Protestant Reformation Flashcards
Pope Leo X
Allowed Johan Tetzel to sell indulgences to fund St. Peter’s basilica
Abuses by church that were causes for Protestant ref
Simony (selling of offices) Nepotism (offices to relatives) Pluralism (holding 2+ offices) Absenteeism (not showing up BC of pluralism) Indulgences
3 principles of Lutheranism
Scripture alone, faith alone, and grace alone
Some of luthers works
On the freedom of the Christian- free will and salvation
On the Babylonian captivity- for theologians, condemns all but 2 sacraments (baptism and communion)
An address to the nobility- patriotically appealed to German princes
German translation of the bible- Christianity for everyone!!
Peasants revolt of 1524-1525
Fueled by economic grievances and Lutheran ideal of priesthood of all believers
Luther crushed it BC he needed support from the German princes
Diet of worms
Luther defied charles v the holy roman emperor and didn’t turn back on his writings (movie scene)
Charles v’s main concern?
Keeping all of his many possessions together! He was under attack by ottoman, France, Algerian pirates, papacy, and German Lutherans
Habsburg Valois wars
France vs HRE
Began in Italy
Catholic France supported German Protestants
What brought Renaissance to an end?
When charles v sacked Rome in 1527
Schmalkalidic league
League formed by Lutheran princes, resisted Charles v’s attacks
Peace of Augsburg
Leaders of German provinces could decide religion of their subjects
John Calvin
2nd gen reformer
accepted luthers ideas but placed more emphasis on predestination
Set up perfect community in Geneva
Institutes of the Christian religion
By Calvin
Synthesized reformed theology and provide tactics for organizing a reform
Ecclesiastical ordinances
Divide church into: Doctors (study scripture) Pastors (preach) Deacons (charity) Elders (discipline) By Calvin
Body in Geneva, ruled by elders
Punished people for drunkenness, gambling, etc
Calvinism was popular among?
Nobility and middle class BC they thought they were the elect
Genevan academy
Founded by Calvin in 1559
Designed to train leaders who would preach Calvinism elsewhere
John Knox
Takes Calvinism to Scotland
Preach a more radical movement than luthers, argued about lords supper
Killed in Swiss civil war
Inspired people to smash statues and paint churches white to get people to focus on gods word
What Luther believed
Bread and wine are really jesus
Receiver has to be in a state of faith
Priests turn bread and wine into body and blood
Marburg colloquy
Luther and Zwingli tried to settle differences
Failed miserably, they couldn’t agree
Catherine zell
Showed that women often accepted and spread the reformation first
Preached, wrote, and ministered to the poor
Believed in adult baptism (babies souls are in danger
Pope Clement VII
Wouldn’t grant Henry viii a divorce BC he is controlled by Charles v, Catherine’s nephew
Caused Henry to start Anglican Church
Act of supremacy
Said Henry was the head of the Catholic Church in England
Act of succession
Legitimized offspring of Henry and Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth I)
Thomas Cromwell
Henry VIII’s prime minister
Helped him confiscate church lands
Six articles
Confirmed many catholic practices
Showed king didn’t really want reform
Thomas Cranmer
English, wanted to take Anglican Church reforms further
Church under Edward vi?
Move in zwinglian direction
Book of common prayer and act of uniformity
Provided simpler interpretation of worship (zwinglian)
Under Edward vi
Church under Mary I and Philip II?
Suuper catholic and pro spanish foreign policy (BC Philip is king of Spain)
Prosecuted lots of Protestants
“Bloody mary”
Didn’t help Catholicism
Elizabethan settlement
Compromise made by Elizabeth I between Catholics and Protestants
Executed her cousin, Mary Queen of scots for plotting against her
Established England as leading Protestant power
39 articles
Cemented Elizabethan compromise
New book of prayer=vague enough so everyone’s happy!
Spanish Armada
England defeated Spain’s attack under Elizabeth I
Showed she was a strong monarch
Like elizabeth I, placed political unity above religious dogma
Social impact of proref on family and women
Family and marriage is b important
Women earned limited rights, but their sphere was domestic and their religious vocations were taken away
Proref effects on education
Ensured literacy for boys and girls so they could read the bible
Philip Melanchthon
“Teacher of Germany”
Advocated public school system called gymnasia
Protestant work ethic
Emphasis on deferring gratification and building a godly city led to hard work ethic, which helped develop capitalism and strengthen middle class Problematic, but good to know
Did proref change social classes?
Proref influence on religious classes
Many practices (saints days, carnival, lent, rituals, etc) were abolished or modified
Cardinal Ximenes de Cisneros
Spanish, helped Spain address clerical abuses and tighten regulations for priests
Pope paul III
Finally responded to the Protestant reformation
Catholic reformation
Actions designed to revive catholic spirituality
Counter reformation
Catholic activism to stop spread of Protestant reformation
Founded by ignatius Loyola
Troops of the pope and missionaries
Recatholicized parts of Eastern Europe and even Asia
Spiritual exercises
Written by Loyola
“If I see something white but the church says it’s black I see it as black”
Angela merici
Founded Ursulines to being education to girls
Part of catholic reformation
Teresa of Avila
Founded Carmelites dedicated to life of contemplation and service
Also didn’t wear shoes
Part of cathref
Oratory of divine love
Group of clergy and laypeople
Push for reform in the church and live pious lives
Part of cathref
Gian Matteo Gilberto and Cardinal charles borromeo
Serious and hard working bishops in Italy
Part of cathref
Council of Trent
Got rid of church abuses, provided for better education, regulated priests
Reaffirmed religious doctrine (clerical celibacy, good works, papacy, transubstantiation)
Roman inquisition
Designed to root out heresies in Italy
Part of cathref
Pope paul IV
Published index of prohibited books
Part of counter reformation
What kind of art did the catholic reformation sponsor?
Baroque BC it emphasized illusion, grandeur, and dramatic religious emotions
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
Baroque artist
Helped rebuild Rome to showcase catholic piety
Results of cathref?
Not successful in stopping religious divide, but did recatholocize some places
After council of Trent? Compromise is not possible! So… Religious conflict ahead!