Sci Rev/Enlight Flashcards
Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
Edited the encyclopedie, tried to record all human knowledge
Atheist, critical of religion
David Hume (1711-1776)
Really empirical, thought we shouldn’t form ideas or universal laws
Ethics based on sentiments not reason
Kant (1724-1804)
Combined empirical and rationalist things in constructivism
Use reason to determine morals
De Montesquieu (1689-1755)
The spirit of the laws
The size of the country affects what gov it will have, and each gov has its flaws
Favored system of checks and balances
Adam smith and physiocrats
Laissez faire economics
Labor is #1
Supply and demand should determine market
Wants a national economy and division of labor (like an assembly line)
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Argued for religious toleration
Admired England
Yay freedom and rights
Thought we couldn’t understand why God allows bad things to happen
Wrote candide in response to people’s stupid optimism
We should tend to our own garden (intellectual capacities)
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Yes noble savage
Social contract– everyone gives up their rights for the general will
Inspired romantic movement (weep openly, speak emotionally, and glorify nature)
Thought only humans produced evil, not God
Thought women should be in the domestic sphere and children should have positive experiences
Baron d’holbac (1723-89)
Thought Christianity was holding back humanity
Wrote the system of nature, saying God souls and angels couldn’t exist bc they had no physical properties
No free will
Marquis de condorcet (1743-94)
Science and scientific thinking advanced society and happiness!
Wanted equality, justice, and liberty for all
Frederick 2 (1740-1786)
Prussian An enlightened ruler Really tolerant Improved schools, etc, but still kept monarchy and social classes Codified laws Often put state above ideals tho
Catherine the great (1762-1796)
Was an enlightenment ruler, but when a serf rebellion threatened her power she gave the nobles even more rights
Added hella territory through ottoman and Poland
Maria Theresa
Tried to reform Austria but not super cray
Joseph 2’s mom
Strengthened bureaucracy
Slightly gave serfs rights
Joseph 2
Super radical
Abolished serfdom and said peasants could pay in cash instead of working, but they didn’t have cash
Granted religious toleration, freedom of the press, and legal equality
Tried to control church
Fast paced reform was way too much
Michel de Montaigne
We can’t know anything!!
Pierre bayle
Historical and critical dictionary
Provides conflicting opinions given by authorities on every subject
Question everything!!
Get closer to the truth by finding errors
I think therefore I am is above all doubt
Deductive thinking (general principles to particular cases)
Cartesian dualism, there’s an immaterial and a material world (coordinate system)
Find gods laws
Hella skeptical
Francis bacon
New organon
Observe to predict, understand, and apply
True knowledge is useful
Empiricist, inductive
Science is always changing and needs to involve a bunch of people
Idols of the tribe(emotion) cave(quirks) marketplace(language) and theatre(books)
God is perfect, but interpretation of scripture isn’t
Used experimental method and empiricism, built one of first telescopes
Formulated law of inertia
Discovered Jupiters moons
Persecuted for teaching it as not a theory
Blaise pascal
Math Genius who defended religion bc it made sense (pascals gamble)
Humans are insignificant
Man is a reed, but he is a thinking reed
Thomas Hobbes
Pessimistic, thought everyone would compete for power
Everyone should sign a social contract pledging allegiance to a monarch
Wrote leviathan
John Locke
People have rights to life liberty and happiness and a ruler should not overstep these People have right of rebellion Blank slate when born (tabula rasa) Private property Bridge between srev and enlight
Proved the copernican theory using brahes data
Theorized that things traveled in elliptical paths
Stated 3 laws of planetary motion (equations)
Super religious
His law of gravitation was mathematical and synthesized everything!! Published principia Mathematica Invented calculus Everything is natural laws! super religious
Studied anatomy by dissecting humans
Published book with 200 precise drawings
Old philosophers?
And what did they think
Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Galen
Qualitative, humans could determine nature of objects
Scholasticism=this is absorbed into Christianity
Published on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
Humans aren’t the center of the earth!
Tycho BRAHE!!
Charted path of a comet that traveled in an irregular path
Never fully accepted heliocentrism, but helped prove it
William Harvey
Developed modern theory of blood flow
Anton von Leeuwenhoek
Father of microbiology
Used lots of microscopes
Criticized alchemy
Worked with Boyle (boyles law)
Did sci rev really change medicine?
No, lots went on using medieval practices for a while
Maria winkeann and Maria sybilla Merian
Women scientists (astronomer and entomologists) Not allowed access to universities or societies
What did scientific discoveries do for women?
Gave them very few opportunities
Supposedly proved they were weaker
Views of scientists on religion?
Most tried to reconcile them, but it did cause a rise in skepticism
Current calendar?
Gregorian calendar! (Under pope Gregory xiii)
Baruch Spinoza
Tried to reconcile science and religion
Reject Cartesian dualism- everything is one substance (God)
Monism is rejected by most
How did governments view science?
They supported it in hopes of gaining navigation and military technologies
Royal society of London and french Academy of Sciences
What happened to literacy rate during enlight?
Went wayyyy up!! Lots of newspapers (spectator) and historical books Novels are biggest sellers Censorship rarely succeeded Lower class read chapbooks and almanacs
How much did schools change during enlighte?
Not a lot, still mostly for rich people and still taught Greek and Latin
Some opportunities available, like the realschule in Germany or various science institutes
Light hearted and pensive themes of romance and nature of life
Rich creams and golds, subtle curves, and lush settings portray material pleasures of aristocracy
Rococo artists
Antoine Watteau, Jean-honoré Fragonard, and Balthasar Neumann
Drew from stories of Ancient Greece and Rome
Men-firm straight lines and bold colors
Women- muted colors and curves
Eg Jacques-louis david
Great age of classical music (1750-1830)
Haydn and Mozart
Full orchestrations with complex patterns
Don Giovanni and the magic flute
Cesare beccaria
Wrote on crimes and punishment condemning the lack of modern police during the enlight
Harsh and public punishments? Not effective
Promoted some reform, especially in us
2 Examples of religious revival in the enlight
Methodism under John Wesley appeals to the lower class Pietist revival of Lutheranism
Monarchs response to religious revival?
Generally tried to create a barrier between private and public religious beliefs
Jesuits are banned
Edict of toleration (1781)
Passed by Joseph II of Austria
Granted full toleration for Jews, but they still experienced some prejudice
Carnival and other leisure activities
Huge festival still central to many Europeans even after pref
Stronger and cheaper drinks sold in taverns -> alcoholism is a major problem
Blood sports (fighting) became popular
Leisure activities show the widening gap between popular and elite
Def of enlight
An effort to apply the methods and principles of the srev to issues of political, economic, and social reforms
Leading country of enlight?
Progress of feminism?
Women ran salons and Mary Wollstonecraft was the first feminist, but no tangible benefits
Venues for enlight ideas
Mainly salons Middle class met in coffee houses or reading clubs Freemason lodges attracted famous intellectuals
4 principles of enlight
- Reason (optimism-we can discover natures laws)
- Secularism- not totally against religion, but against dogma, tradition, and unreason ability
- Equality- not always full democracy tho
- Progress
God is clockmaker with many natural laws
What happened to the enlight after 1760?
Philosophers got more insistent and radical in their mechanistic and materialistic views
We’re enlightened rulers really enlightened?
Most viewed enlight ideals as just a tool to exercise power, chose state over ideals
Still, they set an agenda for the future!
Partitions of Poland (1772, 93, 95)
Austria, Prussia, and Russia all take land
Maintained balance of power in Eastern Europe
Reforms in England
Quakers founded the first abolitionist society, led to abolition of slavery in 1807
Rotten boroughs, patronage, and wealthy voters were criticized (“Wilkes and liberty!”) but not much happened
Ireland and British east India company are more centralized!
American enlightenment thinkers
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine