Early Modern Society (1500-1800) Flashcards
Bourgeoisie and petit bourgeoisie
B: landowners, merchants, doctors, lawyers, clergy
PB: shopkeepers, artisans, grocers
Increased in numbers but not in political power
Subsistence agricultural system
Grow enough to feed the village with no extra
3 field crop rotation in north/ 2 field in the south
Leave one part of land uncultivated so soil can recover
Not a full use of resources
Small freeholders who owned their own land
In between gentry and landless poor
Was Serfdom stronger in the east or west and why?
Black Plague didn’t hit as hard there
Corvée or robot
Labor service that peasants owed lords
Great chain of being/ body politic
People were embedded in web of relationships (guild, village, church, class, family) with each playing a specific role
England’s poor law of 1601
Offered charitable relief but severely punished those who violated
Distinguished between deserving and undeserving poor (DBQ)
What 2 things increased in cities from 1500-1700?
Crime and poverty
Where was nuclear family more common than extended?
Western Europe
Wet nurses
Often used by aristocracy
Hire someone to nurse your child
Did the concept of childhood exist?
Not really! Kids expected to work for the family, no toys or school
Communal leisure
What most people engaged in
Often based on catholic calendar of feasts, etc
Celebration right before lent
Food, drinks, and sex
Classes and gender switch places for “world turned upside down” which let off class discontent
Charivari or skimmington
Town imposing public humiliation on eg a man who couldn’t contain his wife or a wife committing adultery
Causes of witchcraft hysteria
- Increased bible reading BC of pref emphasized devil and weakness of women
- Early modern period had a bunch of rapid social and economic changes
- Religious passion& wars caused suspicions among communities
- Those targeted=outside society, and women did sometimes brew potions
Peaked at about 1550, dropped due to strains, but went back up by 1700
Increased after 1720 from 120 to 180 mil
Why did pop grow after 1720?
- Diet bc of agricultural and commercial revolution
- Transportation (roads and canals)
- Decline of the plague
- Weather- little ice age ends
- Medical improvements- ehh kinda. Vaccines are introduced, but most stuff is still shit