1850-1914 Society Flashcards
Developments of 2nd irev
Mass production (assembly line) Reinforced concrete (skyscrapers) Chemicals Electricity (light, streetcars) Petroleum-> internal combustion engines Refrigeration, photography, elevators, kitchen appliances, movies, x Rays
Advances in transportation
Steamships allowed faster ocean journeys
Suez Canal & Panama Canal
Airplanes had military uses
Streetcars and subways-> suburbs
Communication advances
Transatlantic telegraph cable
Standardized time zones
What did European economy go through?
Boom and bust cycles
Advances in business
Modern corporation is born
Some form cartels to control prices/ consortia to control interest rates
Horizontal and vertical integration allowed companies to control the entire process
Still relied on gold standard
Move towards protectionism
Advances in billboards, newspapers, and catalogs causes this
Paris opens first department store in the world, Bon marché
How did irev2 change the balance of power?
Germany surpassed Britain in steel, iron, coal, and chemicals
Us beats both
But? European economy dominated the world-hella colonies
What happened to pop between 1850-1914?
Soared by 75%! And later? Leveled off!
Why? Drop in death rate caused by improved public health and medical care
Why leveling off? European families become smaller
Developments in medicine
Louis Pasteur demonstrated how bacteria causes disease, develops pasteurization, and creates rabies vaccine
Joseph lister developed antiseptic and anesthetics-> safer surgery
John Hopkins university is created, focus on research
Governments jump in to track diseases
Urban reform
Address problems like pollution, living conditions, and transportation
Create parks, monuments, etc
Rebuilding of Paris caused workers to lose their housing
Vienna=rebuilt, ringstrasse is a bvd
Some public housing for the poor
Leisure time activities?
Reformers were concerned what the lower class would do with extra time, so they created dance halls, amusement parks, and sports Established first Olympics
Education and literacy reforms
Literacy skyrocketed
Governments use state schools to support national interests
Education act of 1870- establish British elementary schools
Developments in family and childhood
Victorian ideal! Men dominate business, politics, war Women do domestic stuff Home=refuge from harsh world People invested more in their children (schooling, toys, books, activities, boy/Girl Scouts)
3 characteristics of mass politics
- Mass communication (govts could manipulate people, but also people could get informed)
- Democracy and authoritarianism (leaders were most influential)
- Increase in conflict (ethnic and class)
Liberal achievements by 1880
Constitutional government Representatives Free trade More votes More rights Middle class influence More education Weakening of churches Self determination
How do liberals change?
Classical liberalism is weakening bc of mass politics and the side effects of irevs (crime, conditions, etc)
Most governments use protectionism
So liberals abandon Laissez faire for extending social welfare
Third republic of France
Kind of a shitty start (Franco Prussian war and class conflict)
Moderates establish parliamentary democracy
But? Catholic Church and monarchists are still mad
Still divided!
General Boulanger of France
Was going to take over and establish military rule, but got nervous and fled
Dreyfus affair
France finds Alfred Dreyfus (a Jew) guilty of treason from not much evidence
Republicans and other countries got mad
Emile Zola condemned authoritarianism in j’accuzd
Eventually Dreyfus is pardoned
Victorian age in gb
Period of prosperity, imperial greatness, and parliamentary democracy!
Reform driven by conservatives and liberals, not by a centralized bureaucracy
Vote is expanded to all men!
Liberal/conservative leaders
Liberal? William Gladstone-> universal schooling, legalized unions, etc
Conservative? Benjamin Disraeli-> protect workers with acts on housing and sanitation
Liberal reforms in gb
They become kinda socialist to compete with labor party
National insurance act (1911)- Initiate welfare system of sickness, old age, accident, unemployment
Strikes and unions are allowed
Progressive income tax created
Women want more rights
Parliament act of 1911
Removed veto power of House of Lords
GBS biggest issue?
Situation in Ireland
Gladstone got rid of Anglican Church, but Catholics still wanted home rule (granted in 1914)
Bismarcks policies on church?
At first? Liberal, tries to attack power of clergy, expel Jesuits, and jail bishops in response to pope pius ix
After it failed, he abandoned it and allied with catholic center party
Bismarcks policies on social Democratic Party
Passed anti socialist laws, restrict meetings
Initiated welfare program to win over workers (state socialism) of old age, accident, unemployment, and health
Created pan German league to please nationalists
Kaiser William II
Fires Bismarck
Aggressive foreign policy
Breaks alliance with Russia
Just generally an idiot
Austria Hungary on eve of wwi
Continued to experience ethnic tensions
Anti-semitism forms, enforced by Christian social party and Karl lueger
Italy forms around shifting relationships, not a party system
Working class unions did what?
Bargain collectively for better wages and working conditions- bread and butter approach
Used strikes to achieve demands
Socialist parties and leaders
SDP in Germany, largest party (eduard Bernstein)
Second international (1889)- broken up when wwi starts
Fabian- more moderate (led by h g wells and Bernard shaw) in GB
Labour Party- became GBS second biggest party
All in all? Revisionist socialism, not Marxist
What developed in less developed nations instead of moderate socialism?
Militant socialism (France) or anarchy (Russia)
George’s sorel and anarcho-syndicalists want to create one strike
Mikhail Bakunin led anarchism in Russia through assassinations
Women’s place in the work force?
Some gained white collar jobs as phone operators, clerks, nurses, etc
However, many forced to assemble simple items at home while raising children (sweating)
Annie besant
Margaret Sanger
Josephine butler
Championed cause of birth control, which was often banned
Gained rights in western states to property, divorce, and custody
Contagious disease act=prostitutes have to be tested-> Josephine gets mad and has it repealed
Pankhurst family
Led the suffragette movement
Organized women’s social and political union
Used militant actions to gain vote (eggs, arson, hunger strikes, etc)
Most gained vote after wwi
New women
Though most werent like this, some females gained freedom! Maria Montessori (schools) Florence nightingale- nursing Elizabeth Blackwell- doctor Literature reflects themes of independent women (doll house)
Anti semitism
Jews are liberated and go into business
Prominent Jewish intellectuals promoted backlash of a-s
Fueled by darwins theories
Russia organized pogroms against Jews
Founded by theodor Herzl
Called for a Jewish homeland, thousands go to Palestine
Bessemer process
Allowed steel to replace iron as essential metal for construction