Workplace Gold- Ch. 7- The Leadership Spectrum Flashcards
The good news is that picking the best leadership style for you requires you to look no further than the mirror:
Be yourself!
*Unless you are a jerk
When leaders find that “being yourself” does not seem to be working, it is often because they have allowed themselves to:
slide to one of the extreme ends of the leadership spectrum.
The Leadership Spectrum:
The Extreme ends of the Spectrum: (2)
- Conflict Avoidance (left)
- Command and Control (right)
Operating from the conflict avoidance end of the leadership spectrum is a problem not just limited to (blank). The problem is that they avoid conflict and ignore problems that require difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions. They are sometimes so concerned with what others think of them that they do not effectively:
- new supervisors
- perform their duties
Operating from the command-and -control end of the leadership spectrum, supervisors often see themselves as (blank). They can be demanding, hard workers- even workaholics, whose focus is often to:
- traditional leaders
- get results at all costs.
Today, (blank) is one of the most common problems experiences by supervisors, and it is a problem that affects employee morale and motivation.
conflict avoidance
Conflict Avoidance Supervisors- The most significant problem encountered by supervisors operating at the extreme ends of the leadership spectrum is the:
perceptions held by their employees.
Conflict Avoidance Supervisors-
Some employees perceive that such supervisors lack the job knowledge to: (3)
- answer questions
- make tough decisions; or
- hold people accountable
Conflict Avoidance Supervisors-
A supervisor who makes decisions based primarily on the likability factor is:
destined for failure.
Occasionally, conflict- avoidance supervisors join with their chronic complaining subordinates to commiserate about perceived injustices. If you engage in the practice of talking negatively about you supervisors to your subordinates, you have given your subordinates permission to:
talk about you when you are not present.
Occasionally, conflict- avoidance supervisors join with their chronic complaining subordinates to commiserate about perceived injustices. If you engage in the practice of talking negatively about you supervisors to your subordinates, you have given your subordinates permission to talk about you when you are not present. It is not sound leadership and will contribute to their:
declining morale and loss of trust and respect for you.
Command-and -Control Supervisors:
The employee perception most often generated by command- and-control supervisors is that such supervisors are: (3)
demeaning, sarcastic, and condescending.
Command-and -Control Supervisors:
The employee perception most often generated by command- and-control supervisors is that such supervisors are demeaning, sarcastic, and condescending. They use (blank). They (blank), are (blank), and can come across like a (blank).
- derogatory humor
- micromanage, are overbearing, and can come across like a bully.
Command-and -Control Supervisors:
You should not feel insecure because an employee may have more knowledge or skill than you in a specific area. Supervisors would be more successful if they knew the skills and strengths of their subordinates and utilized those strengths to:
help accomplish the mission.
A supervisor who uses their subordinates full potential helps raise the:
self-esteem and job satisfaction of that employee.
Authentic Leaderships:
According to the author, this is the large area of leadership in the middle, between Conflict Avoidance and Command- and -Control. Authentic Leaders can move back and forth as the situation warrants without reaching either extreme end of the spectrum and:
all the problems associated with those extremes.
According to the author, this is the large area of leadership in the middle, between Conflict Avoidance and Command- and -Control:
Authentic Leadership
- Authentic Leaders can move back and forth as the situation warrants without reaching either extreme end of the spectrum and all the problems associated with those extremes.
Authentic leadership means:
being true to yourself.
Authentic leadership means being true to yourself. It means working within (blank)- most of the time. But it also means having to the ability to adjust (blank) when the situation requires either a more passive or more assertive response.
- your comfort zone
- outside of your comfort zone.
The target employee perceptions authentic leaders want to generate is that they are:
committed to their organization.
Authentic leaders also generate and employee perception that they care about employees as individuals. They engage with their employees. They know what is important to their employees both:
on and off the job.A
Who is open to employee input and ideas?
Authentic leaders.
Authentic leaders are open to employee input and ideas. Authentic leaders recognize exemplary work. They recognize employee behavior that they like, appreciate, and would like to see repeated. It cannot be overemphasized:
what gets recognized, get repeated.
Authentic leaders hold employees accountable. They set expectations and hold people:
accountable to those expectations.
Accountability benefits who, even more than who?
good employees even more than problem employees.
Accountability benefits good employees even more than problem employees. Why?
Because it demonstrates that their supervisor cares enough to pay attention to the behavior and performance of all employees.
What basic concepts are covered in the Bulletproof Leadership presentations? (4)
- building trust
- requiring accountability
- communicating clearly; and
- giving recognition
What is the unpleasant news for anyone looking for a one-size-fits-all leadership style?
There is no perfect style that works for every leader in every situation.
Why is it impossible for to be a carbon copy of other leaders?
Due to your unique life experiences and personality.
What is the advice given about being yourself as a leader?
Be yourself unless you are a jerk.
What problem is associated with operating from the conflict avoidance end of the leadership spectrum?
It affects any supervisor who dislikes or avoids conflict
What do conflict- avoidance supervisors excessively worry about?
Being accused of nitpicking and being liked by everyone.
What is the focus of command-and-control leaders?
Getting results at all costs.
What perception do employees have about conflict-avoidance supervisors?
They ignore problems to avoid conflict.
What is the likely result for supervisors who make decision based on likability?
They are destined for failure.
What mistakes do some conflict-avoidance supervisors make to improve their likability?
Complaining about the organization with subordinates.
What negative impact does commiserating with subordinates have on supervisors?
Contributes to declining morale and loss of trust and respect for you.
What is a common employee perception of command-and -control supervisors? (3)
They are demeaning, sarcastic, and condescending.
Why might some command-and-control supervisors act like they are in control?
They are insecure about their job.
What should supervisors understand about knowledge and skill development?
It happens throughout a career.
What is a common trait of some command- and- control supervisors?
They come across as aloof and disinterested.
What should command- and -control supervisors with more task focused styles be aware of?
Know when to be more direct or more laid back.
What do command-and-control supervisors sometimes appear to lack?
Confidence and people skills.
What is authentic leadership?
Being true to yourself and adjusting as needed.
What perception do authentic leaders aim to generate in their employees?
They are committed to the organization.
What is essential for supervisors to show towards their employees?
Care about them as individuals.
How do authentic leaders handle employee input and ideas?
They are open to input and ideas.
What should authentic leaders recognize in their employees?
Both meritorious achievements and behavior they appreciate.
Why is hold employees accountable important for authentic leaders?
It demonstrates care and attention to behavior and performance.
What kind of environment do authentic leaders create?
An environment where motivation can flourish.
What is a potential issue for supervisors operating at extreme ends of the spectrum?
Employee perceptions of ineffectiveness and lack of trust.
What is a critical skill for command-and-control supervisors to develop?
People skills.
What can happen if supervisors fail to move away from extreme ends of the spectrum?
They face problems and lose employee trust.
What should supervisors do if they lack people skills?
Make personal improvements.
What is important for supervisors who are more direct and task-focused?
Balance their approach with decent people skills.
What is the relationship between authentic leadership and employee accountability?
Authentic leaders hold employees accountable to set expectations.