Common Sense Ch. 10- The Police Leader as a Counselor Flashcards
(Blank) is one way in which the supervisor works to ease the extra burdens placed on his people by the strains of work demands or personal crises. By sharing the benefits of his life experience, training, and fact-based opinions, the leader helps his employees attempt their own solution to a vexing problem.
Employee counseling
By sharing the benefits of his life experience, training, and fact-based opinions, the leader helps his employees (blank) to a vexing problem.
attempt their own solution
Before the supervisor can help his people through counseling, he must first:
recognize the existence of a developing problem.
Identifying Personal Problems: There are a number of things that can cause unique problems for the police employee. These include: (8)
- Family problems caused by bizarre work hours and odd days off
- Less than outstanding working conditions
- Scheduling changes and unanticipated changes in work schedule
- Changes in laws or court decisions
- Problems growing directly out of specific, job related incidents
- Frustrations originating from the internal workings of the police agency
- Organizational changes in staffing or policy
- Financial disasters
Some of the most readily apparent changes in the troubled employee may be: (8)
- Actual alterations in physical appearance
- Personality or mood changes
- Abuse of sick leave
- Being the last to arrive and the first to leave work when these habits are not the norm.
- A devoted employee now taking more time with private business or personal errands.
- Being avoided by his/her peers
- Showing up for work with bloodshot eyes, flushed face, and the smell of either alcohol or strong breath purifiers
- Any gross changes in an employees work performance or attitude.
Problem Solving Techniques:
What is the first step towards solving a problem?
detecting the existence of a problem
Problem Solving Techniques:
Detecting the existence of a problem is the first step towards resolving it. What should be the next logical step towards a solution?
determining the nature of the problem.
Problem Solving Techniques:
Detecting the existence of a problem is the first step towards resolving it. Determining the nature of the problem should be the logical next step towards a solution. The supervisor’s most reliable ally in this effort is a :
direct and forthright approach to the troubled employee.
Problem Solving Techniques:
It is possible that the employee will deny, or at least downplay the existence of any difficulties. The supervisor must:
persist without being antagonistic.
The (blank) of the apparent problem and the potential for a real disaster from allowing it to persist will determine whether or not the supervisor can permit a waiting period before continuing the discussion.
The seriousness of the apparent problem and the potential for a real disaster from allowing it to persist will determine whether or not the supervisor can:
permit a waiting period before continuing the discussion.
The troubled employee’s peers often know what is going on before the supervisor does. Techniques of proven usefulness for interviewing the distressed employee include: (11)
- Relative informality can be helpful to a successful counseling effort
- Pay attention to what the employee is saying
- Listen intently
- Maintain eye contact as much as comfortable
- Avoid facial expressions or body language displaying disbelief, disapproval, or shock.
- Stick with the issue at hand.
- Enter the conversation with an open mind.
- Allow plenty of time for the discussion and offer to make a future appointment for further discussion if time runs short.
- Keep your discussion private- Do not compare employee’s problems to others.
- Do not criticize or attack the individual.
- Bring the counseling session to a logical, hopefully positive, conclusion.
Problem Solving Techniques:
Even when the speaker appears done, it is often a good idea to remain silent for a bit in case the employee is searching for thoughts or words and intends to resume speaking shortly. Listening cannot and must not be:
Problem Solving Techniques:
When a given topic is one that is difficult to discuss, the supervisor should be content if a first meeting just brings:
a mutual agreement that the problem does exist.
Problem Solving Techniques:
If the difficulty distracts significantly from the employee’s ability to do his job properly and safely, what will be required?
temporary relief from duty
Sources of Assistance:
Regardless of the supervisor’s field of endeavor, any counselor is dependent for ultimate success upon obtaining sources of:
professional assistance to supplement his initial efforts at solving major problems.
Sources of Assistance:
The police supervisor must be able to recognize when his own efforts require some professional backup. (Blank) is one such problem mandating skillful, outside help.
Sources of Assistance:
When the supervisor/ counselor recognizes that a problem is so deeply seated, so long-standing or so self-destructive as to demand immediate, highly skilled intervention, he undertakes another of his his truly difficult roles:
The job of showing his employee the wisdom of seeking additional aid.
Persuasion, argument, and logic may all be used as tools in convincing the employee to seek help.
Sources of Assistance:
When the employee refuses the need for outside aid in a deteriorating marriage, then it may be the supervisor’s job to discreetly intervene in an attempt to salvage a good employee. The supervisor is operating on grounds of suggestion, not orders. Nonetheless, a sincere and well intentioned effort to point an embattled employee in the direction of professional counseling may prove to be:
what is needed to help him or her overcome a personal crisis.
Sources of Assistance:
When the employee refuses the need for outside aid in a deteriorating marriage, then it may be the supervisor’s job to:
discreetly intervene in an attempt to salvage a good employee.
Sources of Assistance:
The seriously troubled employee, the depress officer, the individual who is seeing things in a way that distorts reality: All of these people may require
a quick referral to professional help.
Counselor- Counseled Relationship:
The relationship between counselor and counseled should be one of (blank and blank). Openness and truthfulness are the keys to any successful attempt at solving difficulties, whether personal or professional in nature.
mutual honesty and frankness
Counselor- Counseled Relationship:
The relationship between counselor and counseled should be one of mutual honesty and frankness. (Blank and blank) are the keys to any successful attempt at solving difficulties, whether personal or professional in nature.
Openness and truthfulness
Counselor- Counseled Relationship:
While the supervisor can never give advance promises of guaranteed confidentiality without knowing what the problem is, once he is satisfied that illegal or improper conduct is not the subject under discussion, he should:
give his promise of confidentiality without reserve.
Counselor- Counseled Relationship:
The police supervisor’s cardinal rule in his or her dealings with a subordinate of the opposite sex should be:
equality in all things.
Counselor- Counseled Relationship:
The police supervisor’s cardinal rule in his or her dealings with a subordinate of the opposite sex should be equality in all things. If employee problems of a personal nature are to be discussed at a counseling session, it is often a good idea to:
have another supervisor present during the meeting.
The police supervisor’s role as a counselor and advisor is as delicate as it is vital to:
to the employee, agency, and public.
Counseling employees of the opposite gender is a task that merits the supervisor’s:
utmost skills and professionalism as well as sincerity.
Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (4)
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; or
- Submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Sexual Harassment:
While sexual harassment is frequently viewed as something a male commits against a female:
any combination of genders can be part of sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment:
The key reason that the supervisor must not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace is a humane one:
it is simply wrong and unethical to permit another human being to be treated in such a manner.
What is one way supervisors assist employees facing work demands or personal crises?
Through timely intervention.
What might prompt a police supervisor to intervene in an employee’s behavior?
Violation of departmental rules or directives.
How does the accessibility and reputation of a supervisor affect employee’s seeking help?
It encourages employees to seek guidance.
A supervisor with a reputation for caring and sensitivity is likely to:
Have more opportunities to intervene early.
Before a supervisor can effectively counsel employees, what must they first do?
Acknowledge the existence of a problem.
What can cause uncertainty and distress among police personnel?
Organizational changes in staffing or policy.
What might employees worry about when staffing level changes occur?
Being laid off.
Why are financial disasters particularly unsettling for employees?
Many employees are just making ends meet.
What might personality or mood changes indicate in an employee?
Serious personal issues.
What could abuse of sick leave indicate?
Newly developed problems.
Why might a previously devoted employee spend more company time on personal errands?
They are getting back at the employer.
What might it signify if an employee is suddenly being avoided by peers?
They have become unpleasant company.
What are some signs that an employee might have a serious drinking problem?
Bloodshot eyes, flushed face, and smell of alcohol.
What is the first step in problem solving?
Detecting the existence of a problem.
How should a supervisor approach a troubled employee?
In a thoughtful, calm manner.
What should a supervisor do if an employee denies the existence of any difficulties when there are clear difficulties?
Persist without being antagonistic.
What determines whether a supervisor can permit a waiting period before continuing the discussion of a problem?
The seriousness of the apparent problem.
What should a supervisor do after expressing a sincere desire to help an employee?
Communicate a clear indication of the changes expected.
How can a police supervisor gain more insight into an employee’s past difficulties?
By conducting a thorough “research” effort on the employee’s personnel file.
What should a supervisor look for as a symptom of work problems?
Changes in physical appearance.
What is the primary role of a police supervisor when dealing with an employee with major personal problems?
Seeking professional assistance to supplement their efforts.
Why do police supervisors need additional resources outside of policing for solving personal difficulties?
They are not highly trained counselors by profession.
What might make it difficult for a supervisor to convince an employee to seek additional aid?
The employee’s disbelief in the problem’s existence.
What is a required response when a police officer exhibits extreme irrational behavior?
Relieving the officer from duty immediately.
What should a supervisor do if an employee shows significant behavioral changes?
Refer the employee to professional help quickly.
How can a police supervisor assist a professional counselor in treating a police employee?
By offering insight into the problem, with the employee’s permission.
What is a key component of a successful counselor- counseled relationship?
Honesty and frankness.
How should gender differences be treated in the workplace?
With equality in all things.
What should a supervisor do to avoid perceptions of sexual misconduct?
Treat all genders equally and avoid special treatment.
What might be a beneficial practice during a counseling session with an employee of the opposite sex?
Have another supervisor present in the meeting.
What is a key aspect of the mentoring process for a police supervisor?
Preparing the subordinate for a future leadership role.
How do mentoring and coaching relate in the context of preparing a subordinate?
They complement each other in developing both skills and attitudes.