Workplace Gold Ch. 6 Motivation Flashcards
It is often said that leaders do not motivate employees, but:
help employees motivate themselves.
It is often said that leaders do not motivate employees, but help employees motivate themselves. A lack of motivation can be contagious, and there are a lot of factors that can contribute to:
Will removing a demotivating factor always increase motivation?
Not always. Improving motivation requires additional effort.
Removing a demotivating factor will not always increase motivation. Improving motivation requires:
additional effort.
External motivators that may be beyond your control to provide your employees include tangibles like pay, promotions, commendations, and equipment. External motivator that you can control and that are available to any supervisor include: (4)
- Keeping employees informed about things that affect their job.
- Coaching
- Career mentoring; and
- providing- or atleast recommending- professional development opportunities
True or false:
What makes motivating subordinates so difficult is that fulfilling an external need for one employee may not fill the need of others.
But if the change is needed, or atleast is not a flawed idea, the fact that you (blank) the employee may be more of a motivational factor than the actual change.
Improved motivation often develops in one person at a time
listened to.
These are the unseen internal factors that contribute to an employees motivation: note: the answer is in the question
Internal motivators.
Internal motivators: (6)
- Curiosity
- Challenges
- Desire to possess at least some level of control over what happens to them
- Enjoyment, contentment, fulfillment- or plain old fashioned job satisfaction
- Satisfaction they get from belonging to a group
- Competition
Employees who understand the following are more likely to feel motivated about their work: (3)
- Their role in the organization
- Their purpose
- The importance of their role in completing the organization’s mission
The more you get to know your employees, the more successful you will be at:
understanding what motivates them.
This internal motivator can motivate employees and push them towards their maximum potential by raising the bar (their own standards).
This internal motivator can motivate an employee because it encourage the employee to explore new tasks and new assignments.
Internal motivators: the desire to possess atleast (blank) over what happens to them is another powerful motivator for employees.
some level of control.
(Blank) is another strong internal motivator for some, as it offers both a challenge and the potential for recognition.
(Blank, blank, blank) or plain old fashioned personal job satisfaction can be powerful internal motivators.
Enjoyment, contentment, fulfillment
Its not your job to motivate others, its your job to:
create a work environment where motivation can flourish.
Many employees are motivated by the (blank- 8 words). This is especially true in law enforcement. A certain bond of camaraderie (even a family like feeling) exists with others in the same organization or even the same profession. This motivational factor increases in specialized work groups or teams within an agency.
satisfaction they get from belonging to a group.
The unmotivated- The failure is theirs, not yours. If they have no wants, no desires, or goals that you can help them fulfill, they may be:
impossible to motivate.
You can train, retrain, badger, coerce, threaten, discipline, provide endless enticements, and even lead by example, but it will not make a difference to:
a person who refuses to be motivated.
The unmotivated: What should you do?
Work hard to build a positive work environment- where most people look forward to coming to work and where motivation has the chance to flourish.
Some employees should never have been hired. For those employees, it is likely that more management than leadership will be required, and accountability- rather than motivation.
Some employees should never have been hired. For those employees, it is likely that more (blank) than leadership will be required, and (blank) rather than motivation.
Your subordinate’s motivation starts with:
You being motivated.
Be a role model and start with yourself.
True motivation is the responsibility of:
each individual, and nowhere is that truer than for you.
You will find that motivation (blank), rather than (blank), action.
motivation follows, rather than proceeds, action.
If you recognize a task that needs to be done, start the task, even if you do not feel motivated. The (blank) particularly the successful completion, will develop motivation. The initial motivation results in more progress.
the action itself.
As a supervisor, you need to (blank) and provide (blank) to employees- some of whom you do not even like.
engage with and provide feedback to
Your motivation serves as a positive example for your employees. Motivated supervisors have the drive to achieve, and that drive can be:
Your self motivation can help motivate those you supervise. More importantly, you cannot begin to motivate others until you motivate yourself.
What is often said about leaders and employee motivation?
Leaders help employees motivate themselves.
What can contribute to demotivation?
A lot of different factors.
What is a common misconception about removing demotivating factors?
It will not necessarily increase motivation.
What do external motivators include?
Pay, promotions, commendations, and equipment
Which of the following is NOT an external motivator?
a. pay
b. promotions
c. commendations
d. curiosity
Curiosity. it is an internal motivator.
What external motivator can supervisors control?
a. pay raises
b. keeping employees informed
c. office location
d. employee benefits
keeping employees informed
Why is motivating subordinates difficult?
Fulfilling an external need for one employee may not fill the need of others.
What might be more of a motivational factor than the actual change suggested by an employee?
The fact that you listened to the employee.
What can curiosity motivate an employee to do?
Explore new tasks and assignments.
What can challenges do for an employee?
Push them towards their maximum potential.
What is a powerful motivator related to control?
Desire to possess control over decision affecting their work and lives.
What kind of recognition can be a strong motivator for employees?
Both informal recognition and increased respect.
What type of motivator is the bond of camaraderie?
Internal motivator
In what profession is the bond of camaraderie especially true?
Law enforcement
What internal motivator can exist even if an employee dislikes a current assignment?
Personal job satisfaction
What should supervisors learn about their employees to improve motivation?
What parts of the job they most enjoy
What is another strong internal motivator?
a. external rewards
b. job dissatisfaction
b. competition
d. lack of challenges
What should supervisors do to understand what motivates their employees?
Get to know them personally
What works wonders on employees who possess the potential to be motivated?
Leading by example
What should supervisors not do when dealing with chronically unmotivated employees?
Beat themselves up for failing to motivate them
What might chronically unmotivated employees do only when consequences are severe?
Perform required tasks
What is the key to creating a work environment where motivation can flourish?
Building a positive work environment.
What should supervisors understand about their best efforts to motivate employees?
They may have no influence in some employees.
What might be required more than leadership for employees who should never have been hired?
Management and accountability.
What must supervisors do for their own motivation?
Motivate themselves from within.
What should supervisors avoid waiting for before carrying out responsibilities?
Inspiration or motivation.
What often follows rather than proceeds action?
What should supervisors do even if they initially lack motivation for a task?
Start the task and make progress.
what effect does a motivated supervisor have on their employees?
Positive example and contagious motivation.
What is crucial for supervisors to understand about motivating other?
They cannot motivate others until they motivate themselves.