france and Britain together
Triple entente: France, GB, and Russia
Germany is surrounded nice one
Schlieffen plan
Germany’s plan to fight against both Russia and France
Go through BELGIUM and fight France, then swing back around
Moroccan crises of 1905 and 1911
Wilhelm causes dispute over french control of North Africa to test the trip entente
Had the opposite effect they pulled closer together
After boer war? Britain wants more allies
Russo-Turkish war
Russia attacks ottoman and wins
Gets independence for Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania
Controls Bulgaria-> B calls congress of berlin, they decide to split Bulgaria up
Russians are kinda mad at Germans
Reveals how important the Balkans are
Immediate cause of wwi?
Archduke franz Ferdinand’s ass
Austria gets mad at Serbia and has unconditional support from Germany
Serbia rejects one point of Austrias ultimatum, a declares war on Serbia->Russia declares war on Austria->Germany declares war on Russia->France joins->Britain joins bc of Belgium
Nature of the war
Defensive! Leads to stalemates inside trenches
Dehumanizing and humiliating
Technologies? Tanks, airplanes, submarines (u-board), high power artillery, grenades, poison gas, barbed wire -> just increase deaths!
War of illusions: 1914
German tried to attack France quickly, but met Belgian and french resistance
Eastern front, Germany sees success
Stalemate: 1915
To get out of stalemate, both sides look for new allies
Ottoman joins central, Italy joins allies
England tries to attack Turks, fails
Germany and gb try to blockade the others
German u-boat sank British liner Lusitania, killing 1,200
Caused us outrage, but not entrance yet
Slaughter: 1916-17
Germans attack verdun- initial success but long and deadly battle (1.1M died)
British launch Somme- disaster!!
Russia surprise attacks Austria
Exhaustion and Revolution: 1917-18
1917? Russia drops out, us comes in because of Germany’s submarine use and Zimmerman telegram (promised Mexico us lands)
Austria and Germany are experiencing revolts at home
Nov 1918- armistice
Treaty of Brest-litovsk
Russia’s treaty with Germany when it dropped out of the war
Cost a lot of land and resources
Economic leaders in England and Germany
Walter ratheneau (Germany)
David Lloyd George (England)
Use economic planning and war bonds
Easter rising
German government supports Irish rebels in Britain, it failed
Allies supporting revolutions in central a
Supported minorities in Austria-Hungary -> dissolution by 1918
Colonel t e Lawrence promotes Arab nationalism in ottoman
Erich Ludendorff and PAUL Von Hindenburg
Established military dictatorship in Germany
Extreme rationing
Women with the yellow hands
Worked in war factories, led to poisoning and infertility
Helped women earn the vote
Winners of wwi?
Skilled workers! Gained more bargaining power
strikes still occurred though
What happened to governments in general?
Got wayy more strict
Even Britain censored the press and allowed govt to take stuff from citizens
Germany used spies
Most countries just jailed any opponents to the war effort
Armenian massacre
Ottoman government feared Armenians would help the Russians, so they were deported and killed
Leaders at treaty at Versailles and who wasn’t there?
Woodrow Wilson (14 points and LoN)
Clemenceau (punish Germany)
David Lloyd George (in the middle)
Italy? There but walks out
Russia and Germany? Nope
Treaty of Versailles
- Territory- Germany loses 13% and all colonies, Poland is created
- Demilitarization- reduced to 100,000 and not in the Rhineland
- War guilt- Germany=full responsibility
- Reparations- $33 billion
- League of Nations- didn’t work out
Germany is mad, pave way for extremist groups
America and Soviet Union become isolated
Causes of wwi
M-militarism (mass armies, German navy)
A-alliance system
I-imperialism (increased tensions)
M-mass politics (leaders focus on war to distract from internal problems)
I-intellectual context (Darwin)
N-nationalism (national honor and increase Balkan tensions)