Common Sense Ch. 11 - The Police Leader as a Manager Flashcards
The primary supervisor or sergeant must concern himself with the (blank, blank) problems of the working police unit. The first line supervisor shares his superior’s concerns for getting the agency’s jobs done and done well. He works to keep channels of communication open not only laterally, but up and down the chain of command.
daily, practical
The primary supervisor or sergeant must concern himself with the daily, practical problems of the working police unit. The first line supervisor shares his superior’s concerns for getting the agency’s jobs done and done well. He works to keep channels of communication open not only laterally, but:
up and down the chain of command.
The supervisor assists the mid-level manager by recommending his people for (blank, blank, and blank). As he directs, controls, and coordinates, the supervisor serves as a manager in every sense of the term.
awards, recognition, and other incentives
The supervisor assists the mid-level manager by recommending his people for awards, recognition, and other incentives. As he (blank, blank, and blank), the supervisor serves as a manager in every sense of the term.
directs, controls, and coordinates
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)
- Interagency liaison
- Personnel matters
- Role model
- Information Transmitter and Relay
- Interpretation and Clarification
- Quality Control
- General Supervision
- Information Source
- Special assignments
- Community Relations.
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
Carries out day to day contacts with his counterparts from other agencies within the criminal justice system.
Interagency Liaison
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
The manager devotes a great deal of his time to both the prevention and treatment of Personnel problems
Personnel Matters
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
Set the mood for the work group. A little fairness, good temperament, sound judgment, and a liberal application of plain old common sense can achieve remarkable results as morale builders and mood setters.
Role Model
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
The effective manager utilizes information well when he relays it to those who will use it.
Information Transmitter and Relay
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
When the police manager find information that is incomplete, confusing, or unclear -The alert manager will seek clarification before passing it along.
Interpretation and Clarification
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
The manager also serves as a quality control inspector for people who employ him.
Quality Control
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
Daily functions of a first line supervisor.
General Supervision.
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
A resource person for those beside him, above him, and below him in the chain of command. The supervisor’s subordinate will call upon his job knowledge and expertise more than any other single group of people.
Information Source
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
May be called upon to execute projects of research and development, budgeting and finance, or investigation and reporting. The expanded experience the supervisor gains from exercising his managerial skills will make him a better candidate for promotion.
Special Assignments
When the first line supervisor is fulfilling his obligations as a manager, he is engaging in some of these “more specific” activities. The activities include: (10)- Which does the following refer to:
Supervisor is an ambassador of his agency. He is a viable representative of its goals, objectives, and practices as these thing relate to the public at large. As a police representative to the community, the police supervisor will find that his manager’s role includes the task of translator and, sometimes, defender of police actions and methods to a concerned public.
Community Relations.
Handling Specialized Tasks- Much of the specialized work done by the police supervisor serving in a managerial capacity will be reduced to written form. When this written work is done completely and adequately, the person to whom it is submitted should have little more to do than:
read it and approve or disapprove the final product.
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Statement of the problem
- Background information
- Recommend Action or Proposed Solution
- Alternatives
- Action or Approval Section
- Attachments or Appendices
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Statement of the problem
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Background information
- May be the lengthiest part of the composition. In this section, he will attempt to give his reading audience an appreciation of all the important information relevant to the issue.
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Recommended Action or Proposed Solution
-Sets forth conclusions as to needed actions or repairs. Establishes a timetable if needed.
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Alternatives
-List other problems or solutions to the problem
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Action or Approval Section
-Allows reviews up the chain of command to indicate personal feelings and preferences
For the sake of consistency, the supervisor preparing a written version of his work should follow a standard format. The problem-oriented project might be laid out in six sections:
- Attachments or Appendices
-Any lengthy, involved material inappropriate for the main body of the document should go here as supportive evidence or explanation.
By the time his work is completed on the assignment, the supervisor functioning in his managers role should have covered three vital areas of concern:
- He has conducted a study of the situation or problem.
- He has presented a solution or recommended a change and has back up the proposal with facts
- He has submitted the work to his boss for review
The Finished Product:
Work submitted by the manager can range from a quickly and relatively easily prepared inquiry to a:
time-consuming, exhaustive study.
One kind of sensitive and special assignment that may fall to the supervisor/manager is the:
“after action” critique of a police tactical operation.
One kind of sensitive and special assignment that may fall to the supervisor/manager is the “after action” critique of a police tactical operation. The preparation and review of this report is extremely important to the:
healthy police agency.
In the preparation of the final written accounting, the manager’s most useful tools will be the:
rewrite and the revision.
Attitudes Towards Change:
Change is inevitable. Human beings grouped into work organizations have long appeared resistant, in varying degrees, to change, or at least to it’s:
effects upon them.
Policing has been accused of being a field particularly resistant to change. Change merely for the sake of change is as (blank) in policing as it is in any other area of human endeavor.
Policing has been accused of being a field particularly resistant to:
The sensible police leader is constantly looking for ways in which he might alter his unit or department to get the job done (blank, blank, and blank).
better, quicker, more effectively.
The sensible police leader is constantly looking for ways in which he might alter his unit or department to get the job done better, quicker, more effectively. Where he finds need and room for such a change, he becomes a (blank) for it to both his supervisors and subordinates.
The supervisor should remember that he must often convince many people, besides himself, that a proposed alteration will be beneficial and worth the efforts expended on it. He does this by:
first getting his own facts straight and then by presenting them logically and clearly.
The supervisor should remember that he must often convince many people, besides himself, that a proposed alteration will be:
beneficial and worth the efforts expended on it.
Confronted with a change in policy or procedure, the supervisor reviews it for (blank and blank) before he passes it on to others
completeness and clarity.
In serving in his managers role, the police supervisor is not doing anything all that different from what he does daily as a front-line leader of police personnel. He is still (blank, blank, and blank) activities in which people and things get the job done as well as possible.
directing, controlling, and coordinating
The first line supervisor is a key part of:
The first line supervisor is a key part of management. The manager must serve always as:
a positive role model.
The manager must accept change and be prepared to:
explain it and support it to his subordinates.
How does the role of a mid-level manager differ from that of a first line supervisor?
Mid- level managers consider the bigger picture and coordinate among various units.
What shared concern do first line supervisors and mid-level managers have?
Ensuring effective communication and skilled service delivery.
What role does the first line supervisor play in the disciplinary process?
He participates full to maintain agency integrity and credibility.
What is an important aspect of the supervisor’s role as a manager in a police agency?
Engaging in various planning activities and assembling resources.
What specific activity is part of the police manager’s role in interagency liaison?
Maintaining daily contacts with counterparts from other agencies.
In what personnel matters should a first- line supervisor be involved?
Decisions related to hiring, firing, merit awards, and discipline.
How does a supervisor serve as a role model for subordinates?
By setting a healthy job atmosphere and displaying fairness and common sense.
What is an effective way for a manager to relay information?
Ensuring that the message is passed and received without distortion.
what should a police manager do when faced with unclear or incomplete information?
Seek clarification before passing it along.
What is an example of quality control activity for a police manager?
Checking the quality of investigative reports or summonses.
How can a manager effectively serve as an information transmitter and relay?
By ensuring accurate and unaltered transmission of messages.
How does a skilled police manager serve as an information source within the organization?
By providing advice based on his previous job experiences.
What should the “statement of the problem” section in a report include.
Identification of the problem, the necessity of action, and relevant issue.
What formula can be used in the “background information” section of a report?
Five W’s: Who, What, when, Where, Why, and How.
In the “recommended action or proposed solution” section, what should be included?
Timetable for implementation, reasons for the recommendations, and proposed actions.
Why might a supervisor choose to include and “alternatives” section in a report?
To list other possible solutions and explain why they were not recommended.
What is the purpose of the “action or approval” section of a report?
To seek feedback and approval from higher-ups.
What type of material should be included in the “attachments or appendices” section?
Lengthy, involved material inappropriate for the main body of the document.
What are the three vital areas of concern a supervisor should cover in an assignment?
Conducting a study, presenting a solution with supporting facts, and submitting work for review.
Before submitting a completed project or presentation, what should a supervisor ask himself?
Is this finished, and does it provide enough information for intelligent decision making?
What is a key concern when conducting an administrative investigation of a minor accident involving a police vehicle?
Ensuring the facts are accurate and complete.
Why are humans generally resistant to change within work organizations?
They find security in the known and familiar.
How have police leaders over the past decade influenced change in law enforcement?
By actively promoting and implementing change.
What is the problem with change merely for the sake of change in policing?
It is wasteful and often unnecessary.
What should a sensible police leader aim for when implementing change?
To get the job done better, quicker, and more effectively.
How should a police supervisor present a proposed change to ensure acceptance?
By getting his facts straight and presenting them logically and clearly.
What are some key benefits of change that can help in gaining acceptance from police officers?
The change will make the job easier, safer, faster, or more comfortable.
What is the supervisor’s responsibility when faced with reservations about proposed changes?
To set forth reservations appropriately and avoid public dramatics.
Why is it important for a supervisor to get answers to questions about a proposed change before passing it on?
To ensure clarity and save time and potential grief later on.
What attitude towards change is considered acceptable and logical for employees to have?
A “whats in it for me?” attitude.
How can a supervisor anticipate and address the personal stakes of employees regarding proposed changes?
By tailoring the presentation to show benefits that align with their interests.
What should a supervisor do when reviewing a proposed change in police or procedure?
Review it for completeness and clarity, and seek answers to any additional questions.