Absolutism Flashcards
Bishop bossuet
Biggest advocate for divine right monarchy
Henry IV
Laid foundation for Louis xiv’s absolutism
Ended religious conflict
Set strong economic basis, built roads and canals, etc
Louis xiii & Cardinal Richelieu
Increased taxes
Curbed power of the nobility (banned dueling, appointed intendants- local officials)
Although he was catholic, he guided france to support Protestants because he wanted to beat the catholic habsburgs (kinda like Machiavelli)
Rebellions when Louis XIV was little about high taxes and foreign influences
Courts controlled by the nobles who had to ok kings decrees
Louis XIV controlled them by threatening exile or confiscation of property, or involving nobles in court at Versailles
Jean baptiste Colbert
Louis xiv’s financial minister
Mercantilism! Developed unified internal market (5 great farms), raised foreign tariffs, and expanded commercial presence
Built roads, a postal system, and manufacturing codes -> french goods have hella good reputation
Edict of Fontainebleau
Passed by Louis XIV
Revoked edict of Nantes
Tried to get french Protestants to convert
French academy of arts and sciences
Established by Louis XIV
Make art to glorify Louis and France with classical themes
Moliere, Racine, and Corneille
French playwrights that performed at Versailles
Charles le brun and Jules hardouin mansart
French painter & sculptor/architect
Worked for Louis XIV
Marquis de louvois
France’s minister of war
Grew the army to the largest in Europe (400,000)
How did Netherlands become largest commercial power?
- Made good use of resources and moved into East Indies and South America
- Set themselves up as middlemen of Europe and supplied goods to everyone using flyboats
- Next to important trading routes and Amsterdam = financial center (bank of Amsterdam and stock exchange)
- Practiced religious toleration
Jan Vermeer, Judith leyster, frans hals, Rembrant Von rijn
Dutch artists
Painted with light and shadow, natural landscapes, still life, domestic scenes, and group portraits
William of Orange
Elected stadholder of Netherlands (and later king of England) but never created a strong centralized monarchy
Age of crisis (1550-1650)
Led to absolutism
Religious wars Climate change causes crop failures High taxes Rebellion Witchcraft accusations Scientific revolution Economic changes (price revolution, enclosure) Increase in crime
Causes of english civil wars
Political: Stuart line vs. Parliament
Religious: puritans (anti catholic) vs. Stuart’s
James sandwich
James I Charles I Cromwell Charles II James II
James I
Believed in divine right stuff, made parliament mad
Retained hierarchy of the Anglican Church (no bishop, no king) -> anti catholic sentiment
Gunpowder plot
Radical Catholics tried to blow up parliament
Setting the stage for Civil war under Charles I
Parliament issued petition of right (assertion of its power) in response to his use of the star chamber (illegal court)
Charles decided to rule alone using money from coastal towns-> alienates parliament and mercantilist elites
Enforced more catholic stuff (William laud and the book of common prayer made people mad)
Civil war under Charles I
Calls “long parliament” back
Attempts to arrest Puritan leaders in parliament -> civil war!
Kings army=cavaliers, parliament=Roundheads
Charles is captured and Puritan Oliver Cromwell takes power with the new model army
Prides purge
Parliament won’t do anything to the captured king
Cromwell surrounds parliament and drives out moderate members
Leaves only rump parliament of independents, who executed king
Cromwells rule?
Named himself lord protector under constitution called instrument of govt
Imposed military rule, reformed english morals (by banning a bunch of stuff), promoted mercantilism, and subdued rebellions in Ireland and Scotland
People wanted monarchs back
Stuart restoration of Charles II
Was privately catholic, appointed Catholics to high offices
Parliament responds with test act
Test act
Required all office holders to be part of Anglican Church
Treaty of Dover
Louis XIV paid Charles II to try and reintroduce Catholicism
Allowed Charlie to rule without parliament
James II
Ascends to throne in 1688
Tories support him, Whigs against him
Glorious revolution
When james has a son, parliament invites James’ daughter Mary and William of Orange of the Netherlands to come take control
They agree to respect parliament and freedoms with the bill of rights
Toleration act and act of succession
Toleration act allowed Protestants to worship in private
Act of succession prohibited any monarchs from being Catholics
Complex composition, distortion, and elongated human figures
Most famous= el Greco, who introduced yellows and grays
Late 16th century
Expresses power of monarchs and Catholic Church
Appeals to senses with movement, drama, richness, power, etc
Baroque artists
Bernini designed St. Peter’s square, the papal throne, david, and ecstasy of st Theresa
Velazquez got patronage from monarchs (the maids of honor)
Peter Paul Rubens (the raising of the cross and portraits of Marie de medici)
Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, and Monteverdi
Wars of Louis XIV summary
Louis XIV wanted to extend france to its natural frontiers and take previous spanish land
In all the wars a coalition formed against him-> balance of power!
Dutch war
Earned franche-comté (burgundy) from Dutch and Alsace-Lorraine from HRE
Caused 9 years war
League of Augsburg formed against France
Ended with treaty of ryswick, France barely got anything
War of spanish succession
Louis XIV, HRE, and Louis grandson Philip V all claim the spanish throne, so louis goes for it through Phillip
1702-1713 long and expensive!
Peace of Utrecht (1714)
Philip V became ruler of Spain, but he couldn’t unite with France
S Netherlands given to Austria
England gained Gibraltar (fortress at opening of Mediterranean) and some other stuff
3 declining states?
HRE, Poland, and ottoman
Nobles had hella power
Unable to establish taxes or an army
Officially partitioned in 1795
Ottoman Empire
Ebb and flow of expansion 1683- Turks siege Habsburg capital Failed-> they're not a major threat Sultans grew corrupt Janissaries (elite fighters) became irrelevant to technology and strategy Couldn't control provinces
Austria turns east
Austria (part of HRE) under Eugene of savoy gained back Hungary, Transylvania, and Balkans in the treaty of karlowitz
Why did Prussia gain power?
- Skilled leaders from Hohenzollern
- Efficient use of resources
- Amazing military
Frederick William the great elector
Gave nobles (Junkers) important positions in the army for their support Created general war commissariat to collect taxes
Frederick William I
Named king of Prussia by Habsburg emperor
Hella strict, built up army to 83,000
Formed Potsdam regiment of tall people
Time of troubles for Russia (1604-1613)
Ivan IV kills his heir-> internal instability and foreign invasion
Resolved when the feudal estates elected Michael Romanov as tsar
How Russia= not modern
Hella serfdom (caused revolt led by Stephen razin) Orthodox Church opposes social and religious change
Peter the great (1682-1725)
Great embassy- travel to the west to look at technologies, schools, etc
Built first navy and modern army
Pursued mercantilism
Banned long coats, beards, and veils so Russia looked modern
Table of ranks- subjects could rise in status
Divided Russia into 10 regions
Put church under state control
Great northern war
Sweden (charles xii) vs Russia (Peter)
Russia wins eventually
Treaty of nystadt-Russia gains territory in Baltic
Peter builds st Petersburg! (Window to the west)
Pragmatic sanction
Passed by charles vi of austria, gave his throne to his daughter