Workplace Gold Ch. 2- Morale Killers Flashcards
If you cannot influence a coworker of the same rank as you to your way of thinking, atlaest try to convince them to:
Supervise their subordinates however they see fit, but to allow you to do the same with your subordinates.
Try to establish a mutual agreement not to undermine each other in front of the other’s subordinates.
Who are the morale killers who pose the most significant challenge?
The morale killers who outrank you.
Best hope of influencing a morale killer who out ranks you?
Establish a strong working relationship with them in advance.
If you work under a morale killer boss, who needs you? And what do they need?
- Your subordinates need you
- They need:
- Guidance, feedback, recognition
- Need you to run interference so that their negative interaction with your morale killing boss is minimal
Show them that genuine leaders are not morale killers.
Besides performance results, today, the public demands more (blank) and more (blank)than ever before.
Accountability and transparency.
What doe morale killers thrive on, and what do they promote?
They thrive on negativity and promote low morale.
Is rank an indicator of who is, or is not, a morale killer?
No. Morale killers come in all ranks.
They do not get cured just because they get promoted.
What do morale killers cause?(7)
- Reduced productivity
- Burnout
- Stress
- Employee turnover
- Sick time abuse
- Conflicts between co-workers
- Negative interactions with the public
With your subordinates, you have atleast some ability to require a change. You can accomplish this in one of two ways. What is the first way?
Lead them in such a way that you build trust and commitment.
With your subordinates, you have at lest some ability to require a change. You can accomplish this in one of two ways. For those subordinates who are not swayed by your great leadership efforts or personal charisma, what is the 2nd way?
You outrank them. You have positional authority.
Note: Not the best option for achieving peak performance, but its an option.
For co-workers who are the same rank as you, and over whom you have no positional authority, you are left with only (blank).
And what does it mean?
Personal authority.
This means you can influence, but not compel.
The application of any leadership strategy needs to be tempered by:
The reality of managing a real police department with real problems.
That one employee you talk about almost every night at home over dinner. They give you a headache thinking about them before you even arrive at work in the morning.
Your #1 morale killer.
People can certainly change, but they must (blank). Unfortunately, many morale killers (of all ranks) fail to see a need to change- even when instructed to change.
want to change.
People can certainly change, but they must want to change. Unfortunately, many morale killers (of all ranks) fail to (blank)- even when instructed to change.
see a need to change
Good leadership can influence some people to want to change, but others will:
resist that influence.
When you have positional authority, you can compel:
a subordinates compliance to a minimum standard.
Change what you can:
First, you can lead them in such a way that you build trust and commitment. (Blank), (blank), and (blank) of trust building strategies certainly helps
Charisma, communication style, and knowledge
Having personal authority(same rank) means you can influence but not compel. The better work relationship you build with that person, the better chance you have of:
influencing their behavior.
What is right is not always:
the easiest or most popular course of action.
The morale killers who outrank you:
pose the most significant challenge.
You will sometimes encounter a morale-killing boss who, not only refuses to acknowledge any mistakes were made, but clearly does not want your feedback. If you work under those conditions, please do not give up. You subordinates need you. They need a positive role model. They need you for: (3)
guidance, feedback, and recognition.
What is a common result of having a morale killer in the workplace?
Reduced productivity
Which is NOT a characteristic of a morale killer?
A. sucking enjoyment out of the job
B. showing initiative occasionally
c. promoting low morale
d. motivating coworkers who are disgruntled
showing initiative occasionally
What is a typical behavior of a morale killer?
Complaining and blaming
What is the authors advice for dealing with morale killers among subordinates?
leading them to build trust and commitment
How and a supervisor compel a subordinate’s compliance?
by using positional authority
What can help a newly promoted individual lose their morale killing tendencies?
Receiving proper training and developing leadership skills.
What is a common reaction to morale killers in the workplace?
reduced productivity and increased stress.
What can happen if a coworker of the same rank undermines your leadership?
It can cause problems with your subordinates.
What is an essential strategy for influencing coworkers of the same rank?
building better work relationships
How should you handle differences in opinion with another supervisor?
Establish a mutual agreement not to undermine eachother.
What poses the most significant challenge when dealing with morale killers?
morale killers who outrank you.
What is the best hope for influencing a morale killing superior?
Establish a strong working relationship.
what should you do if your feedback is demeaned by a morale killing boss?
Continue to be a positive role model
What can help in establishing a strong working relationship with a superior?
Providing constructive feedback
What should supervisors remember when dealing with subordinates and morale killers?
Employees need positive role models and guidance.
What is the key to dealing with a morale killing co-worker of the same rank?
Influencing their behavior through personal authority.
How should you handle public comments from coworkers about your leadership style?
Do what is right for your subordinates
What should supervisors avoid when building work relationships (same rank)?
Undermining each other in front of subordinates
what is a crucial factor in achieving peak performance from subordinates?
Building trust and commitment
What should supervisors do if their advice is resisted by coworkers?
Convince them to allow you to supervise your way
How should supervisors handle morale killers who are good test-takers but lack people skills?
Provide them with proper training.
What is a common behavior of morale killers who refuse to change?
Displaying demeaning and micromanaging behavior
What is a potential consequence of having a morale killer as a supervisor?
Reduced employee trust and commitment
How can supervisors with no positional authority influence their coworkers?
Building better work relationships
What should supervisors focus on when dealing with morale killers of the same rank?
Building better work relationships
What is an essential quality for supervisors to have when dealing with morale killers?
Courage to provide feedback
What is the ultimate goal when dealing with morale killers in the workplace?
Maintaining a positive work environment
What is a critical component of influencing morale killers who outrank you?
Establishing a strong working relationship